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Everything posted by Fozapd

  1. Fozapd

    CJ Anderson

    Couple quick points on why I favor CJ Anderson. He is a more complete RB - right size and running style Hillman has been given the chance before with no results. I don't see that changing. Averaging 6 yards per carry in limited action Never trust what Peyton Manning says - he promoted the crap out of Montee Ball too.
  2. Fozapd

    when do we admit McCoy is a bust his year?

    Manning didn't help my bad draft. Grab Montee ball in 2nd and cordarelle Patterson in the fourth. Lost Ingram to injury and bishop sankey is developing too slow to help my team . Teams where I grabbed lacy in first is 4-1. Team with manning 1-4. It's all about drafting well in those other early rounds.
  3. Fozapd

    Denver D droppable for streaming DST's?

    I'm holding for now. Score wise they've been solid but not many fantasy points. Just not generating sacks and turnovers but I think they will come soon enough.
  4. Fozapd

    Jordan Cameron ?

    Don't drop Vernon Davis for Cameron
  5. Fozapd

    Thinking of dropping Foles...

    I believe in chip Kelly's system producing numbers based on number of plays alone. The line will get better and Foles will have a few games with 3-4 tds. I'd grab manning as insurance but dropping Foles doesn't seem smart.
  6. Fozapd

    Jordan Cameron ?

    I still think Cameron will come around. However rostering 3 tight ends is a lot. Who are you cutting? It could be worth it to trade kelce to another owner for an upgrade at another position.
  7. Fozapd

    Which side wins this trade? WHIR

    I like the trade. You are gambling on the rise of Sankey but I think he will produce soon.
  8. Fozapd

    Which QB week 5 Eli or Cutler?

    Both have good match ups this week so it really boils down to which game will stay competitive. I think the bears pull away and run more in the 4th quarter. Manning I think will need to keep passing to match Matt Ryan's offense. So manning but you can go wrong with either
  9. Fozapd

    Jeremy Maclin or Golden Taint - ROS?

    Maclin is far better rest of season. He gets targeted a ton so I can't see him slowing down unless there is an injury. Tate will fight for looks with megatron, the rbs, and I think ebron starts to get more looks as season rolls on
  10. Fozapd

    LOL at Asiata and McKinnon owners...

    I think both are touchdown dependent if you are starting them. Either one or both will run for 40-60 yards 1-3 receptions for another 10- 20 yards. With a TD they're serviceable. Without the TD there are better options. I still say McKinnon takes over a larger portion soon. But I'd call them a flex play and great bye week fill ins.
  11. Fozapd

    Austin Seferian-Jenkins AKA ASJ

    Just snagged him in my 16 team league. With pitta gone, I'm hoping for big things or at least passable stats (5-50)
  12. Fozapd

    Darrin Reaves

    Worth an add, but I wouldn't start him this week. I think Tate, Forsett, Taliaferro, and TRich are all better options. Tate is supposed to be back so I think you need to start him and I'd lean towards Forsett or Taliaferro based on scoring system. Forsett will have more yardage but Taliaferro has a higher chance of a TD. You'll have to forgive me - didn't realize the roster sizes. I had someone in a 10 team league scoop him and put him in their starting lineup. The idiot dropped Jeremy Hill for him. And yes I have a claim in for Hill. Again the advice is somewhat based on number of teams, roster spaces, etc. I generally assume 12 teams with 16 roster spots unless mentioned.
  13. Fozapd

    Darrin Reaves

    It sounds like a 3 man RBBC situation. I'd avoid if you have better options. Its not like any "good" teams are on a bye this week. Who are you replacing Lamar miller?
  14. Trying to get a top 20 rb - is Zak Stacy potentially bottom of that group ? Is Cunningham going to get more involved? I haven't heard much about him
  15. Fozapd

    Lamar Miller owners

    Yup his value just went up for the next few weeks. I'll admit I sold him last week for Gronk. Pittas injury and a surplus of rbs made it easier. I thought after the bye week he'd be in a rbbc. No real loss as I grabbed him week 2 after another owner cut ties. Free agent for gronk ( and yes I know gronk isn't his old self)
  16. Fozapd

    Odell Beckham

    I'm sure he's got talent but you have to wonder on how quickly coughlin will get him in the game. Couple hurdles 1 snaps - shouldn't take too long (2-3 weeks IMO) 2 earn manning's trust to get targets (another 2 weeks IMO) So in about 4 weeks he will be relevant.
  17. Fozapd

    Let's talk Denard Robinson

    I think he is worth a flier in deeper leagues. I remember a year ago - everyone hyping him as the 'offensive weapon' as he didn't fit a position, but had lots of raw speed and talent. The doubts were whether he could handle the touches based on his smaller frame. Jax is a horrible - they may want to see what they have. Personally I think he makes a nice 3rd down RB or COP guy - not a lead RB.
  18. Fozapd

    I'm Benching Montee Ball for _____________

    Why Montee Ball isn't a bust RB! Remember he didn't get reps with the starters in the preseason - so his first real action came week 1. I think after the bye week he will start performing like the RB you drafted. Week 1: First action - bad yards/carry but punched in a TD (this is a star week if his name was Lacy) Week 2: Played well 15 touches for 89 total yards. Week 3: Not great numbers, but it was against a top notch run defense. Granted week 4 is a tough matchup - but coming off the bye week I'm not sure there are better options. I could see him putting up low yardage totals but punch in a TD. Just my two cents
  19. Fozapd

    Chime in on the Bishop Sankey, Titans fans.

    I find it funny that people gave up on Bishop Sankey so quickly. I drafted him with full knowledge that he would be better as the season rolls along. Why would you not trust your instincts? I swear fantasy football owners have the brain of a squirrel - they only remember the last week. He was drafted to be on your bench for the first quarter of the season - and owners panicked and cut him. Stupid! Remember why you did what you did and stick with the plan until facts state otherwise. Greene was a temporary block for playing time behind the more talented RB. In my mind I had targeted week 6/7 as the time he'd take over.
  20. Brees to cutler is a manageable downgrade but gaining megatron is huge. Ball will rebound but I think Ingram and him are close enough in points. Mjd is worthless
  21. Fozapd

    Lamar Miller owners

    I bundled him and Jeremy hill for rob gronkowski! After losing pitta this seemed like a great trade. I'm loaded at rb with forte, bell and ball plus Hyde was available so hill=Hyde IMO making it miller for gronk
  22. Fozapd

    The Official Lesean McCoy Sucks Thread

    I'm trading for McCoy as he looked fine the first two weeks. Week 3 he was total shutdown but week 4 the eagles weren't on offense much. 3 def/special teams tds and a lot of 3 and outs. Perfect time to buy him from a owner who is pissed off about his production. Already turned asiata into Keenan Allen on Saturday and I see this turning around too! Buy low
  23. Fozapd

    Those who didn't believe in Foles

    I guess system qb is not exactly what I meant. I mean that his system helps him become more fantasy relevant. He'd be a fine qb elsewhere but not a top 5 fantasy qb. Chip Kelly's tempo gets him so many additional plays in a game which means more stats. It doesn't hurt that the eagles have no defense
  24. Fozapd

    Talk me off the Jamaal Charles ledge!

    At least you didn't draft Adrian Peterson! It sounds like Jamal Charles will play so I think you need to roll with him. No way to work Donald brown in elsewhere - rb2 or flex?
  25. Xenophobe - who says Moreno doesn't return to a time share with Lamar Miller. Miller had over 100 yards last week and I expect him to tear it up today. I think moreno return means rbbc and makes the dolphin rbs kind of useless