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Finbabble Garp

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Everything posted by Finbabble Garp

  1. Two minutes to log out and log back in?
  2. Finbabble Garp

    Colorado gun geeks...

    And FWIW, I tip plumbers, even though I didn't say so in the other thread. Because of you know, pity.
  3. Finbabble Garp

    Colorado gun geeks...

    Your plumber insight is appreciated, and noted. Because video games kill. You don't make sense, but at least you're not as tedious as Phurfock Pilot.
  4. For that list, feel free to open any red state phone book and start Xeroxing. LOL. All those fat phillybear focktards are kept alive by the same science they ridicule when Fox News tells them to. LOL @ stupid people like Phurfock Pilot and phillybear. More ownage by me.
  5. God it feels good to be awesome at life AND to dole out ownage like candy.
  6. Finbabble Garp

    Abortion Doctor Charged With 8 Counts Of Murder

    An unborn fetus is indistinguishable from a cancer until the parent decides to keep it. An infant is categorically different. A scrap collector goes back to being indistinguishable from a cancer.
  7. If one does not understand even the most glaring and obvious instances of irony, and is reduced to crybaby fits when asked to define a straw man argument, one probably shouldn't hold opinions on matters of national importance. LOL @ stupid people.
  8. Finbabble Garp

    Plastic Bags

    This. Also, since the bags have handles, I find that four or six bags that aren't stuffed to bursting don't usually require multiple trips. Just double or triple load each hand. Chronic overbagging means each bag's weight is trivial.
  9. Finbabble Garp

    Theoretical discussion

  10. Finbabble Garp

    Colorado gun geeks...

    Except the stay at home moms didn't snap and kill classrooms full of kindergarteners or movie theaters full of people with their Beanie Babies.
  11. Finbabble Garp

    Your kids don't belong to you.

    Move her to a real state where she isn't doomed to a life of ignorance and meth.
  12. Finbabble Garp

    Hey Phurfur... what is MK Ultra?

    Everything but Fox News.
  13. For the full story, visit http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-22096860 Or huffingtonpost.com, for further unbiased reportage.
  14. Finbabble Garp

    Theoretical discussion

    And this you regard as possible?
  15. Finbabble Garp


    You honestly believe he's a retired business man who just coincidentally uses the same diction, the same chronic misspellings, the same exact paranoid-delusional politics, the same link?/where-did-i-say-that?/insult shtick, the same lunatic blog sources, etc., as Retardo Pilot? People here really believe that? Because in the real world, septuagenarians don't behave anything like that. Texan loony right wing moonbat psychos with learning disorders do. LOL @ bored.
  16. Finbabble Garp

    In-season Talk...

    Somebody placed an order, but never picked it up.
  17. Finbabble Garp

    Should the mmmmm...beers go to Arbitration?

    I don't for an instant believe those are yours.
  18. Finbabble Garp

    The Rolling Stones

    Do we count "State of Shock" as a Stones song, since it has Jagger and all? Because for me, that was probably his artistic peak.
  19. Finbabble Garp

    Should the mmmmm...beers go to Arbitration?

    This premise is incorrect.
  20. Finbabble Garp

    Obamacare architect Rockefeller's Warning

    Thank heavens the non-partisan Washington Examiner was there to report on this important story.
  21. Finbabble Garp

    Mars is getting hotter. How did man do that?

    Phurfock Pilot just wants to make sure we are all making the important distinction. The sun may or may not be irradiating at greater levels, but radiation is not, in and of itself, "heat" per se, at least not solar radiation vis a vis earthside "heat." Even though it's often labeled that way in the common vernacular. Mostly the sun just blasts us with radiation across the electromagnetic spectrum, and then for that to heat us, it has to react with, e.g., a surplus of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. If not for AGW, increased levels of irradiation out of our friend the sun might indeed be considered trivial, and could nowise explain the warming of the global globe. But since AGW is patently a real phenomenon, Phurfock was just saying that man is ultimately to blame for any warming going on earthwise. It would almost be an interesting take if we didn't know he was stupid. LOL.
  22. Finbabble Garp

    Would You Rather...

    One of these sounds like something I would have no particular revulsion towards, even if I would have no particular affinity fo'. The other, revulsion.
  23. Finbabble Garp

    Guns don't kill people

    Why do you hate the constitution?
  24. Finbabble Garp

    Organizing for Action loses bid to control website domain

    Phurfock Pilot is dumb. HTH
  25. Finbabble Garp

    Friend Question

    In the self-help game, we call this "win-win." That's ok. Golddigging can be a valuable life skill, and it transfers from relationship to relationship. Even as she gets more old and haggard, all that means is she'll have to settle for slightly older and slightly less-well-off as she moves ahead. But as long as she still has a bagina, is still willing to use it for profit, and doesn't suddenly become all fussy and regretful, golddigging is a good living and a time-honored tradition. Even skank-nasty 60-somethings with a lot of miles on them appeal to millionaire octogenarians It's not, strictly speaking, ethical. But neither is banking, lawyering, or politicking, and those pay well too.