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Everything posted by Ramaniac

  1. Ramaniac

    .5ppr who to start?

    Little, Dickson, Cook Little gets more looks than the other 2 and Cleve will likely be playing from behind against Niners.
  2. Ramaniac

    Andre Johnson status and trade

    Not sure what your scoring system is but this trade leaves you pretty weak at RB. However, the upside possibility that AJ will come back from his injury in a big way will give you the option to weigh your entire lineup toward big production at WR. Also, it's not exactly like Greene or Thomas have been tearing it up and you're 3-4 so sometimes a change like this can do you good. Tough call. I'd be tempted to pull the trigger.
  3. Ramaniac

    Colston for Desean or Stevie Johnson

    D-Jax has been too inconsistent this year but Stevie Johnson has been a solid producer all year long and should continue to be Fitz's go-to guy in the red zone going forward.. Brees spreads the ball around a lot so Colston's upside is outweighed by Johnson's IMO so I'd pull the trigger on that deal if I were you.
  4. Ramaniac

    Who would you trade for Forte?

    Offer Greene and White and see if he bites. Greene rushed for 100+ last week and White had a TD so I'd try to sell that. Good luck. Reply to mine if you would. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=393815
  5. Ramaniac

    Here for ANY and ALL questions!

    http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=393815 Any help appreciated!
  6. You're loaded at RB and although White has been off this year he got a TD last week so maybe he is turning it around. I'd probably do it.
  7. Ramaniac

    Ahmad Bradshaw or Demarco Murray

    Before you go crazy for Murray you need to remember his big game was against the Rams (See "Torrey Smith"). I'd go Bradshaw until Murray shows he can do it against a quality team.
  8. Ramaniac

    McFadden deal...

    I'd be leery about giving Fitz for Jones. Jones is a #2 WR at best and Fitz could break out at any time. Still, tempting to get McFadden for S-Jax in a dynasty league....does he have a better WR option you could bargain for?
  9. Ramaniac

    Is it worth it to pickup a Kicker?

    I agree. Ride the hot hand.
  10. Ramaniac

    Sproles or Greene?

    Standard scoring rules....Sproles on Sunday at Tampa Bay or Shonn Greene at Miami Monday night? I'm leaning Greene but every time I trust him he goes bust for me it seems. Sproles is high risk, high reward. Any advice appreciated.
  11. Ramaniac

    big fred jackson trade

    Tough call. Seems a little tilted toward the other guy with 2-for-3 so I'd be tempted to stand pat unless he gave me a better QB option or threw in a third player. JMO of course.
  12. Ramaniac

    Sproles or Greene?

    Thanks. Just picked up Cruz on waivers so he complicated things but I think I'll go with the majority and run with Sproles. Thanks for the help!
  13. Ramaniac

    Pick my QB for Week 6

    Wow....tough call. Flacco has been less than stellar and McCoy is on the road against the Raiders. I might be tempted to pull the trigger with Dalton this week at home against Indy. Just a hunch.
  14. Ramaniac

    Need Lineup Help? Ask Here!

    Great idea. Start one at Flex....Darren Sproles, Victor Cruz or Shonn Greene. Thanks for the help.
  15. Ramaniac

    WR advice!

    Of the ones you are considering, Burress is the best bet to find the end zone. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=392581
  16. Ramaniac

    WR Help

    Maclin & Green http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=392581
  17. Ramaniac


    I'd wait for him to have a comeback game before rolling the dice. He's worth hanging onto, especially for a late-season run. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=392581
  18. Ramaniac

    Rice, Mike Williams, G. Little, or Baldwin

    Assume you mean Mike Williams of TB. He's been a real disappointment this year. Of the ones you mention, Doug Baldwin is the only one who has been producing so if you gotta make a move, he'd be the one I'd go for. Otherwise, not much of an upgrade. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=392581
  19. Ramaniac

    S. Jax for Cruz

    No way. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=392581
  20. Ramaniac

    bowe for gore straight up fair?

    A very smart guy once told me that "a deal is probably a fair one if both sides feel like they got screwed". This one qould seem to qualify. If you both have needs that this would fill, pull the trigger.
  21. Ramaniac

    Drop Cutler to pickup Tebow?

    I'm just not a Tebow believer. This is a passing league and he's not a passer. 'nuff said.
  22. Ramaniac

    Need some help

    My sentiments exactly.
  23. Ramaniac

    Starting Lineup Help Needed!

    ^ Yep....me too.
  24. Ramaniac

    Felix Vs Torrain

    I'd probably go with Torain.
  25. Ramaniac

    Roster help

    I'd go with Fitzpatrick. Ryan has been underachieving all year but Fitzpatrick has had some killer weeks. He's due for another IMO.