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Posts posted by BRANDON ROSS

  1. As much animosity as plays out publicly between the reps and dems, you know they have more than a few unspoken agreements between the leadership of both parties to maintain the status quo, and keep the gravy train flowing.


    Ron Paul threatens a lot of people. High level bureaucrats that behind the scenes. Special interest groups that know he has put out too many specific positions to be bent by their contributions. Most importantly, the military industrial complex that has a huge interest in keeping as many of our troops overseas as possible.

  2. But they define a "second hand dealer" as "every person in this state engaged in the business of buying, selling, trading in, or otherwise acquiring or diposing of junk or used or second hand property..."


    So to me, that would include garage sales, flea markets, swap meets etc. I understand trying to give law enforcement a tool to track down stolen property but this seems a little excessive.


    I'm really surprised such a strong red state would pass something that takes away so much personal freedom. Guess I shouldn't be, but I am.

  3. Mrs. kutulu recently completed an esthetician (skin care) course and actually just got a new part time job in the field. She's always asking if she can "give me a facial". My standard response, "Only if I can give you one, too". :banana:


    ok, that's a good one. Seriously though, my toe nails on my big toes crack a lot, and I use Nail Envy (clear) to keep them from splitting all the way. It works great, but I need some pointers on my technique.

  4. :thumbsdown:



    So if I want to sell some of my junk at a garage sale, I can't accept cash?


    Sounds like boolshitt to me.


    The law says "dealer". I'm not sure if you have to get some type of license to be a junk dealer, but either way the govt has been trying to charge capital gains on small purchases to force precious metals investors to pay taxes on their profits for a while now.

  5. I didn't see this posted anywhere, but it seems pretty radical. The bill's author states the reason was to limit the selling of stolen property, but I think we know that tax collection is their number one priority. Question: Is this legal since out currency is supposed to be legal tender for all debts public and private?



    "A secondhand dealer shall not enter into any cash transactions in payment for the purchase of junk or used or secondhand property. Payment shall be made in the form of check, electronic transfers, or money order issued to the seller of the junk or used or secondhand property and made payable to the name and address of the seller. All payments made by check, electronic transfers, or money order shall be reported separately in the daily reports required by R.S. 37:1866."





  6. Decker...really?


    You should know better.


    Tebow at QB


    WR's are


    Demarius Thomas

    Eddie Royal



    in no order but I see nothing but heartache here....


    Yeah, it's not Tebow you have to worry about, but the other guys getting healthy. I mean, Thomas has to come back eventually right?

  7. Personally I don't think he's shown anything to suggest he'll be late season gold. He's been healthy for 2 weeks now and has gotten jack for playtime. McGahee has decent #'s so unless he goes down I don't see Moreno doing anything.


    That said, what else is available on your WW? If someone like Ridley is there I'd consider taking a shot at him.


    I'm thinking about dropping him for Torain.

  8. And with Obama's economy and our focking FED I see it going lower. :thumbsdown:


    You don't understand. When the price of treasuries goes down this fund goes up. Institutional investors have been cramming into US Treasury Bonds like commuters on a Japanese subway due to stock market volatility and concerns over European sovereign funds. The Fed had kept the price high by purchasing US Treasuries with POMO to keep the Fed Funds rate at the near zero point. There are several factors that could significantly influence the price of U.S. Treasuries.


    "52 week low is 18.16. It can go lower. " Did you perchance look to see what the 52 Week high was? :doublethumbsup:

  9. Hernandez or Chandler


    I have Heap now and may just drop him for one of these 2. Or keep Heap and dumop my #6 WR on my team.


    Yeah, if Hernandez were out there it wouldn't even be a question. I think I'll drop Celek and for Moore.
