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Posts posted by RollingThunder

  1. Im currently only in dynasty leagues that draft in normal rounds(not snake) much like the nfl save we have more rounds. For a redraft league i would agree that the norm is a snake draft and I see no problem with that( its generally fair and pretty straight forward), though I also like auction type leagues.Im not sure where the fantasy football skill is so different from the two however, as my feeling is an auction league brings into play more barter/auction skills to go along with football knowledge...which is fun but not as simply about football knowledge while a snake just includes a little math and guess work to plan out your draft strategy.


    I think the snake draft is better at emulating the nfl style without losing a fair balance for building fantasy rosters..as doing a draft like my dynasty would be grossly unfair to redraft league owners.Auctions while not like the nfl, offer more intrigue as it becomes a game within a game.


    For me, I like variation, some leagues I like better then others..but having them different is often what keeps me interested in staying in them...though i would admit, sometimes it would be awful nice to only have to prepare for one and be set for them all lol

    theres my 2-cents

  2. alot depends on who im dealing with.Usually I try to send in an offer thats equal or better then im getting since im initiating things.However, if its someone who always counter offers for more, I might at times low ball them and work my way up instead.


    My philosophy though is that the only truly good deal is the deal that helps both parties.If Im just out to screw my neighbor, chances are he is going to be less likely to consider my future offers and then to im opening myself up to everyone else trying to pull one on me to try to get even so to speak. I just look for where our needs lie and what we can do to solve them....even if it means working a multi owner deal.

    Course if you are in a league of scoundrals and or people who are resistant to trades it kinda turns into a waste of time to put much effort in and a league im currently in is like that ..so usually there I make my first offer my best offer and move on if no deal struck.

  3. Reflecting on most of the leagues I've been a part of, it seems like most of the trading goes on between teams that are in the lowest quartile of the league. Since I've been playing, the top teams rarely trade, and they do their work on the waiver wire. :banana:


    In the leagues I have been in, the stronger teams tend to be the ones more open to trades and more sucessful at getting them.The the weaker quarter sometimes do as well but usually they are the trades you look at and ask why?Unfortunately, you can only trade with the same teams so much(especially when they become your toughest competitors and or their needs mirror yours)


    My take on the biggest obstacle to trades is how people value players and what resources they use to decide or help supplement their opinion. That coupled with many owners approach trades like they are hunting for the deal of the century at the local garage sale! They are not very interested in any deal that involves risk.


    Its been my experience that you can guarantee an owner to further overvalue his player by simply making offer on them.We have 30man rosters with the ability to protect 20 for next season and I tell you I have been sorely tempted to tender false offers just to fool them into protecting the wrong guys LOL. Lord knows that heaven forbid I actually express interest in a young project player(especially via tendering an offer) it almost guarantees that I will never get to own that player.


    Its almost funny too because if I own a player like thomas jones...1000yd back on a winning team albeit second tier with Benson hovering, I cant trade him and get zero interest even from teams who currently dont have a runningback.However, Maurice Jones-Drew get lots of interest though nobody is willing to even match what it cost to draft him.Now say those two players were on another team and I wanted them....would cost me multiple years of 1st roundpicks probably just for starters.


    My sucessful trades tend to come with me adding much sweetener to the pot...or me happen to having a current media darling that some owner just cant live with out.Sure there are other deals but like I said after awhile of trading with the same couple of teams that are also at the top you run out of deal options.Like another poster said you just have to exploit them via the draft...but it makes for some rough roads if you cant get to the players you need or if you experience draft duds at need posistions..can you say Enus,Dayne,Carruth,Terrell,C Rogers ouchies

  4. Well I guess I should feel better after seeing im not the only in the slow trading league boat (misery supposedly likes company im told)But I guess while I feel some relief, I also am starting to think its hopeless.


    I am in a 10 owner dynasty league(10th year) with 30man rosters.No, it has not really helped trading even with unrestricted trading.Here are the common trading struggles I have encountered....despite having built a solid team with surpluses to trade.


