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Posts posted by dmb3535

  1. Need to pick 1 rb, 1wr and 1fkex from these players below in my ppr league. Who would you pick in the three positions?


    Doug Martin vs Seattle

    Ingram vs rams

    Hightower vs rams

    Cobb vs phili

    Crowder vs Dallas

    Tyrel Williams vs Houston


    So who all do you like for ppr?


    Thanks and leave link if you need help with yours

  2. You all have been leaving me to victories lately and I thank you all for that. Need your help again this week. Need to pick 1 wr and 1 flex from players below, it is a ppr league


    Which 2 would you pick:


    -Tyrell Williams -vs Miami

    -Mike Wallace - vs clev

    -Dujuan Harris ---if Hyde can't go- vs Arizona

    -Cooks--see below -vs Denver

    -Hightower---I'm already starting Ingram and started both last week and it worked out, don't know about this week against Denver


    1wr and 1 flex. Thanks and leave link if you need help with yours

  3. I have Cobb on my team and not sounding good for him playing. With that said I need to start either Wallace or tyrel Williams if he isn't playing. Who would you start in a ppr league? If it matters, my opponent is starting rivers which might make me lean Williams.


    Thanks and leave link if you need help with yours

  4. I posted already and can't seem to find my post, but here's my problem. I have brees and Ryan on my team and I'm already starting cooks, Ingram and Hightower this week due to all the players on bye week. So I kinda hate to start brees and go down in flames if the saints have a bad day, plus I think they run the ball like crazy against worst rush def in league (SF). I also hate Thursday night games for qbs, so do I start Matt Ryan or start brees and hope the saints go off?


    Thanks and leave link if you need help with yours

  5. I have both on my team and I am honestly thinking of starting both. I hear they will split time and SF is worst rushing defense. I am starting one for sure in my rb spot and it's either the other NO rb or tyrel Williams. Think I should chance starting both rbs from saints?

  6. I am in keeper dynasty league if you are wondering how I have both and nobody in our league likes to trade so I keep them both. With that said, who would you start this week, Ryan or brees? Should tell you that I'm starting cooks and Ingram so that would make me starting the saints offense if I go with brees. Tough one for me, what do you think.


    Thanks and leave link if you need help with yours
