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Posts posted by dfin13

  1. Didn't the guy have 6 or 7 OC's until Harbaugh arrived? Can't we attribute some of his past suckiness to that ridiculous amount of instability? I don't think he's the fearless gunslinger that Harbaugh desired, which is why he got the hook, but he is a smart QB who has made some solid decisions with the ball the past two (well one and a half) seasons under the proper offensive coaching. Put a solid offensive cast around him like Belichick does with Brady, and you might have a winning QB for many years to come.

  2. And as long as its a liberal viewpoint its freedom of speech

    Tim Tebow, anyone? The guy became a sports media sensation, and he's about as conservative as you can get, and was not hesitant to let you know.


    As long as you express your views in a respectful manner, I don't give two craps if it's liberal or conservative. Never quite understood why people think celebrities are not allowed to have opinions. Besides, I don't think the government is telling the more conservative players to keep their traps shut, so "freedom of speech" does not apply here. The team owners or coaches can silence their players all they want.

  3. A comment that implies he's had no success. Which is false. Wether you think its a small sample size or not doesn't matter. It was over 12 games and he did in fact have success. He threw for over 300 yards the year before (his rookie season) at years end in a game or two. Folks act as if last year didn't happen. It did.

    Actually, his only 300 yard game was the victory over the Steelers, slightly skewed by the 10 yard pass he threw that Thomas turned into an 80 yard TD.


    Last season happened, but what also happened was the Broncos went 8-8, and backed into the playoffs on a 3 game losing streak where Tebow played at a level that even terrible doesn't describe (for pete's sake, he was 6-22 for 60 yards in the season closer). It is true he made some big plays in that Steelers game, but then he pooped the bed against the Patriots.


    You say that these NFL coaches and GMs lack the balls to build a team around Tebow -- I say they value their jobs, and know that once you box Tebow in, he becomes a terrible, terrible throwing QB. You box Griffin or Wilson in, and they'll beat you with their arms. Tebow is just not in the same league as those other running QBs. Great athlete though, he'd make a fine modern day Crash Jensen, if he'd accept that.

  4. Hahaaa, you gotta love it!


    My fins are picking Ryan Tannehill...or are they?

    I have been on and off the fence about this for the past few weeks. Part of me wants them to finally select another first round QB instead of digging around for bargains, the other part of me says that Tannehill is only a first round QB due to need, not due to talent (not that he isn't talented). So many other needs on this team that I might be happy if Ireland trades down, grabs more picks, reinforces the o-line, and the Dolphins ride a "good enough" QB like Moore until a true franchise QB becomes available.


    But the fact is if Ireland does not pick Tannehill, Dolphins fans will be under his office window with torches and pitchforks. Whether he's really worth the 8th pick or not, they need some sort of PR victory to calm the fanbase, and selecting Tannehill is just that.

  5. You still find the games entertaining because despite all the posturing by Goodell, NOTHING HAS CHANGED WITH REGARD TO PLAYERS TRYING TO INJURE OTHER PLAYERS.

    I was thinking more in terms of guys like James Harrison. The line was that without the kill-shots, the game would suffer, and the blame would fall on Goddell, and I don't think the game has suffered.

  6. Its not my version of reality. It is reality. Defensive players on every team play to knock guys out of the game via injury.

    Some did, obviously. They don't anymore, at least not blatantly, or they face fines and/or suspensions. You had a couple of rebels for a while there, but Goddell tamed them by hitting their wallets. It's a new reality, and yet I still find NFL games just as incredibly entertaining as I did before Goddell showed up.


    The new emphasis on player safety doesn't bother me at all. When Goddell is gone, that emphasis will still remain -- it'd be a PR nightmare for the NFL to decide to roll back measures taken to reduce injuries.

  7. Based on what I know and have seen of Flynn, there is no reason to believe there are significant holes in his game. Personally I believe this is a very false rationalization because Flynn turned down the Miami offer. I'm pretty sure that Philbin had very mixed feelings about Flynn getting away and signing with Seattle.

    Miami was right in not overpaying for a 7th round pick with 2 starts (in one of the NFL's highest-powered offenses) in 4 years. I do believe they wanted him on the cheap, that is true, but I also feel they were justified in wanting that. Money would not be an issue for Ireland's boss if everyone agreed it would be money well-spent.


    I don't think Flynn turned down the Miami offer because he felt better about Seattle -- he turned it down because Seattle offered more money, plain and simple. Had Miami offered him the same contract, he'd be a Dolphin today. The fact that they didn't speaks volumes about how hard Philbin pushed to bring the guy into the fold. What you know and have seen of Flynn is dwarfed by what Philbin has seen of him, so I'm going to take the optimistic route and wait for all of this to play out, and cross my fingers for Tannehill.

