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Everything posted by HOKIEZ

  1. The white midget routine at WR is getting old in NE

    ***OFFICIAL Patsies v Chiefs MNF Thread***

    Kelce making it look easy

    ***OFFICIAL Patsies v Chiefs MNF Thread***

    Kelce is a maniac, he just shot an imaginary arrow into the stands

    ***OFFICIAL Patsies v Chiefs MNF Thread***

    Kniles.davis is going to make a lot of money one day
  5. Yep athleticism and talent...two different things. F jax is still producing at 33 bc he is a smart footbally player that is well rounded

    ***OFFICIAL Patsies v Chiefs MNF Thread***

    Started kelce over ertz...im starting to sour on ertz

    ***OFFICIAL Patsies v Chiefs MNF Thread***

    Yeah kelce has some swagger to him...hes been heavily involved.
  8. Gave up on torrey last week..time to admit to the mistake and move on.

    Player X is a bum

    Pats have run 3 plays...
  10. HOKIEZ

    ***OFFICIAL Patsies v Chiefs MNF Thread***

    Charles lookin pretty spry
  11. Maybe asiata is this years moreno. Everyone dogged moreno last year and pimped montee ball. They said moreno wasnt flashy enough and he looked pedestrian..howd that one end up...and dont give me the speel about denvers offense..thats not the point here
  12. HOKIEZ

    week 5 waiver wire pickup

    Grabbing flacco for some QB insurance...have space why not. Hes been decent enough.
  13. HOKIEZ

    benching players

    I would disagree that there are 0 positives to playing him, at least in our league format. We need all the points you can muster. There have been plenty of times where the last playoff spot tied record wise and total pts is the deciding factor. So i guess it depends on league structure.
  14. HOKIEZ

    benching players

    What if vereen gets 15 points? Play him, you need all the points you can get. The odds of him fumbling and not getting over 20 total yards is very slim. Esp if you are ppr.
  15. 4 YPC is looking pretty good these days..plodder or not..he has a nose for the end zone and doesnt fumble
  16. Yes asiata is very troubling today...for my opponent. Listen to the mckinnon maniacs still trying to hype him up...he has 6 carries..big deal
  17. HOKIEZ

    The Official Thank You Thread

    Thank u v jax for that nice little td grab
  18. Just dropped.gordon for this cat. Think ill start him over ertz this week
  19. HOKIEZ

    Staying one week ahead- Philly Brown

    Im buying the recent hype on allen robinson...buy now
  20. HOKIEZ

    96.75 to 96.74

    I TIED in the championship two years ago due to a stat correction, on a wednesday that week. I believe 49ers DEF was credited with another sack. I think we tied like 95.45-95.45 or something like that. Of course I won the tie breaker and the title. But what are the odds of tying a matchup?
  21. Whos rolling with Montee this week, despite the matchup? Sea has already knocked out two RB in a game ( mathews, lacy) in 2 weeks. My only other options are Toby white legs.Gerhart or Fred Jackson. Think ill stay with Montee for now unless someone convinces me otherwise. Sea giving up 3.7 YPC Sea allowed only one rushing TD ( kuhn garbage)
  22. HOKIEZ

    Davante Adams anyone?

    I like adams a lot but based on volume alone in this scenario I would play toby. I know hes been garbage but adams could just as easily put up a goose egg.
  23. HOKIEZ

    Week 3: Bold Predictions...

    Toby Gerhart goes for 90 total yards and 2 tds Glden Tate goes for 130 yds 2 tds
  24. I am really tempted to throw fred jackson in. I think Montee is destined for about 5-6 pts. Do I dare start white lightning, Toby tenacious Gerhart? Decisions, decisions!!!
  25. HOKIEZ

    Who has the best, free, PPR Flex Rankings?

    No prob..and i would start west. That game will be a low scoring grind it out battle. Bet the brownies lean on him bigtime.