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Everything posted by firemedix911

  1. firemedix911

    Flex Gates or K Wright?

    Wright has gotten over 40 targets this year. he's the upside here.
  2. firemedix911

    Do I dare use the word blockbuster trade ?

    Hit accept right now before the guy comes to his senses. Hernadez is back, Welker getting lots of looks, Gronk(who I own) with hip problems. Dude you are getting a guarantee 20 points a week depending on format.
  3. firemedix911

    Meachem or Britt.. whir!

    I'd say Meachem. Don't love it but the only thing worst than a big donuts is a big donut bc the player got injured. Potential shoot out with Denver.
  4. firemedix911

    Quick trade question...ill answer yours. Thanks

    Wait till the Injury report comes out on Jimmy. YOu don't wanna do the trade to only find out he's gonna sit out for 3-4 weeks. I he's healthy then do it.
  5. firemedix911

    Miles Austin+CJ Spiller for Larry Fitzerald+CJ2K

    I like it. CJ-2K will have a couple of decent match ups in the upcoming weeks. I say do it and the first 100+ yards game he has(if he ever does) trade him again.
  6. firemedix911

    Trade Help

    Not a bad trade but Lynch didn't trained yesterday. Keep an eye on that. GOod luck.
  7. firemedix911

    1-4, first year, Could use some advice

    I would start Mendy this week. Seeing how the Titans suck. Now onto the Advice. Do not overanalyze it. Talent always trumps match ups meaning AJ green starts every week. I don't care who they are playing. You are on to something with the trade talk. If you can somehow get your hands on Charles/Rice/LeSean/AP/Morris you'd be better off as any of those would be your RB1 and then you can play match ups for #2. U have more than enough options to trade. You'll have to find the perfect trading partner as I see u are in a 10team league with lots of rosters spots. I'd try trading Welker or Rudolph plus JStewart for any of the ones I mentioned above. If that doesn't work I'd try Hernadez Trent Richardson or Morris. Also keep in mind this. Sometimes the FF gods just aren't with you. You have a good team no doubt but like anything else none can predict Baltimore vs KC would end 9-3. U have a chance to still turn it around but don't feel bad if you don't. You drafted good, sometimes it doesn't work out as we hoped, doesn't mean we were wrong. Make your decisions regarding trades/lineups/wire pick ups/drops and live with it. You made the decision for a reason. I guarantee you none could predict Bradshaw having the monster game he had. And finally if this season doesn't amount to much for you use it as a lesson learned. You will earn if anything a lot of experience. It'll help you on the next season. Whatever you do though finish out the season. Best of luck and enjoy the ride.
  8. firemedix911

    Trading Mathews for QB Help!

    I'd wait and see how Palmer looks with his receivers back this week. It isn't a bad deal but Mathews has so much talent. But he also will see a decreased work load bc is of my opinion SD really want him healthy. The bottom line with all trades is that you have to do what is going to make your team better. I do think you can still get better Value for Mathews. If you don't find anything better wait one more week and when Mathews puts up another 100+ yards and a TD performance then you go out and get top dollar for him.
  9. firemedix911

    DeMarco Murray for Reggie Wayne

    I would do it only if you can flip it and package Wayne (who I'm very high on) with your lowered tiered WR or TE and maybe get a better RB.
  10. firemedix911

    Trade help

    I don't understand why people are overreacting to Ridley situation. He's still the number 5 fantasy scoring RB in the league. Not sayin don't trade him but keep that in perspective. He's not bust.
  11. Do not, Do not drop Finley. U keep that guy no matter what.
  12. firemedix911

    Which of these 4 trade options do you do?

    I love the Foster for Richardson/Wayne. Yes you are giving away the best RB but you get back Trent who's been money and with Charles already and mendy to cover byes/bad match ups u can't go wrong. And the you also get IMHO the most consistent WR this year after AJGreen. Do it. You'll be set at RBs and WRs.
  13. firemedix911

    PPR league, should I dump Pierre Thomas

    Thomas for Green all day.
  14. firemedix911

    Major trade proposed

    Any chance u can Pick Alex Green of the WW? If you can I'd do it. Otherwise not unless you can some how pick a little depth at RB.
  15. I say you do that trade. Wayne is as reliable as it gets on the WRs department. (This is almost impossibrl to get from WRs) Turner is a roller coaster. They are throwing the ball a lot that takes touches away from Turner. U are very set up with Rice and Morris. If the need arises you can trade any of your top 3 receivers for a top back easly and you won't loose performance as if either Morris or Rice get injured u are left at the mercy of Turner's inconsistency. In the mean time you can play Wayne on your flex spot for. Guaranteed 15+ points a game. To me this deal wins you the league.
  16. firemedix911

    Upgrade RB: Which WR + LeShoure for McGahee?

    Try LeShoure and Andre for the RB of your choice. It's a very tempting offer on your part. It looking at LeShoure schedule it is tough and Andre hasn't been himself and let's face it he will get injured so that takes car of two headaches for u. As long as you can get a decent RB you'll be fine. Just pick the best target for the trade. You'll need someone with RB depth and desperate for a WR. But yes do it.
  17. firemedix911

    trade Forte?

    Definitely Thomas or better. I love Forte bearing any injuries he's as consistent as they come so you'd better get some good value for him. Ur stacked at RB so that's a good move.
  18. firemedix911

    Andre Johnson or A.J. Green

    AJ. You don't sit the #1 Fantasy receiver period. Also Andre is due in the rehab table soon. Nothing against the guy but that's who he is.
  19. firemedix911

    A. Roberts or R. Cobb?

    Roberts for me seeing how you already own JJ. He will be alot more involved with their RB issues. He's also been getting in the end zone a lot this year.
  20. firemedix911

    Should I sit Rodgers this week?

    I have the same situation but I can't bench Rodgers. If Sanchez was able to move the ball I expect Rodgers to do way better. I'm optimistic and I'm playing him.
  21. firemedix911

    Trade McCoy for Cruz?

    I got you. I now see where u are coming from. Yeah do it but try Green first. HE gonna be worth over $70 next year.
  22. firemedix911

    Starks or Green?

    They will split touches thru the season. I really like free as the player with the most upside. He has what GB RBs have lacked for a while. Big play threat. But it'll take more than a game to really see who' the boss in town.
  23. firemedix911

    AJ Green for Ridley

    No way try for another RB maybe a diff owner. You are giving away the best WR in FF. You can find a better deal than just ridley.