    1) You make an offer and they never get back to you


    2) You make and offer and they seem intrigued but need to think on it, wich entails a long protracted wait whilst they talk it over with one of their buddies in the league who convinces them not to do it(serious concerns that the advice has more to do with themselves then the owner you made the offer to)or to demand much more.(despite whether you made a slight under offer, solid equal offer, or immensly over offer)


    3) Long wait takes too long and you finally give up on it or the needed timing has expired.


    4) Long wait continues on and on as they still have not figured out what color the sky is in thier world


    5) You make an offer but are strongly rejected with detailed nastiness at what idiot you are and how all their players you are interested in are superstars and all your players even if its peyton manning or tomlinson are either crap or risky average joe players.


    6) You make an offer and they reject despite you offering a package that they need or express interest in....but they never counter offer or even explore that option.


    7) You wait patiently but no offers come in, and if you are on cbs sportsline you begin to wonder if anyone even looks at the trade block page.


    8) You reciever offers but only on your hot prospects as in the player who just had big write up in the media and or had big outing etc...and then its a lowball offer on carson palmer..that you would expect to recieve instead on raiders andrew walter.


    9) You recieve offers on cbssportline trade block players but find yourself searching thru the site and that tradeblock page wondering where does it say instead of players on the trade block "my teams fire sale...all these players must go any offer accepted" as all the offers you get seem to be following this line of thinking.


    10) You attempt to thoughtfully counter offer proposed offers you recieved, with offers that would legitimately work for you and the other owner...but are flatly refused or....see 5


    11) You find any trade talk beyond its initial stage always turns quickly to them getting important pieces of your starting lineup but always quickly stops once any of their top players are mentioned.


    12) You find much trade interest in your superstar (Tomlinson) and while you dont want to deal him you consider it some since you might have the depth the pull it off, especially if you get the value your looking for in return so you give a price that it would take to move him...you get laughed at for being an idiot and how no player is worth that and you are crazy and too greedy...so you turn around the very next week and offer them the same and more of what you were asking for him to get Cadillac Williams and are told "No Way!"



    I clearly dont have the answers to solving the trade riddle. I know this, that its as frustrating as all hell when you have a weakness on your team you would like to fix and you cant because you simply cannot get anything close to a fair deal...many times cant even get an unfair deal(and i mean unfair to you) that atleast would help your team.Doesnt matter if the team that has what you need and in abundance has a weakness that is your strength with depth...still many times its no deal. Its like everyone is sitting back just waiting for the big rape/deal steal of the century instead of dealing in good faith and trying to build good trade relations for future needs.


    My trade approach is that i research what im looking for, what the teams that have what i need should be looking for, and what I can offer thats attractive and of equal or more value.My hope is if i do get a trade that the next trade with them will be easier(still waiting on that one) On the bright side many of the best trades I have made...actually were many of the multitude of offers I have thrown out there over the years that never were accepted or blatantly refused.Good luck to all of you out there in your trade endeavors sometimes they do actually happen.

  5. No big surprise here. My question is why did they wait so long?I doubt they could have made much in trade as everyone and their second cousin knew they were likely to cut him.But, why all the BS about how they would play him and see what he can do in that last preseason game, when clearly they had no intention of doing so.So again I ask why was he not cut sooner???


    To me just the fact that they didnt throw Rogers out there to "see what he could do" pretty much says it all. They had already made up their minds and didnt want to see what he could do.The thing is what if he had done well...then they would get blasted for cutting him.What they missed is if he was as ill prepared and poor playing as they would have us believe...it would have been evident on the field as he would have hung himself so to speak.


    So what now two high first round picks with nothing to show for it and a third on its way out most likely and who knows yet on Jones? Here is a tip, why not trade and release everyone on the team and start over....this time maybe start building an nfl caliber offensive line then start adding in skill position talent. Oh and while you are at it...make sure you have a coach who is on the same page as you and that is prepared and skilled at grooming the young players you add to your roster.

  6. Cbs sportsline also has him listed at Te...as does the nfl draft prospects information links.Is he fully convereted now or will he blend both positions?It sure is looking like this sleeper is starting to rise.

