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Everything posted by Fozapd

  1. Fozapd

    Josh Gordon News

    Currently Gordon is benched in both my leagues where I own him. ODB seems like a no brainer but Evans and Gordon is close. Currently going with Evans
  2. Fozapd

    What happens now if L. Bell gets injured?

    Stole him in the 4th round originally as my number 3 behind forte and ball. Of course I talked up the arrest and suspension heavily before the draft. Hehe misinformation never hurts
  3. Fozapd

    Marquess Wilson...worth a pick-up?

    7th round draft pick with good skills but I believe he quit in college due to some conflict with coaches. He's got talent plus opportunity so there is a chance. Personally I see him as a 3-45 type game but you never know
  4. Fozapd

    Week 15 gems you see rising up

    I grabbed Baltimore defense vs jax for next week. This time of year I tend to grab 2 defenses to get the best matchups and hopefully points.
  5. Bears plus the points. I think they win outright as Dallas defense stinks and romo looked awful last game. I mean he threw a few awful passes where he completed missed his target. Plus he looked to have a dead arm - lots of float and no really ability to deliver strikes IMO
  6. Fozapd

    Time to cut Harvin?

    I cut him for the texans defense - texans play Tennessee and Jacksonville over the next two weeks. Percy experiment over - well never really started as I didn't start him over anyone else.
  7. Fozapd

    Nasty Weather this week...

    Good to know! Thanks as I'm still new to fan duel. I typically use the mobile app but it's good to know where to find a ask fanduel link.
  8. Fozapd

    Jets - Bills Game Free Tix

    That's an awesome deal for anyone near Detroit. I'd be all over that if it were in New Jersey. I don't care who is playing
  9. Fozapd

    Brian Hoyer. Any you nuts have the guts?

    Not in any season long leagues but I'm rolling him out in fanduel as a cheap option with hopes of 250 and 2 tds
  10. Fozapd

    I'm so unlucky in FF

    Knowledge can make what others perceive as luck. Fantasy football is a skill but luck decides it. Typically 6 out of 12 owners are dependable playoff contenders and the other six losers. Some years 1-2 teams may switch for a year but typically the skilled owners make the playoffs more often than not. I've been playing since the 90s and that's how it plays out most times.
  11. Fozapd

    Rank these RBs for a keeper league

    Gio Hill Mason Murray McKinnon Hillman Go to keep gio or hill as both look like top rbs in the league. Mason I think is the starter for the rams next year too. Murray could be good but I'm not over buying just yet. McKinnon who knows what the Vikings do. Hillman not sure what his role will be.
  12. Fozapd

    Rostering 3 qbs vs 6 rbs?

    If I keep joique bell do I cut Eli manning for dirty Sanchez? I'd be trading Eli for chip Kelly's offense
  13. Fozapd

    Rostering 3 qbs vs 6 rbs?

    It's late enough in the season that most of us know who are starters are. If you don't plan on playing someone the rest of the season is he worth rostering to keep away from another owner or does it make since to thin depth for a player you might start? My scenario: Qbs: cutler and Eli manning Rbs: forte, Le'veon bell, hill, Matthews, Crowell and joique bell Thinking of cutting joique bell to grab mark Sanchez as Sanchez may be good to sub in for cutler when the bears play Detroit. Eli has a few decent matchups too. Is grabbing 3 qbs too many? I don't start a rb at flex as I have dez, maclin, Evans and Gordon. Yes, it's a 10 teamer league.
  14. Fozapd

    Rostering 3 qbs vs 6 rbs?

    Sadly yes. $175 by in. I'm destroying the league. Starting lineup going forward: Cutler Forte , Le'veon bell Dez, maclin Flex: Gordon or Evans Te: gronk I've won top scorer 6 out of 11 weeks so far. Lol
  15. Fozapd

    Anyone starting Mckinnion?

    I'm rolling with McKinnon as I think this may be his best week to date with asiata out and Tate unfamiliar with the play book. His yardage has been steady so if he gets the goal line work he could net you double digit points. I believe he is $5500 in fanduel so I view him as a bargain play to upgrade other positions.
  16. Fozapd

    Nasty Weather this week...

    Quickolas - way to be a ! Just because you don't care doesn't mean no one else does. Just was pointing out a potential dilemma for fan duelers playing in Thursday night starts. Wasn't looking for a definitive answer douche!
  17. Fozapd

    p.thomas finally back to practicing

    I imagine this kills what little value cadet was providing but does it hurt Ingram too?
  18. Fozapd

    Nasty Weather this week...

    The question I have is what will fanduel do if the game is moved to Tuesday? Extended the contest or give zeros to the players. The college game last night didn't sound like a definite wait until game is played answer. I switched Watkins out of my lineup due to the uncertainty
  19. Fozapd

    Any updates on Gio

    It said Lewis is optimistic of gio practicing - big difference between being optimistic and actually back at practice!
  20. I think the players would side with me over Goodell. Both actions are horrible by the players and I don't condone them. However goodell is inconsistent and is making stuff up as he goes. If conduct policy states x games suspended then the total number of games missed should equal that. If you say it's 6 games, then don't make a player miss 15 or more. Exempt list is turning out to be a joke. Make the players pay back the money and count time towards suspension. Seems very cut and dry
  21. Look goodell is not handling things right and seems to have no clue lately. Ray rice- clear violation of double jeopardy. The player was tried and given a two week suspension. New evidence was found so he retired rice on the same charges. Oj Simpson can admit to killing Nicole brown and nothing could happen as he was already tried on those charges. Adrian Peterson missing the first half of the season on the exempt list. Gets charges dropped to misdemeanor. Then is suspended the 2nd half of the season. Makes no sense as the player shouldn't miss 15 games for what is a conduct policy violation which carries a 6 week suspension. Goodell will never have another player agree to the exempt list. They should take money back for the pay they earned and have the time on the exempt list count. This is not that hard of a job for Christ sakes. I could do it as a side job IMO
  22. Fozapd

    ball's busted, out 2-3 weeks

    I held him in 1 league - should've grab sankey when I had the chance 2 weeks ago. Dumpsville - population you (Montee Ball)
  23. Fozapd

    Will we ever see Latavius Murray this year ?

    If it's not blocking, then the coach is an idiot. I have to admit I haven't watched a raiders game this season so my knowledge of their players is very limited. Most teams end up on my tv with the nfl package but Oakland is not one of them. Red zone doesn't count as that is usually the defense. Lol
  24. Thank god I have Rivera! Here's hoping Niles is available
  25. Fozapd

    Will we ever see Latavius Murray this year ?

    Probably an issue with pass blocking (guess) - the coach would look really stupid if the mediocre RB he wants to try out ends out missing a block that injures Carr for the season. If I'm the coach I roll with the rookie, but there is much more to football than just running the ball.