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Finbabble Garp

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Everything posted by Finbabble Garp

  1. "It's true hard work never killed anybody, but I figure, why take the chance?" - Ronald Reagan
  2. Finbabble Garp

    Political Views and your Significant Other

    That makes sense. What with Atlanta and all.
  3. Finbabble Garp

    gun violence and porn

    This is nonsense. You can tell because if it were true, there would be an analogous truth about news junkies and their drug of choice. And with the increasingly partisan and vitriolic newscasts that dominate the ratings these days, those who follow them with dedication and quote them with zeal would be quickly becoming dangerously unhinged. And since that's not happening, you know the whole line of thought is liberal rubbish. Second amendment. Birth certificate.
  4. Finbabble Garp

    Political Views and your Significant Other

    I looked up Buttscrew, Alabama, and there is no such place. Another liberal lie.
  5. Finbabble Garp

    Political Views and your Significant Other

    It is the job of the man to go out into the world, either physically or via the Drudge Report, and return to his woman as the triumphant hunter and provider. In this case, of facts about the world. It is then her job to host Tupperware parties and giggle with her womanfriends, and tell them how unusually well-endowed he is, even though he doesn't look like it through his trousers, and that's because she accidentally bought him ill-fitting underpants, and also because the light in here isn't all that good to begin with.
  6. We already force our students to accept cultural ideologies by forcing them to read The Scarlet Letter and Billy Budd. This would just be a more up to date version of that. And the sex scenes are hotter. And there's that funny scene where all the liberals die in that train.
  7. Does anyone else have that dream where you're Hank Rearden, and you're lying in bed after a long day inventing Rearden Metal, and right then Dagny Taggart, who looks nothing like Ayn Rand even though they talk and think exactly the same, comes breaking in and demands at gunpoint that you take her like a slave woman? Because I have that one all the time.
  8. Finbabble Garp

    Dunk Contest ultimate dunkers

    Second best. After the constitution.
  9. Finbabble Garp

    Dunk Contest ultimate dunkers

    Jordan, Nique, Vince, Dr. J., and David Thompson would be the best thing the planet Earth ever saw.
  10. Ronald Reagan. America.
  11. This strikes me as a good idea. Today's American children could learn a thing or two about responsibility from a society that let its responsibles walk away, and let the takers have full control. Also, I really liked that part where that one character went on that long rant about how heroic work is. I never did figure out who John Galt was, though. I think he was a janitor.
  12. Finbabble Garp

    Neighbor got taken by the bro-jammers

    Aliases are the worst. Freedom. No homos. Also, why is there no American flag waving smiley? Are we that afraid of our patriotism?
  13. Finbabble Garp


    I have no good way to answer this, because I am new here, and love Ronald Reagan and freedom.