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Everything posted by SenatorRock

  1. SenatorRock

    If Trump found a cure for cancer

    I had to go to the 3rd page of Google Trump news to find this link. Apparently it is not very newsworthy amongst the elite. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjA5dupkMvgAhWrllQKHfKCAB4QzPwBegQIARAC&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nbcnews.com%2Fpolitics%2Fnational-security%2Ftrump-administration-launches-global-effort-end-criminalization-homosexuality-n973081&psig=AOvVaw3kS71Gz7MiHHwPfn9IWZNc&ust=1550780134748363
  2. You ever heard of the UltraMan? I think it is a double Ironman. Some chicks on a podcast I was listening to recently were talking about it.
  3. SenatorRock

    If Trump found a cure for cancer

    It appears the point of this thread sailed over the heads of the TDS crowd here. I'll dumb it down for you tards. Trump just announced he is fighting for gays around the world to not be thrown off rooftops. Now the left, and lgtbqpedo community is saying that is bad. Because Orange Man Bad. If Trump cured cancer you dumb focks would find something to complain about.
  4. SenatorRock

    Dash Cam

    YouTube appears to have lots of review videos.
  5. SenatorRock

    Dash Cam

    I bet if you find a Russian forum you could get some good advice. Or try Reddit.
  6. SenatorRock

    Jussie Smollett (Empire) claims he was assaulted by MAGA guys.

    Even better would be if he flips on his handlers.
  7. SenatorRock

    Jussie Smollett (Empire) claims he was assaulted by MAGA guys.

    Just a reminder, this is the actual letter. Not a meme or joke. This is the focking letter he sent himself. It looks like a 5 year old's letter to Santa.
  8. SenatorRock

    Bernie Sanders is running for President 2020

    You think taking hundreds of millions of dollars from poor college kids and guilty white people knowing full well he was never going to actually fight for the nomination in a rigged primary are the actions of a man of honor? The DNC told him to get out the way, and oh give us all of your data, and he folded like a biotch.
  9. SenatorRock

    Bernie Sanders is running for President 2020

    Bless your heart. The retard forum is here
  10. SenatorRock

    Jussie Smollett (Empire) claims he was assaulted by MAGA guys.

    Here is the letter he sent himself
  11. SenatorRock

    Jussie Smollett (Empire) claims he was assaulted by MAGA guys.

    http://www.cwbchicago.com/2019/02/smollett-threat-letter-called-enormous.html?m=1 The FBI has been investigating the Jussie matter for nearly a month. Once he received the fake magazine hate letter with a MAGA return address the FBI opened their investigation. The Nigerian brothers are cooperating and are under police guard in a Chicago hotel. A grand jury has already seen the letter and multiple subpoenas have been issued. A witness has come forward. She saw the "attack" and described the 3 men as hanging out talking like they knew each other. Jussie is now potentially facing terroristic hoax charges as well as obstruction.
  12. SenatorRock

    So when do we collect the check from mexico?

    Probably right after we save $2,500 on our health insurance premiums.
  13. SenatorRock

    Free weather app

    I still have the Google weather on a Pixel. You could probably figure out how to get it back if you Google your phone model and Google weather.
  14. SenatorRock

    Jussie Smollett (Empire) claims he was assaulted by MAGA guys.

    The memes just write themselves.
  15. SenatorRock

    Jussie Smollett (Empire) claims he was assaulted by MAGA guys.

    Kamala laughs when a reporter has the balls to ask her about her "modern day lynching" tweet. https://mobile.twitter.com/timrunshismouth/status/1097605227082076164
  16. SenatorRock

    Free weather app

    I use the Google weather icon on the home screen. Pretty basic but provides 90% of what I am looking for. It doesn't have Doppler radar though. What features are you looking for?
  17. SenatorRock

    Jussie Smollett (Empire) claims he was assaulted by MAGA guys.

    They are literally nothing more than robots programmed to repeat the daily newspeak.
  18. SenatorRock

    Lara Logan; Death of journalistic objectivity.

    Someone who has not been sent to the concentration camp yet should share that article with our Nazi brethren at the other site. See if they have the ability to comprehend or just instantly dismiss because the source is not on the approved goodspeak reading list.
  19. SenatorRock

    Lara Logan; Death of journalistic objectivity.

    There are a few objective liberals still out there. CNN, MSNBC, HuffPo are all part of the machine. It is refreshing to see people like Jimmy Dore, Lara Logan, and Michael Tracey speaking out against the propaganda that has consumed the left and the low info crowd, like fbgheys. From the Logan article:
  20. SenatorRock

    Jussie Smollett (Empire) claims he was assaulted by MAGA guys.

    15 celebrities who blamed Trump and his supporters for Jussie's Fake Hate Crime https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2019/02/17/15-celebrities-who-blamed-trump-deplorables-for-hoax-attack-on-jussie-smollett/ Breitbart article, Twitter links from all of the celebrities. Exhibit 45 of how fake news and propaganda is spread. Enemy of the people.
  21. SenatorRock

    Jussie Smollett (Empire) claims he was assaulted by MAGA guys.

    He sent white powder to the set if empire. He mailed himself a fake magazine cutout letter threatening to commit a hate crime on himself. He lies to the police. Obstructed an investigation. He paid someone to commit a hate crime, on himself. If there is any justice he will spend time in jail.
  22. SenatorRock

    Jussie Smollett (Empire) claims he was assaulted by MAGA guys.

    Birds of a feather. This Jussie Hoax was planned, it was part 2 of the Covington high school kids hoax. Start the conversation with the racist KY kids wearing MAGA hats. MAGA hats are the new KKK hood. Gay black actor is attacked by white guys in MAGA hats and a lynching rope. Kamala Harris and Cory Booker, both who jumped on the Jussie Bandwagon immediately, push to pass, get this, a bill that outlaws lynching. Because there are so many people being lynched on 2019. This was all an orchestrated plan to portray MAGA as a modern day KKK. To bad the black Israelites, the piece of Indian, the VA governor, and the Nigerian brothers couldn't play their God damn part.