  8. Who exactly should they have signed when they realized Manning wasn't coming? After Manning, there really was no one aside from Flynn. Ireland is a idiotic jerk, but can't pin the dearth of free agent QBs on him. Sherman may be whispering Tannehill's name in Ireland's ear. Maybe nibbling the earlobe a bit too.

  9. New coach and no one to coach. Gerrard move just too much, Go Lions

    Not that I trust Ireland to make the right decision, but Tannehill might make it to 8 if Cleveland balks at drafting a QB.


    No way they could afford a $100 million contract for the question mark that is Manning (though I would've loved it if they could have). Flynn obviously has enough holes in his game that the guy who has more than two game tapes worth of experience with him passed on him. Marshall is a very talented headache who drops a lot of crucial passes, but he is a huge loss regardless, can't spin that one.


    Signing Garrard to back up Moore gives Miami time to groom Tannehill or Weeden, with a veteran waiting in the wings in case the starter goes down. Ireland is an idiot, players hate him, and he will likely be gone next season if this season falls apart, but Miami needs a long-term plan for once, so I'm going to be patient.

  10. I like how they played it. Smith got too big for his britches, so they openly court Manning. I'm sure Alex realized he wasn't going to get much more going to a less talented team, so he comes back to the Niners like a battered spouse and brings his focking shine box with him.


    Niners were never worried. I bet they could have been just as successful with Garrard or Orton.


    Also, I want to state again that I like the results, but Manning made a mistake. He and the Niners could have easily reached the Superbowl this year.

    I think Smith comes out on top here -- the 49ers need him now, unless they want to rely on a 2nd year guy or a journeyman to start for them. Not that he'll get Manning money, but I think he will get more than they were offering him before. Won't know until the numbers are released, but he'd be goofy to not hold out for more money, especially with another team courting him.

  11. Still screwed... :banana:

    :lol: As a fan of a team (Dolphins) that was a perennial loser, then came out of nowhere to win the division with a rookie head coach, and then went back to being a perennial loser, I'd like to caution 49er fans about being too optimistic about Smith's return. Maybe the light has finally come on, maybe some coaching staff stability and the addition of Moss and Manningham will help, but don't be surprised if they come back down to earth this season.

  12. Would anyone be surprised if they pay Alex Smith more than the Hawks are now paying Flynn? It would be idiotic for the Phins, but I don't doubt this would happen at all.

    I would expect a veteran starter who took his team to the NFC Championship last year to command more money than a guy with two starts in meaningless games under his belt. Maybe Smith doesn't deserve it based on his pre-2011 numbers, but that's not what he'll negotiate with.


    That said, I don't want Alex Smith on the Dolphins. I think he's only marginally better than Moore, despite his 2011 numbers, and he's not the kind of guy who can make a weak Dolphins WR corps better.

  13. Then again he does kind of stink. Got a few good games under his belt sure. He is one of the worst starters in the league.

    Pre-2011, you'd be right. But it seems like he's the perfect fit for Harbaugh's system, even if Harbaugh is being blinded to that by the allure of having a couple of years of a Manning. On another team, he'd probably fit your description, though.

  14. I still really like the move for the Bears. With their weakness at WR taking the chance on Marshall for what they gave up still looks like a win for the Bears even if there's a suspension for the latest incident.

    As a Dolphins fan, I liked Marshall, I liked his competitiveness and his ability. I didn't like his attitude, the way he'd throw his QBs under the bus, and I especially disliked all of his crucial drops (I think he dropped five potential TD passes last season). I can see where Philbin would not want a diva WR who, while he caught a lot of passes and racked up yards, never seemed to be money when the game was on the line. That and I can only imagine the grief Flynn would be put through if he spreads the ball around as Philbin desires, with Marshall's numbers decreasing as a result.


    And now hearing he's gotten in trouble *again* ... I'm not as upset as I was when the news first broke. I still hate losing the guy, but I can see why it was done, and why they didn't get great value for him. I can see him topping 100 catches with Cutler next season, he'll finally have a QB with a real arm throwing to him again.

  15. I think it's extraordinary that he, by his own words, placed himself in the elite category before the season started, then came out in the 2011 season and backed it up: 4933 yards passing, 29 TDs, 92 QB rating, and then marched his team to 4 straight postseason wins, ending with a Super Bowl title.


    It's almost as if he willed himself to back up his claim. You can point to 9-7 and say he's just ordinary, but as an individual performer, he was pretty damn elite this season.

  16. And it'll take some sort of career-ending injury to make that happen. He's got 3 good, young wideouts who, unless they go to FA, will likely grow old with him. He's a lock for HoF, much to the chagrin of people who hate anyone with the last name of Manning.
