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Posts posted by sportsfreak2744

  1. Mccoy will never score that many TDs next year. Tate will vulture a lot more from foster.


    Must have Rodgers, Breed, Brady, Stafford, Newton if you really want to compete for title.


    Do NOT draft Roddy, Jennings, Wallace, Nicks, and the likes. They have poor value for draft slot and their wr teammate will almost surely outscore them. In oitherwords do not draft a wr until rd 4 or 5.


    At all costs draft graham, gronk and hernandez and you get huge advantage every week. 2nd round is not too early for these guys.


    Dont reach in rb...instead draft 2nd and 3rd tier in bulk


    I never structured position and rd but I can see







    Jennings I can see avoiding or being hesitant because of the knee and Roddy with Julio there but otherwise Wallace is still getting better and Nicks is still very young and a stud. I'll confidently draft either.

  2. 8 TD's on his last 51 targets. Finished the year great. I think he could be top 5. Best guess is he'll only be ranked around maybe 12 -15th with people worried about him sharing with White.


    Hope so. Would love to get him there.


    I'll draft Julio before I draft White. Julio makes White look ordinary.

  3. He has been playing football his whole life and never had to do this. Usually when people figure this out it is too late, it is very hard to change a life long habit. Remember, 20+ teams passed on this guy.


    His never having to do that doesn't mean it's a habit. Plenty of receivers have gotten into the NFL on freakish natural talent and only after they got into the league did they refine their skills and route running, etc. Tons of players in the NFL have big heads but most of them mature and learn to be a pro. I know he's a loose cannon right now but again I will be drafting him as an early WR2 just based on potential.

  4. I would be excited but Shanahan is unpredictable and unconventional as we know. Also, Helu is there. And Shanahan talked about bringing back Hightower. If he were on almost any other team I would be excited. But he's someone to keep an eye on.

  5. First of all I never said he was "terrible" or a "worthless 'fockin' bum." He is clearly a good back when healthy but that's the problem. I don't think he's special. I'm surprised at how many of you are defending him so much. You clearly didn't own him last year. He is a headache and that will continue.


    Just remember I told you so.


    EDIT: I just looked up some stats. His production is so average! I can't believe you guys. He only has 2 games in his career over 100 yards if you take out the 3 games all versus Denver. Yea yea I know those games count but I think that shows something.

  6. If Felix Jones is made of glass, Ryan Mathews is made of tissue paper. Wet tissue paper.


    This guy gets hurt 3 times a week during practice and then 3 more times during a game. I had him last year and he was the same way. Then when he plays he gets vultured by Tolbert.


    Sure, he's got "elite" talent. I guess. At least that's what everyone says. But I have yet to be "wowed" by him by the other backs that are elite.


    Word for the wise.

  7. I'd temper expectations on Antonio Brown. I don't doubt his real world talent but I don't see him scoring more than 7-8 touchdowns maximum in a season for the Steelers just like Holmes. In fact, he reminds me a lot of a young Holmes although he might be a tad smaller and have faster feet. Either way, I see Brown's fantasy value being highest in PPR. Ben clearly has a lot of chemistry with him as Brown is great at breaking off routes and getting open school-yard football style when Ben is running around outside the pocket. The catches will be there and the yards will come in big chunks but I don't see him ever being a dominant number 1 because of the lack of touchdowns. He should be a rock solid number 2 though.


    (From a Steelers fan)

  8. Patriots are set at running back. The two rookies both showed flashes of stardom. I wouldn't be surprised if Ridley gets a lot of touches in the playoffs.

    You can't rely on Pats running backs from year to year.


    Ridley looks like he has promise but Vereen is lurking and Woodhead and BJGE are still around. Very crowded.
