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Fantasy Fiend

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Everything posted by Fantasy Fiend

  1. Fantasy Fiend

    Sunday Predictions - Lets Go!

    I will kick it off: Ridley blows up to 2012 form vs. Fins for 124 yards n 2 TDs Colston tears up Bills for 85 yds n 2 TDs Jordan Reed maintains and throw up another 100+ yard game. Jordan Cameron = Jason Campbell = Ugly. Dez blows up .. 156 yards and 3 TDs. Giants triple up Desean.. Avg day 60 -70 yards... No TDs
  2. Fantasy Fiend

    Sunday Predictions - Lets Go!

    Good call on Ellington
  3. Fantasy Fiend

    Thoughts on Colston the rest of the way?

    This guy is officially DONE.
  4. Fantasy Fiend

    Sunday Predictions - Lets Go!

    Completely - Marshall & Keenan on bye....Waiver wire is bare.
  5. Fantasy Fiend

    Sunday Predictions - Lets Go!

    Ya think?? Gotta believe they will try to get him six vs da vikes.... But I expect Simpson to have one of his every 5 week blow up performances...
  6. Fantasy Fiend

    Sunday Predictions - Lets Go!

    This week I will start handing out trophies for best Schwammi! Figure tues - wed After the hangover clears
  7. Fantasy Fiend

    Sunday Predictions - Lets Go!

    "For one reason... or another... Peyton Manning will not finish the game vs WAS." Interesting.......Fantasy world would be Rocked with an injury of this magnitude! Assuming of course he doesn't finish bc they are up by 50 lol.....let the games begin
  8. Fantasy Fiend

    Amendola - Over/Under

    Over - takes a hit at end of third that knocks him out.
  9. Fantasy Fiend

    Who will be grabbing Cox?

    Can we kill this thread already ...Jesus
  10. Fantasy Fiend


    Total joke he is a complete embarrassment! This team has totally given up on this midget excuse of a coach
  11. Fantasy Fiend

    Mike James: who all is playing him tonight?

    Jesus the bucs suk...
  12. Fantasy Fiend


    Do you roll with Mike James tonight or gamble and hold out on Murray?
  13. Fantasy Fiend

    Mike James: who all is playing him tonight?

    I am in a bind.....Leaning James because of the Murray injury but now it sounds like Murray might play????? WTF ....if I don't start him they will announce Murray is a no-go tomorrow....I know it! Would you gamble with Murray?
  14. Fantasy Fiend

    Peyton Week 13 at KC (and Brees at Seattle)

    What's the question?
  15. Fantasy Fiend


    I would anticipate Colston rebounding this week - especially with Graham potentially out. He is always a slow starter although I will say he has had trouble getting separation this year. Ether way I expect 70-80 yds and a TD. Depends on what your giving up but definitely a buy low candidate.
  16. Fantasy Fiend

    TE Jordan Reed

    Thinking I may start rolling with him and bench Cameron due to the Weeden disaster.
  17. Fantasy Fiend

    Broken Ribs for Ben Tate

    Time to stop holding onto this guy....I am going to dump him.
  18. Fantasy Fiend

    WW Pickups for week 8 (and onward)

  19. Fantasy Fiend

    Brandon Weeden sucks

    Weeden is one of worst NFL QBs I have ever seen....what a total joke.
  20. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap2000000265765/article/cowboys-dont-view-demarco-murray-as-franchise-rb If Jerry pulls the trigger here who are the top options out there? First that comes to mind for me is Ben Tate. Who else would be a possibility here? MJD is too much of a risk so I don't see them going that way. Thoughts?
  21. Fantasy Fiend

    Who else is rolling with Sweet Baby Jay Cutler today?

    Starting him over Ryan as well....Hoping for the Cutler Marshal connection early and often.
  22. Give CJ2K and Keenan Allen for Forte? I say yes...agreed?
  23. Fantasy Fiend

    Sunday Predictions - Lets Hear It

    Matt Ryan stuns critics and posts 3 TDs and 300+ vs. Bucs CJ2K scores his first rushing TD and hits the Niners for over 100 rushing yards. Cameron returns to the elite. Ridley continues to trend towards his 2012 form with another 80+ yards and 2 TDs Another big QB or RB injury looms....
  24. Fantasy Fiend

    Sunday Predictions - Lets Hear It

    Now as a Bills homer that would be excellent. +1