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Everything posted by WinningTeam11-3

  1. WinningTeam11-3

    Anyone else debating benching Keenan Allen?

    Im excited to start him I want to see how he breaks the ankles of whoever is guarding him he is the Allen Iverson of football
  2. WinningTeam11-3

    Every point counts, week 15 sleeper kickers

    Phil Dawson he had 16 last week I expect something close this week as well
  3. WinningTeam11-3

    Dez Bryant + Tony Romo = Overrated

    The Bears scored 41 points-41 POINTS!!! what do you expect out of Romo when his defense lets the other team score 7 out of 8 times.
  4. WinningTeam11-3

    Who wins and moves on? PPR

    Team A
  5. WinningTeam11-3

    My playoff team is mediocre cuz my QB sucks!

    Andrew Luck is clutch when needed especially against Cincy
  6. WinningTeam11-3

    Any Sadomasochists starting Spiller this week?

    Im thinking about either starting him or fred jackson im in a ppr league and fred gets receptions put when CJ starts sprinting hes gone so
  7. WinningTeam11-3

    Riley Cooper or Amendola? 1 PPR League

    Im going cooper same lineup as you
  8. WinningTeam11-3

    I Need 1 of 3

    I need 1 of the 3 either Torrey Smith( Chicago Defense they have been sucking lately with their top cb out) Danny Amendola( Carolina Defense has been playing well but Brady will have to throw alot) or Keenan Allen( CB Grimes is good but beatable)
  9. WinningTeam11-3

    Cut Andrew Luck?

    Why would you cut him, in his last game he ran in for a touchdown plus he always gives 20+ even when he is losing. There is nobody better than him on the waiver wire, well atleast in my league
  10. WinningTeam11-3

    Please Help With My Starting Lineup. Thanks

    Brown over Amendola and Thomas over Cameron
  11. WinningTeam11-3

    I Need 1 of 3

    Torrey it is!!
  12. WinningTeam11-3

    Pick two - whir

  13. WinningTeam11-3

    Foles or RGIII

    RG3 just because he might get a running touchdown but both defenses suck so your choice. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=428196
  14. I go with the Giants the Bills are beatable http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=428196
  15. WinningTeam11-3

    Trade Help! Happy to help others who leave links...

    TAKE THAT DEAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EASY Frank Gore is a beast and STARTING !!!! plus Brady hasn't been all that and Luck gives you 20 no matter if his team is losing or winning. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=428196
  16. WinningTeam11-3

    QB help

    I have Stafford and he has never dissapointed me, he is like a junior Peyton for me as long as Calvin Johnson is playing. Realistically you have no problems either way you will do fine. Oakland defense has been bad the last couple of weeks so if you want to be safe you should choose Keenum(not Keenan lol). http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=428196
  17. WinningTeam11-3

    Ryan & Keenan for Romo?

    If you must I would do it since you have enough WRs but I would check to see if there are any qbs on FA that have good match ups such as Carson Palmer against Jaguars. Carson isn't the best but he has a great match up and has Larry Fitzgerald that's going to kill the Jags. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=428196
  18. WinningTeam11-3

    L.Bell, S.Ridley and E.Decker. Pick 3

    Bell and decker http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=428196
  19. WinningTeam11-3

    Need Defense help. Will help in return!

    Either Houston or Giants http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=428196
  20. WinningTeam11-3

    flex help

    Rice Balt( Chicago defense sucks) http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=428196
  21. WinningTeam11-3

    players you'd never Draft Again

    Im in ppr and Alfred Morris not being a passing rb hurts my stats alot because he could be getting 20+ a game instead of 14 and 13. Its not his fault he is a great running back but did you see the game that had Roy Helu scoring 3 tds? 3TDS!!!!! 35 points and Alf had none thats crazy when Alfred is way better than Helu! I have to have a rb thats the main guy in ppr or atleast the passing rb like Danny Woodhead. I think its more of me having the combination of C.J. Spiller and Morris on the same team thats been killing me than just him so I might still pick him up next year.
  22. WinningTeam11-3

    players you'd never Draft Again

    Danny Amendola C.J. Spiller Ryan Mathews Alfred Morris Owen Daniels
  23. The Patriots are playing against a good Panthers defense but they have Gronkowski so that will open up the game for Amendola, but on the other hand Keenan is the number 1 receiver on the chargers going against an ok Miami defense away.
  24. WinningTeam11-3

    FLEX & Defense... BIG WEEK! WHIR

    Jordan Reed and Oakland defense