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Posts posted by imgmoney

  1. 16 hours ago, PATSSOX said:

    I went with your explanation.   I am commish and we have always done by points in these situations.  And i am #4 seed so i would have been #2 seed but i think i went with  the right way.  

    We had the same problem a number of years ago. There was a 4 way tie and 3 of 4 made it. The one team who didn’t was not happy, but the first tiebreaker was head to head. I always liked total points as the first tiebreaker, but the majority of the league wanted head to head first. The guy who didn’t make it got out of the league the following year, which was no big loss, didn’t really care for the guy anyway. Then the year after wanted to get back in. Was not happening.

    I am the commish and that was the fairest way to do it with the way the rules were set up. That is the way the NFL breaks ties in divisions with more than 2 tied teams. I also emphasized in the rules the following year the first tiebreaker was head to head among all tied teams.
