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Everything posted by 5Year1

  1. 5Year1

    Is Starks the new starter for GB?

    We've been fooled by Green Bay RBs before and there is likely the threat from Lacy in week 5. I wouldn't pick him unless I was REALLY desperate for an RB this week. Someone who has both Bush and MJD could be in this predicament.
  2. 5Year1

    Stevan Ridley.....every week starter?

    At draft time, I thought he was barely an RB2 especially with the known threat from Vereen. Well after 1 game pulled for fumbling and a 16-40 yards 2nd week, he is not in my opinion anywhere near a must start unless your team is loaded with a bunch of RB4s and handcuffs. I started him last week because Vereen was out, but this week he is sitting in favor of Moreno and Daryl Richardson.
  3. 5Year1

    Ever have one of those years when

    I had 5 teams last year. The team I thought was the best after the draft finished 3-10. It was a 2QB league. Drafted Brees, Vick, Ponder, Gronk, Jimmy Graham, Fitz, Greg Jennings, Antonio Brown and Randall Cobb. My RB roster was the weak point. Graham and Jennings both got hurt. Fitz was a total bust. Vick sucked after week 2 and later got hurt. Ponder turned out to be unplayable as a back up. Gronk did OK but not great for 10 games, then he got hurt. Brown underachieved. With all of this and none of my mediocre level RBs (people like Ballard and Leshoure) turning up RB1or RB2 numbers all year except for maybe Moreno at the end of the year, it was a total disaster. That was a team with a curse.
  4. 5Year1

    Cecil Shorts

    I have other options so he is on the bench this week. Did fine for me last week.
  5. 5Year1

    J. Bell vs. MJD

    I would agree with H man given Bush's injury history and the fact that the Lions have a much more high powered offense, which means Bell, especially if he is playing full time which I think will be the case this week, will get a lot more goal line and red zone opportunities.
  6. 5Year1

    Justin Blackmon

    I don't see a reason to pick him up now with still 2 weeks left on his suspension. I'd wait and see him play a game and then move if his performance warrants it. He is far from a sure thing and if someone else takes him first, it is certainly NOT the end of the world.
  7. 5Year1

    Graham and Cameron

    I don't think Cameron will be Top 3 this year, but Top 5 is definite possibility. Unless you have a severe weakness at another position that trading Graham would fix, I wouldn't do it. Why mess with an almost sure thing if you don't have to for a lower quality player?
  8. 5Year1

    Carson Palmer vs. Saints

    The Saints D has actually been pretty good so far, # 5 vs Fantasy QBs. Plus my gut is telling me that even if he plays, Fitz is not 100% and we could have the chance of a rein jury or A Roddy type decoy situation. I am sitting Palmer in a 2 QB league after 2 starts in favor of Russell Wilson this week and would lean towards Luck also in your case.
  9. 5Year1

    Vincent Brown vs Kenbrell Thomkins

    Neither are good choices, but I'd go with Thompkins this week ( And I am as I have been forced into same situation due to Roddy's and MJD's injuries). Seems like Rivers is looking much more at Royal, plus if Revis goes on Edelman, that may create more looks for Thompkins. He just has to take advantage of it.
  10. 5Year1

    Merry Christmas: I got Tavon Austin

    Really good! S Jax won't out for too long. Others are solid pick ups too.
  11. 5Year1

    Merry Christmas: I got Tavon Austin

    Hey Bobby, we'll see about Cook vs Thomas. On Austin, I don't really NEED him to become a starter right away. I have Cobb and Garcon. But lets say he does take off. He could be spotted in for Garcon later on or I could trade him to fill a weakness at RB to someone who needs a WR. This has come up on my team with Bush hurt and MJD underproducing and being hurt also.
  12. 5Year1

    Anyone starting T Rich vs the Niners?

    Was undecided a day ago, but with MJD now looking more and more doubtful and Rodgers in Atlanta being the only other option, am rolling with him.
  13. 5Year1

    Reggie Bush VS Knowshon Moreno- Week 3

    If I had the choice, I'd go with Moreno for this week. And by the way, its looking more and more that Bush is not going to play.
  14. 5Year1

    Debo'd by D Bowe

    Putting him on the bench, but not cutting him real soon unless he continues to do nothing and a better option comes available. Was drafted as a WR3 or WR4, so I don't HAVE to rely on him. Something tells me Reid will eventually start calling the deep ball, especially if teams start tightening up on the short passes.
  15. 5Year1

    J. Bell vs. MJD

    You really cannot answer this question. No one has a crystal ball and can say what is going to happen with Reggie and if he does stay healthy, MJD should outproduce Bell if Bell is in a timeshare. Its a crapshot and you have to make your own imperfect judgement and go with it.
  16. 5Year1

    Gronk or Edelman if Gronk plays?

    Well Gronk isn't playing and everything I am reading says Edelman will be on Revis Island.
  17. 5Year1

    Do I drop Bradshaw to pick up McGhee?

    He will? If he was so good, why did it take so long for someone to pick him up?
  18. 5Year1

    Andy Reid

    What he has done with Charles is an absolute indictment of Haley and Crennel who insisted on platooning him.
  19. 5Year1

    Pansy Harvin

    If your WR corp sucks, you need help now. Otherwise, by the time he plays, if he ever does, you'll be out of the playoff hunt.
  20. 5Year1

    Mike Wallace - Questionable

    IF he plays and so does Samuel, it could mean a good day for Hartline.
  21. 5Year1

    Miles Austin a good buy low?

    Not sure. I got him on waivers after week 1. Didn't start him last week, he did nothing and got Eddie Royal on waivers to replace him. I thought Royal had more potential.
  22. 5Year1

    MJD dropped

    Hasn't been dropped in any of mine. I actually have him on 3 teams and have no intentions of dropping him unless I get other RBs hurt. Drafted him as an RB3 in two leagues, RB2 in one, so he is not someone I HAVE to rely on every week. I was in a bit of a pickle on the RB2 team this week because Bush got hurt, but I picked up Bell this week and am moving Sproles from flex to RB1. I was surprised Bell wasn't drafted.
  23. You'd have to have a really strong option at RB3 or flex to consider doing this. Would you use the same logic to bench AP if he was playing the Pats?
  24. 5Year1

    7-9 Might win the NFC east.

    Cowboys or Giants will win at least 9 games. End of discussion. No replies necessary.
  25. 5Year1

    Guys the Chiefs arent that good... believe me

    So if they do, they do. Didn't the Ravens, the Super Bowl champs, get "slaughtered" by the Broncs? The world didn't come to end for them a last week, did it? Get the chip off your shoulder and shut up.