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Posts posted by DaDanimal


    i disagree and think you are in really good position. To me, the drop off comes in the middle of round 3. Of course this is all up to individual preference.


    If i'm at pick 2, im taking charles or mccoy and then when it gets back to you, you're looking at Jeffery, ABrown, Cobb, Nelson, Gronkowski, Gio, Martin. Unless Gio makes it, i don't love any of the RB options so i usually go WR-WR or WR-Gronk.


    but i happen to be very high on Jeffery, Brown and Cobb.


    I am high on Gio...just hasn't been making it to me in most the mocks and I know in my league it'll be a long shot as would Alshon

  2. I drew the #2 pick in my 12 team non ppr.


    I can grab Shady, Jamaal, (maybe even Forte) at 2 but by the time the snake comes back around everything looks pretty bleak. Is it just me or is there a big drop off from the tiers this year.

  3. A fockin pokemon themed logo is being called "excellent"?


    G.D. kids :doh:


    I couldn't hashtag enough crap to say how dumb this is


    I'm 27 and married. I'll try to keep my fantasy team names less clever and more serious in the future. Deepest regrets.
