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The Muffin Man

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Everything posted by The Muffin Man

  1. The Muffin Man

    Thoughts on my teams from last nights drafts?

    Your first league you need a reliable #2 RB. I think you might have gone a little crazy on the rookies for a "dynasty league" but I imagine at least one of the rooks will work out. Assuming your second league only starts 1 QB, I would certainly do that trade. There is no risk (trading all bench players) and potential for great reward (if Fitz returns to pre-2012 form).
  2. The Muffin Man

    The OFFICIAL 14 team league thread...

    I have more detail here regarding my situation but am having difficulty deciding which direction to go in my auction keeper 14-teamer. Basically, I have Spiller, Martin, and Green for cheap and am exploring three options as far as where to drop the rest of my money come draft night. A) Mccoy/Rice - PRO: As most 14-teamers can attest, RBs are really at a premium and being able to start three top-10 guys would be a huge leg up on the competition and leave the rest of the league really thin. CON: This would be the most expensive option and I'd probably already have Bell/Lacy on my team for the flex (rookie draft) 'B) Rodgers PRO: 6 pt Passing TD league w/ Cam, Luck, RGIII, Kaep, Brees, P. Manning, Wilson all likely being kept. Bidding could be lower than projected with everyone thin at RB. CON: Never been a big believer in buying the expensive QB C) Megatron PRO: I would have the consensus 2 of the top 3 WRs. He would likely be the cheapest of the three options. I won a championship in 2011 with him so there's lots of man-crush to overcome. Probably the cheapest option of the three strategies. CON: WR is pretty deep this year?