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Ditka vs. ______

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Everything posted by Ditka vs. ______

  1. Ditka vs. ______

    Those who own Vick + a better QB option

    To get a good value for him you're going to have to wait for a good week out of him. After a 4 int game, no one is going to want to make a good offer for him. This weeks match-up against Balt looks even worse, so I think either take what you can get now, or be prepared to sit on him for a while in hopes his value climbs back up. Hopefully he won't get injured before that happens.
  2. Ditka vs. ______


    This is from another thread, but it may be relevant in this discussion: Hearing this would make me stay clear of starting S Jax if I had another option.
  3. Ditka vs. ______

    Matty Ice Outlook

    That's a very good point.
  4. Ditka vs. ______

    Matty Ice Outlook

    I gotta agree here. For those that are saying he's top 2 or 3, he may have the talent, but he still has to beat out guys that have proven year after year that they belong at the top. The 5,6,7 range is realistic. In now way does that mean Matty Ice isn't a great QB, it simply means there is other top talent to compete with including 3 likely HOFers. Does it really matter where he finishes in the QB rankings is he has a great season and helps you win?
  5. Ditka vs. ______

    Stevan Ridley Value

    Good points - My concern is this: You say that you want a running back from an elite offense. I would say that the elite offenses in the league currently are Green Bay, New England, New Orleans, Detroit. They were far beyond the rest of the league as far as points scored last season, and all should be near the top again this season. The overwhelming trend amongst these teams is that they have exceptional play from the QB position, and really good to great WR/TE play. None of them rely on the running game as a major component of their offense. I would argue that of these 4 teams, the best RB in the group for FF purposes would be Sproles. But take away his role in the passing attack and he's not worth owning in most leagues. So how much value is there really in owning a RB on one of these elite offenses? My overall concern with Ridley has more to do with opportunity than talent. NE simply does not have a history of putting RB's in a position to put up big time numbers, or at least the kind of numbers that warrant a 1st/2nd round value.
  6. Ditka vs. ______

    RG3 vs Vick

    Uglier than they were against Detroit. If S Jax is your RB1 you don't really have a choice but to start him, but with that makeshift line, it could get ugly. All other St. Louis players should probably stay on the bench for the time being.
  7. Ditka vs. ______

    Jonathan Dwyer

    This is a tough one. I agree that Dwyer is the RB to own right now in PIT, but I'm not sure any of them warrant a FF start. I'm stashing him on my bench in 3 leagues right now, hoping something breaks loose and he gains some value.
  8. Ditka vs. ______

    RG3 vs Vick

    And after that - I wish I had RGIII instead of Luck.
  9. Ditka vs. ______

    RG3 vs Vick

    Vick just threw another INT in the same amount of time it took me to post this... I think Vick vs. Baltimore is just going to be brutal. I would not be surprised if he leaves the game early. And I'm not a hater, I actually have him, but am looking for other options currently, at least for this week. I've got Luck as a back-up so I feel your pain on the RG3 decision.
  10. Ditka vs. ______

    Selling High on CJ Spiller?

    FBN - Our boy is a stud. Some of these guy will get it, some won't. We'll be the one's laughing and counting the $$$ at the end of the season.
  11. Ditka vs. ______

    Bernard Scott

    I hear you, I kept this SOB on my 6 man Taxi Squad for the past 3 years, and now this year had to either put him on my active roster or cut him. You think I would have learned, but I kept him.
  12. Ditka vs. ______

    Stevan Ridley Value

    Sure, and the point I tried to make many posts ago, was that it's okay if you don't get a straight up trade offer of a top 10 WR for him, because this may be overvaluing a guy who has had 1 good week. If you believe he is going to continue to produce at a high level, and his value will go up, why not wait a few weeks, when you probably could trade him to a top 10 WR. The risk here is that he has to continue to produce at this high of a level. Or if you think this is a great opportunity to sell high on a player you probably drafted in the 7-8th round, upgrading to a 3-4th round player is a good move.
  13. Ditka vs. ______

    Bernard Scott

    I'm with you here man. Just keep waiting and waiting. I thought this would definitely be the year with Benson gone, and Green-Ellis as a mere speed bump in the way, but he actually look decent last night. If you have the room to stash him, it's not a bad move, but I wouldn't drop a player you like just yet.
  14. Ditka vs. ______

    Stevan Ridley Value

    That's great - I'll be sure to get all my future FF data from a Tom Brady post game press conference.
  15. Ditka vs. ______

    Stevan Ridley Value

    Greg Jennings? - I'd go after Julio with this. Jennings should still be valued higher than Harvin, even with the mild groin injury.
  16. Ditka vs. ______

    Stevan Ridley Value

    This is where our opinions differ. You see Ridley as a feature back that is going to get carries comparable to other leading rushers. Where as I see Belichick sticking with the approach he has always used in that each player will take on a specific role in the offense. My overall point is, it's one week, can we temper our expectations on this (and many other) guy(s) before we declare him the next greatest thing. Just look at all the threads posted about other guys who were a "sure thing" that didn't have a great week 1, and the owners that are already prepared to bail on them.
  17. Ditka vs. ______

    Stevan Ridley Value

    Really? They're just going to give up on Tom Brady throwing the ball because it hasn't been working? Josh McDaniels is going to change his play calling philosophy from a 2 to 1, Pass to Run ratio, to a run first philosophy? They've brought in almost every free agent WR/TE imaginable this offseason for a try-out because they're going to run it this year instead of pass it?
  18. Ditka vs. ______

    Stevan Ridley Value

    Here is a great example of Ridley's current value. Not Ridley straight up for one of these guys.
  19. Ditka vs. ______

    Stevan Ridley Value

    A. He suffers from the debilitating disease of Fumble-itis, which could put him on the bench in the Hoodies dog house faster than Michael Vick can throw an INT. The whole reason they stuck with BJGE as long as they did is because he never fumbled. B. A healthy Shane Vereen will eat into his touch count (especially on passing downs), turning this position into more of a timeshare role instead of the feature back that you saw yesterday. C. New England is a pass first team. While they may have cruised out to a comfortable lead yesterday, and had the luxury of handing the ball off to Ridley 21 times, I think you're much more likely to see the lower touch count that BJGE grew accustomed to over the last few seasons, with a 10-15 touch per game average. D. Green-Ellis made a career out being a goal-line back in New England. Ridley would have to lock this down for his value to solidify.
  20. Ditka vs. ______

    Has anyone heard back from CBS yet?

    The are plenty of good pay sites that will accommodate any scoring set-up you can imagine, without the hassle of CBS, and for considerably cheaper annual costs.
  21. Ditka vs. ______

    Stevan Ridley Value

    BING BING BING... We have a winner! What do we have for him Rod? Well Bob, he'll receive the season long reward of not kicking himself in the ass for making a horrible trade based on week 1 results. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
  22. Ditka vs. ______

    Has anyone heard back from CBS yet?

    100% - I can't believe people still pay for that B.S. - There are a ton of other options.
  23. Ditka vs. ______

    jacquizz rodgers

    You mean he didn't lead the league in week 1 scoring? Cut him.
  24. Ditka vs. ______

    Jones or Cobb?

    Driver has been bumped to #5 on the Depth chart. I wouldn't expect much production out of him this season.
  25. Ditka vs. ______

    Jones or Cobb?

    Not quite. Jones is in the 2nd year of a 3 year deal. He is also the first name to be mentioned in any trade talk surrounding the Packers, including recent hype about going to Miami in exchange for some help on D.