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Everything posted by SenatorRock

  1. SenatorRock

    This will surprise you

    Didn't Papa Joe use his mafia buddies to manufacture a bunch of votes in Chicago at the last minute to cover the spread? Similar to what Broward county does every election.
  2. The great thing about Trump is that even though a quarter of this country is mentally ill, hates America, and wants to murder his entire family he still gets up every morning, puts in 18 hour days with no pay and no respect, to make this country great for all Americans. I feel sorry for the people so eaten up with hate that they are missing out on this golden age. We will never have another 8 years like this in our lives.
  3. Here is the full version
  4. SenatorRock

    Books you are reading

  5. SenatorRock

    Geek cooking challenge

    Winner winner cajun dinner
  6. SenatorRock

    Geek cooking challenge

    Bad arse. That is a summer they will remember forever, and possibly impact the trajectory of their lives going forward. You are a good human. I'd go with some of the dishes our resident Latino recommended. Chirizo and egg burritos sound like an awesome trail meal.
  7. SenatorRock

    Reefer Help

    You can definitely fly with edibles, throw them in your checked bag. You can probably fly with flower, checked bag. They don't have drug sniffing dogs at the airport, only bomb sniffing dogs.
  8. SenatorRock

    Ass Wednesday

  9. SenatorRock

    Official Cohen Deestroys Trump Co Thread

    TDS: "He took a picture with Rosa Parks and Muhammad Ali" Reality: "The Ellis Island Medals of Honor embody the spirit of America in their celebration of patriotism, tolerance, brotherhood and diversity. They recognize individuals who have made it their mission to share with those less fortunate their wealth of knowledge, indomitable courage, boundless compassion, unique talents and selfless generosity; all while maintaining the traditions of their ethnic heritage as they uphold the ideals and spirit of America. As always, NECO remains dedicated to the maintenance and restoration of America’s greatest symbol of its immigrant history, Ellis Island."
  10. SenatorRock

    The End of Recycling?

    Shipping our recyclables to China reminds me of NYC shipping their sewage to some bum fkck county in west Texas. Millions of pounds of literal shite sent by train every week to be buried in the desert. Eventually kids started getting sick and they stopped, no idea where they send their waste now.
  11. SenatorRock

    The End of Recycling?

    Consumerism and environmentalism do not go hand in hand. It would be awesome if the US shifted to a more minimalist and self sufficient mindset but that would probably tank the economy. And nobody likes having to be individually responsible for their actions, much easier to just blame it on a generic boogeyman like climate change and not have to worry about it.
  12. SenatorRock

    Geek cooking challenge

    Where were these courses when I was in college? Sounds awesome. Do you car camp in the same location or backpack/raft to different locations each day? When I was backpacking in the Grand Canyon we were boiling water for our freeze dried bullshit while the guided trips had 4 course meals every night, we were very jealous.
  13. SenatorRock

    Official Cohen Deestroys Trump Co Thread

    I am saying that 2 shootings at BLM events where a radical black guy shot and killed multiple police officers was not just a random coincidence. Are you saying you think those murders had nothing to do with BLM and what they were promoting? It was just random violence?
  14. SenatorRock

    Official Cohen Deestroys Trump Co Thread

    Dallas and Baton Rouge. Around 10 dead cops, all from radical black shooters, at events associated with BLM. You can pretend it was just coincidence that the cops were all shot by black radicals at BLM events, and that BLM had nothing to do with it, but that takes a whole lot of mental gymnastics.
  15. SenatorRock

    Official Cohen Deestroys Trump Co Thread

    Who was the guy that said "we'll have those n****** voting Democrat for the next 200 years"
  16. SenatorRock

    Official Cohen Deestroys Trump Co Thread

    Well well well, guess who went begging for a pardon before he turned into a wiffbot stuck on "Orange Man Bad" mode? He also lied about it in his hearing
  17. SenatorRock

    These LGBTQ....peeps taking sh!t to another level

    Why do lesbians get their own letter? Does gay only refer to homosexual men? Does that mean lesbians are NOT gay? And what is a queer? I assumed that was the same as gay.
  18. SenatorRock

    What comes to your mind when...

    Lol Special kind of retard here. You make Wiff look somewhat sane.
  19. SenatorRock

    What comes to your mind when...

    There is only one group in America being harassed, attacked physically, and silenced for their speech. As long as you agree with "the man" then you are free to speak your mind. If you have a dissenting opinion then be prepared to be punched or banned.
  20. SenatorRock

    What the actual fock? Mueller Report pre-order on Amazon?!

    There is also a fake news edition being printed for the TDStards. https://www.washingtonpost.com/arts-entertainment/2019/02/28/washington-post-publish-mueller-report-book/?utm_term=.43491be43da1 Given the warnings from Brennan, Schittforbrains, CNN, etc that the Mueller report is going to be a let down it makes sense that WaPo would be publishing a book to Demsplain it to their sheep. They need to get ahead of it, so the narrative that despite Mueller not finding anything that Orange Man is still Bad, and Russia collusion COULD have happened, it is just too hard to prove.
  21. The cat was 24 pounds when they weighed him. They said he was likely 30-40 pounds when he attacked the dude, but before they could recover the cat it had been eaten a bit by its siblings. And the runner was a skinny fock, weighed around 150.
  22. SenatorRock

    UFC 235

    I don't keep up with MMA. Do the UFC #s go up by one every time there is an event? Like the next one will be UFC 236? Also, how often to they occur? Monthly, quarterly, semi annually?
  23. SenatorRock

    Official Cohen Deestroys Trump Co Thread

    He looked like an al queda hostage reading a script in that hearing.
  24. SenatorRock

    Official Cohen Deestroys Trump Co Thread

    Apparently Mueller threatened Cohen's wife with 30 years in prison for co-signing on a bank note in which he had inflated the value if his taxi medallions. This would explain his turning rat and parroting the Dem talking points (Orange Man Bad, Orange Man Racist, Orange Man crooked). Can't say I blame him, but he will likely get what is coming (mafia hit in prison, they don't like rats). And his wife will be slurping some other guys cack within months if not weeks.