    (also side note- when I went and checked the saints site depth chart last night his name was missing and there was no name at the #2 wr position...little forshadowing perhaps?)

  7. Well Im not as down on Lelie as many of you are, but I dont see this as much of a change...he is just going from one team with a qb who likes to run,locks onto one reciever too much and not the most accurate....to another team with a qb who likes run(even more) who tends to lock on a little less but probably more inaccurate.That and from what i heard he is going to be the #3 there as well so probably similiar unpredictable spot production. The only good side is atleast he should be back in an nfl camp soon.

  8. Actually its not you....... it's my loser MUSH friend who jinxes everything he touches..... said he'd be the # 1 RB this year and has been trying to trade me L.J. for him all off-season.... the kid is the biggest god damn MUSH on planet earth.... his last 3 first round picks in my Dynasty League..... Justin Fargas, Rashaun Woods, & Mike Williams

    Well I think its my dark cloud that bares some blame....minutes before the game started i dealt away 3 future #1picks for Portis...I knew i was giving up the future, but was hoping not the present as well LOL.Even had to double check the times just to be sure a fast one hadnt beenpulled on me...but alas just dumb luck LOL c'est la vie

  9. In overall value I would rank em





    Unless you are hoping for a starter right away then I would go





    In my view the others are not good value #1 picks(course this could be me looking at it from the view of how our league works where our free agents are included in the draft)I kind of lump them all together, though White does seem to have a chance if he can make anything of it.However, top 3 I listed seem to have solid chance and talent to be studs in 1 to 3 years.


    So I say yes if its rbs you covet I would certainly entertain trading out of #5, though there are some nice qbs to consider this year as well not too mention if you can trade down a few spots it might be good year to grab a rookie te.

  10. Ok, Im in a dynasty style league where our points are based on tds and yardage production with heavy bonuses for 100yard marks in recieving and rushing(250 for passing) and bonuses every 50 after that.There are 10 owners and each team carries a roster of 30 and protects 20. My team is currently a contender however the last two years have underachieved and fallen short of top of the heap (highest scoring is the bragging rights I seek)


    My team(players of note)

    qb P Manning, Mcnabb, Delhomme, Harrington,Ramsey

    rb Alexander, Foster, K Jones, T Jones, Duckett, C Perry, B Jacobs

    wr Fitzgerald, C Johnson, D Jackson, Stallworth, Lelie, C Rogers

    te Lj Smith, K Winslow


    Im thinking I need a more solid #2 rb ideally a top tier back to get over the hump, So im debating pursuing such a back like for example Larry Johnson.Before I make an idiot of myself (or rather continue my descent down that well beaten path) I would like some imput on impressions on my team and direction it should go(preferably where sun does shine) and input on and approval/disapproval of following offer im considering(i.e. is it acceptable?too low?too high?)


    L Johnson for my #1 2007, my #2 2006, D Jackson, T Jones (side note he has been looking for a wr)


    Thanks for your time

  11. Alot depends on what the rest of your two rosters look like before and after said deal. I would say that Troupe is an upgrade at te, while Cadillac is currently an upgrade over williams/Jones combo. I like Jones alot...but until detroits line proves it can run block (ok block period) consistantly he is going to be inconsistant at best...and like previous poster, williams is more a hedge bet on if and when foster goes down and then hoping that williams would not get replaced for goal line carries..So unless the team currently owning Cadillac is already stacked at rb and is looking toward the future and hoping to upgrade their te I would say dont do it.

  12. [/color]Your first offer was way too much, even though you would have been getting a good bet at rb with Cadillac.That should have been your first clue that the owner you are dealing with is likely not interested in giving away anything semi solid even when getting far more in return. His/her counter is low since jones is a dual threat to not only be injured or benched but also to be platooned.Looking at your team, you look awful strong for a 12 owner league and probably should sit tight unless a far better deal comes along as you are right that even if you traded for jones it would just give you another question mark rather then the true solid your craving and after all why do you want to help make his/her team rival yours. Delhommes looking good and is a undervalued qb, If I were you, I would hold onto him and if I was going to deal. Deal McNab who figures to be off some with the lack of recievers.
