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Everything posted by Mike9090

  1. Mike9090

    Run DMC for Cedric Benson

    Why the hell would you trade McFadden for Benson??
  2. Mike9090

    Ryan Williams

    What do you guys think of Ryan Williams? I picked him up, but don't really know what to expect from him. I just know he can't do any worse than Wells did.. Thoughts?
  3. Mike9090

    WEEK 4 FU thread

    My Week 4 FU goes to me, for playing Ryan Williams instead of Amendola in flex, and Vick instead of Cam. Lost my #1 spot because of a 2 point loss. F ME!
  4. Mike9090

    New York Giants at Philadelphia Eagles

    I agree with you. The guy's a beast. I just wish Vick would've taken a shot at the endzone, for my sake.
  5. Mike9090

    New York Giants at Philadelphia Eagles

    Except when he's stopped on 4 attempts from a yard out...
  6. Mike9090

    New York Giants at Philadelphia Eagles

    I lost by 2. Started Ryan Williams instead of Amendola in flex and Vick over Cam. LOL
  7. Mike9090

    New York Giants at Philadelphia Eagles

    Well, now it's now to Bennett. FOCK!!! :thumbsdown:
  8. Mike9090

    New York Giants at Philadelphia Eagles

    Please Vick, for the love of my team, throw a TD right here. I'm down 2 points
  9. Mike9090

    New York Giants at Philadelphia Eagles

    I need Bennett and Vick to score a combined 9 points in the second half. Is that asking too much?? This is what I get for sitting Cam
  10. Mike9090

    New York Giants at Philadelphia Eagles

    Is Bennett even in the game??
  11. Mike9090

    Ryan Williams

    Really glad I started him over Amendola..
  12. Mike9090

    Ryan Williams

    I picked up Simpson too but I'm rolling with Williams this week.
  13. Mike9090

    Ryan Williams

  14. Mike9090

    Ryan Williams

    Thanks for the insight. With Forte not 100%,I'm going to play Williams in my flex this week over J.Simpson, Amendola, and N.Washington. Hopefully it works out.
  15. Mike9090

    Flex Help! Who to start?

    I'm leaning towards Williams since Wells is on IR... thoughts?
  16. Mike9090

    Flex Help

  17. Mike9090

    FLEX Scraps

    Martin and Choice (if he FJax doesn't play) I would start Rodgers in a heartbeat against that no NO Defense.
  18. Mike9090

    I need to start two of these guys

    Me too... Bush and McGahee
  19. Mike9090

    RG3 For R Rice

    I doubt the guy with Rice would make that trade, but it's worth a shot
  20. Mike9090

    Vick, Newton, or Ponder?

    I have Vick and Newton, but both have bad matchups this week. Ponder is available in our league and I'm thinking of picking him up for this week... What do you think?
  21. Mike9090

    Pick 2 RB

    Leshoure and BJGE or Leshoure and FJax if he plays.
  22. Mike9090

    MIN WR Jerome Simpson

    I picked Simpson up yesterday. I want to see him play before I start him, but with Forte out I may end up starting him in flex.
  23. Mike9090

    Chris Johnson for Jamaal Charles?

    I would make that trade immediately.
  24. Mike9090

    Who to start?: Vick or Cam
