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Everything posted by SenatorRock

  1. SenatorRock

    Farmers love Trump

    Farmers would still rather have Trump than some multigendered multiracial multisexual communist. I know you have impeccable credibility with your sources (Yahoo, HuffPo, Slate, Roots, etc) but I am going to need to see a further breakdown of why the farmers had a rough year. (Corporate farms have been decimating family farms for the last decade +) Also, anyone who defends TPP is a focking clown. I did speak with some pecan farmers recently and they were not happy about the price of pecans being cut in half due to Chinese tariffs. They basically worked all year and made nothing. As farmers they are used to this as it happens every so many years, farming is a cyclical business, so they are not screaming at the sky like those TSA employees who missed 1 paycheck. And not a single one of them would vote for whatever freak show the Dems end up running.
  2. SenatorRock

    WHYTF was my Trump won't be impeached DELETORED?

    My guess is someone like sho or newbie said some things that put them on the Secret Service watch list. Maybe not necessarily in that thread, but elsewhere on the internet. Mike is smart and deleted their shite, unlike other fantasy forum owners who promote radicalism. When they eventually snap and try to shoot Trump or blow up a Trump rally Mike (and this forum) are in the clear for not promoting domestic terrorism, unlike other sites.
  3. SenatorRock

    Trump Approval Rating at 52%

    Yes, it is clearly trolling and abusive language.
  4. SenatorRock

    Skolkovo - Russia's version of silicon valley.

    It really is amazing that they had the balls to go with muh Russia collusion to try and take down Trump, given their history of shady deals over the last 10 years with Russia.
  5. SenatorRock

    WHYTF was my Trump won't be impeached DELETORED?

    I must have missed it. Can we get a cliff notes update in this thread? (I am gonna go out on a limb and guess that in order to be impeached there has to be a crime, not just hurt feelings)
  6. SenatorRock

    Are you ready for some Football???? AAF style??

    It is as if you didn't even read my post. I agree, calling them the All Stars or Elites would be stupid. Hotshots is in reference and tribute to this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yarnell_Hill_Fire This is their logo:
  7. SenatorRock

    Grammys Thread

    I don't know if this was intentional but they had a bunch of brown kids run on stage and start climbing a fence.
  8. SenatorRock

    Grammys Thread

    I guess I missed that part, probably would have turned it off.
  9. SenatorRock

    Are you ready for some Football???? AAF style??

    Sounds pretty cool, report back. And to 90s, Hotshots is a pretty fitting name for AZ, it is a nod to the wildland firefighters and guys who jump out of planes into forest fires so that yuppies don't get their homes burned down. Also a nice tribute to the guys who lost their lives in the fire near Prescott a few years back.
  10. SenatorRock

    Grammys Thread

    Alicia Keys and Diana Ross both knocked it out of the park. Kelce Musgraves is fine. So far no politcal bullshit, maybe they got the memo. Brandi Carlisle performance coming up soon. I missed the Dolly tribute but heard it was good. So far it is the least propaganda awards show I have ever seen. Pretty amazing tbh.
  11. SenatorRock

    Chinese company buying out reddit?

    They will likely have less censorship under China ownership than the current crew.
  12. SenatorRock

    Bowflex Selecttech 1090

    I didn't know Tim Ferris posted here.
  13. Democrat Projection. Unfortunately there are still many low info people who fall for it.
  14. SenatorRock

    Latinas are natives

  15. I need to know the races of the victim and the perps before I can determine if I am outraged or too busy to notice. Oops, based on the pics of the perps I am going to have to get back to you, kinda busy right now signalling virtue on Twitter.
  16. SenatorRock

    Ginsburg ded ?

    Video of the concert: You would think if she was in attendance they would have recognized her presence. Nope. I mean, she just survived a double lobectomy and not even a clap. Also, the one person who claimed to have seen her, and hugged her, has deleted those tweets and set his account to private. And RGB officiated his wedding And he writes for WaPo She ded.
  17. 1. Was the shooter a Muslim, White Nationalist, disgruntled employee, or jilted lover? 2. Were there any "good guys with guns"? 3. Where is your building? These drills seem to always precede an actual mass shooting, I'd like to know where to avoid. 4. Speaking of which, I hope you are not the designated patsy. Maybe Mike should delete your post history.
  18. SenatorRock

    Nat Enq, Bezos, Trump, Saudi

    Does he come up with these bizarro threads on his own or is this what they talk about on MSNPC and CNN?
  19. SenatorRock

    Whats the point?

    Cool thread. I guess you have been in a coma for 10 days, as we have seen the leaders of your party admit to and be credibly accused of dressing up in blackface, KKK clothes, and raping women. But go ahead and project your sins on others, it it much easier than admitting the truth. And tell that jizz drinker Aaron I said hi.
  20. SenatorRock

    AOC and the "Green New Deal"...

    [Twitter]https://www..twitter.com/CoryBooker/status/1093591514780000257[/Twitter] Fock it, here are the images: You have to give the big tittayed bartender credit, she already has every career Dem politician running for president sucking her clit. She will single handedly destroy the Democratic Party.
  21. SenatorRock

    AOC and the "Green New Deal"...

    How do you insert a Twitter post like that?
  22. SenatorRock

    AOC and the "Green New Deal"...

    Wiff, you seem pretty knowledgeable about o & g. What kind of gas are they drilling for in the Permian? My understanding is that the fracing is not only producing massive quantities of new oil but just as much gas. Companies in the gas industry are killing it down here right now. Is that the same natural gas you speak of or something else? I think most of it is being sold to European countries currently.
  23. SenatorRock

    AOC and the "Green New Deal"...

    And strap solar panels on the hood and trunk. We could probably use our cars to power our homes at that point!