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Everything posted by doggiestyles

  1. doggiestyles

    Who else has to wait until Tuesday night

    I have the good fortune to have already won and I still have R. White, Turner, and Vick to play.
  2. doggiestyles

    Rob Gronkowski

    I had him started with confidence before Hernandez was declared out. They seem to alternate stats every other week. This was Gronkowski's week to score. 9 TD's for the rook TE and he is a heck of a blocker to boot.
  3. doggiestyles

    People playing against Eagle/Viking

    I heard on the news this morning that Philly received 5.8 inches of snow.
  4. doggiestyles

    Over under how many quarters Roddy White plays monday

    Sounds like a great place to be proud of. Grats
  5. doggiestyles

    I'm starting a rumor

    How bout Orton under center for da Vikes next season
  6. doggiestyles

    Super Bowl teams

    Mine also. 10th pick in 1st round
  7. doggiestyles

    All aboard the Vick Train to Glory!

    so do I ... lol
  8. doggiestyles

    LeGarrette Blount

    I dont think so. Dayne was never the punishing type back that this guy is. He also wasnt near as fast.
  9. doggiestyles

    Scandal in our leagues playoff game

    Id ask the commish to bring it to the league for a vote. If they're a bunch of chumps, Id find a new league.
  10. doggiestyles

    All aboard the Vick Train to Glory!

    I really think your over thinking this. Vick can put up enough points in a half(not just last week). He likes to run the ball inside the 10. Last week the Vikqueens were careful not to kick to Hester(oops they did once). There is no way they kick to DeSean Jax. The Vikes will punt early and often. They're still not too bad against the run and are horrific lately against the pass. In fact Cutler (3 tds) had quite a game as should Vick. I expect Vick to play at least 3 1/2 quarters. They have not clinched the division or home field advantage. Play Vick with confidence.
  11. doggiestyles

    LeGarrette Blount

    In my opinion(which isnt worth much) they have the worst offensive line in football. I feel he would be an absolute beast with an great line. He missed all of the preseason with the Bucs. In his second year he will learn much more about pass blocking. This should result in more plays designed to get him the ball in space. Im looking forward to watching him run over opposing defenses next season. He wont be ranked very high in the draft next year. If Tampa can improve their o-line, he may be a steal.
  12. doggiestyles

    Playoff Waiver Wire

    Amen, This is right on!
  13. doggiestyles

    LeGarrette Blount

    If the Bucs can bolster their offensive line for next year, Blount and the Bucs could be for real! Watch as the offseason progresses. I wouldnt be surprized if Blount ends up in the 5-10 range amongst all rbs next year.
  14. doggiestyles

    I'm starting a rumor

    My rumor is Deangelo Williams to the Packers. This would be a fantastic fit.
  15. This post is just trolling to get responses.........nothing to see here, move along
  16. doggiestyles

    Brett Favre may play?

    Well stated
  17. doggiestyles

    All aboard the Vick Train to Glory!

    I have come to understand that 50% of what is said here is BS and the other 50% is lies. Its like chatting with fishermen.
  18. doggiestyles

    All aboard the Vick Train to Glory!

    Im looking forward to next week. Vick at home vs the vikqueens!!! The rest of my team could lay goose eggs and I might still win.
  19. doggiestyles

    #1 FF Pick in 2011

    Im riding Vick to my FF Super Bowl! That being said, Most people might be more prone to take a quarterback with less chance of injury next season. Manning, Brees, Brady, and Rivers could go higher than Vick. It is quite coceivable that Vick could drop to the second round. I think when healthy, Vick is #1 hands down. The draft is all about value. Wait for Vick.
  20. doggiestyles

    NFL Playoffs Fantasy Football

    Our league also does this. Its a ton of fun and keeps the fantasy football going.
  21. doggiestyles

    Brett Favre may play?

    The problem with this is that he will change his mind 3 more times before the start of the game and end up playing
  22. doggiestyles

    Superbowl XLV

    I like Vick to make it to the Super Bowl. He will win me my Super Bowl next week at home vs Minn
  23. doggiestyles

    Any sleeper TEs for week 15?

    This is my horn....toot-toot........Gronk next week
  24. doggiestyles

    Sleeper handcuff

    Chet Taylor for chi? Good Luck
  25. doggiestyles

    Week 15 weather forecasts

    I understand that Webb is so terrible......Chicago is going to put 12 in the box to stop AP.