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Everything posted by Jonathanc5

  1. Jonathanc5

    Start Em Sit Em Advice

    2 questions: 1. Should I drop celek or G.Little for Vincent Brown? 2. Who to start .5ppr ? D.Thomas, Celek, Glittle Thanks!
  2. Jonathanc5

    Week 9 FU thread

    FU Daniel Thomas for saying all week you're ready to play and then ran twice. FU Hue Jackson for not playing your best WR in DHB and letting me get big fat zero. FU Vernon Davis for tempting me every week to start you and your talents and then not coming through. I'm just glad my opponent this week has a longer FU list.....
  3. Jonathanc5

    Which to start at RB?

    I'd probably go with Ogb since he doesn't need to share touches this week. Thanks for mine!
  4. Jonathanc5

    Who to start? .5 PPR

    Who to start, need 3 out of 5: .5 ppr league Starks, dthomas, g.little, DHB, ringer TE start: vdavis or celek Thanks!
  5. Jonathanc5

    Breaston / Addai for Crabs?

    Sf passing is too inconsistent, stick with what you got http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=394598
  6. Jonathanc5

    Wide Receiver ?

    Johnson and branch http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=394598
  7. Jonathanc5

    Trade Newton?

    I agree with the above. No to trade 1, 4. Yes to 2,3. Try trading broth for green! http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=394598
  8. Jonathanc5

    Must win...Please help lineup

    I like vjax then blloyd over colston. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=394598
  9. Jonathanc5

    New Poster, 2rb Chris Johnson problem.

    You may need to drop Bradshaw depending on the injury. Benson has a great remaining schedule. Wait on Ahmads injury update http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=394598
  10. Jonathanc5

    Flex help WHIR 100%

    I would go with Finley then DHB. Unfortunately with your players on bye you need to gamble a bit on upside if you want to take out a top seed. Would recommend safer options if you're going against lower seed. Good luck! http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=394598
  11. Jonathanc5

    Big Trade - My Forte for Welker

    I would not trade forte away at all. Try trading Murray+Marshall for his r.white and brown http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=394598
  12. Jonathanc5

    Here for ANY and ALL questions!

    Who to start, need 3 out of 5: Starks, dthomas, g.little, DHB, ringer TE start: vdavis or celek Thanks!
  13. Jonathanc5

    Sad RB situation

    I need a Rb for the week, keiland Williams or LaRod Stephen-howling? .5 ppr with return yards
  14. Jonathanc5

    Lineup assistance

    Moreno Nelson Simpson
  15. Jonathanc5

    Cj2k and White for AJ and Benson

    I agree, wait after this week before you consider trading CJ2K. I wouldn't pull this trade just yet.
  16. Jonathanc5

    Helu or Nate Burleson in the flex?

    I would go with Helu for the upside, Nate had one catch last week.... http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=394091
  17. Jonathanc5

    WDIS - Stafford or Hasselback

    I think it depends on your current projected matchup, if you are up and just need steady option go with hassleback but if you need the extra few points then I would play stafford. You should get an update tonight or tomorrow morning. Thanks for mine.
  18. Jonathanc5

    Wide out help

    Gresham http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=394091
  19. Jonathanc5

    Tebow over Romo?!?

    Romo, Philly can't defend TE and witten is great. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=394091
  20. Jonathanc5

    Tebow or Flacco?

    Flacco http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=394091
  21. Jonathanc5

    WR Dilemma WHIR

    I would drop Torrey smith for either brown or little, I may even drop Breaston or manningham for both. Brown has great potentials with Ward fading and Little is the go to guy in CLE. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=393860
  22. Jonathanc5

    .5ppr who to start?

    Please rank in order! G.little @ SF Ed Dickson v. ARI Jared Cook V. Colts .5 PPR. Thanks!
  23. Jonathanc5

    Bye Week TE

    Most places have miller ranked ahead of Shiancoe, I like them both http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=393860
  24. Jonathanc5

    Colston for Desean or Stevie Johnson

    I agree with most here, I would trade for Stevie but not Desean.
  25. Jonathanc5

    McFadden deal...

    I was going to suggest getting someone other than James jones and what you propose is good for you. Fitz+sjax+first round for DMC+aj green? Then yes I would do it! http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=393860