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Ben Steeler

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Posts posted by Ben Steeler

  1. Team in order of drafting 1st few rounds. 1st place, 1st in scoring. Picked 9 out of 12:


    J Graham



    Decker- thought I was a genuis

    D Martin- I am a genius

    D Bowe- traded for R Wayne

    Hou D



  2. Luck vs. Ryan. Really don't know what to do. Ryan has had good games in past, but Luck is rollin' now. Have been playing the alternating game lately, unfortunately, I am not starting the correct QB!


    Gonna flip a coin.

  3. My buddy Brees and Dalton. Believe it or not, in our league Dalton has actually outscored Brees 5 to 4. I excluded the bye weeks, even though AD went off during Brees' bye week, whereas Brees didn't do so good during Dalton' off week.


    Dalton vs Oak

    Brees vs SF


    I would have to go Dalton this week. I have to choose between Ryan and Luck every week, going mostly w/ Ryan, so I know the feeling!



    Good luck
