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Everything posted by SenatorRock

  1. SenatorRock

    What if it's found that Trump did help the Russians

    Shame that Saints quit this board the day that IG Horowitz recommended terminating McCabe for lying. He was a searcher of truth prior to that. Now he is just an obsessed mentally ill lunatic hiding in an echo chamber to protect his ego.
  2. SenatorRock

    Any hikers here?

    REI has 2 good apps that are basically the same thing. Both free. https://www.hikingproject.com https://www.trailrunproject.com
  3. SenatorRock

    Any hikers here?

    Darn tough makes a good sock. Jerry, you should check out Hike Arizona, it is the most detailed trail website/app I have seen, but is limited to mostly AZ so not relevant for people elsewhere.
  4. SenatorRock

    Mueller Time is officially over. Predictions?

    CNN is so focking desperate their headline is "does not conclude Trump committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him" These dumb focks really are going to triple down on their lunacy.
  5. SenatorRock

    Any hikers here?

    Camelback on a Saturday or Sunday morning is a buffet of hot, fit women from 18-50.
  6. SenatorRock

    Mueller Time is officially over. Predictions?

  7. SenatorRock

    Mueller Time is officially over. Predictions?

    You word vomit on a daily basis here about the latest Twitter conspiracy. I don't have the time to search your 10k+ posts on Trump, but if you never once posted anything about Trump and Russia then I will never post here again.
  8. SenatorRock

    Mueller Time is officially over. Predictions?

    I love how the left has moved the goalposts again, from "Drumpf is a Russian spy" to "who cares, you guys wasted time investigating blowjobs and Benghazi". Just admit it, you were fooled and now you look like a focking idiot.
  9. SenatorRock

    Mueller Time is officially over. Predictions?

    James Woods rubs shite in their face: https://mobile.twitter.com/RealJamesWoods God bless this patriot. And to the delusional focks who think Trump is going to lose in 2020 because he is mean.... Your tears of hate only make him stronger.
  10. SenatorRock

    Mike - Bring back the pictures

  11. SenatorRock

    Any hikers here?

    I am jealous of those who get to hike in AZ right now. So green, so many wildflowers due to the snow and rain. I only made it to South Mountain a couple of times, most of my hikes were Camelback, Squaw, and the Catalinas down in Tucson. South Mountain is yuuuge, so many trails. Which Altras do you rock? I am looking at the Lone Peaks or Superiors. As well as the Hoka ATRs.
  12. SenatorRock

    Mueller Time is officially over. Predictions?

    Six Dem House Committees have already filed for the DOJ to be required to release the full report. This smells like a setup. Mueller publicly indicts a few ham sandwiches to keep the media frothing. Quietly Mueller was investigating ALL matters related to Russia and interference in the 2016 election. Dems scream for the report to be released. Report released, showing Hillary and DNC colluded with a British spy and Russian intelligence sources in an attempt to influence the election. Biotch gets locked up. Mass suicides by TDS crowd.
  13. SenatorRock

    Mueller Time is officially over. Predictions?

    Adam Schiff is already threatening to subpoena Mueller to testify. Some loon MSNBC said just because there were no crimes doesn't mean it wasn't a scandal.
  14. SenatorRock

    What if it's found that Trump did help the Russians

    Update? We know you lurk, fire up your alias and chime in.
  15. SenatorRock

    Mueller Time is officially over. Predictions?

    Just to recap: Zero indictments against US citizens for colluding with Russia to interfere with the 2016 election. If the left were smart they would STFU and move on. With March Madness heating up nobody is paying attention to the news. Unfortunately for them, they still can't accept defeat, so they will open investigation after investigation in SDNY, DC, and the House to keep the false narrative alive and their useful idiot sheep on the plantation. And they will get curb stomped in 2020. Trump will get 400 EVs.
  16. SenatorRock

    Mueller Time is officially over. Predictions?

    The timing on this is interesting. I doubt anyone in the DOJ/FBI/CIA/NSA/DNC wants Assange on a witness stand. If he is in fact brought to the US he will "commit suicide" before ever stepping inside a courtroom.
  17. You are one of those idiots who thought the stock market was gonna tank on election night aren't you?
  18. This is a model, not a poll. It is also a model, one of the only ones, that correctly predicted a Trump win in 2016. Also, Hillary did not win, in case you haven't noticed, ,you are living in MAGA country.
  19. SenatorRock

    Another Day in Trump's America...

    Abusive language, trolling, cause for permanent ban.
  20. SenatorRock

    Another Day in Trump's America...

    The black guy is clearly a white supremacists.
  21. SenatorRock

    I Had to remove my Trump calendar at work today

    Found the problem
  22. SenatorRock

    What caused Funny Picture thread lock?

    Not only did it get that thread shut down, it removed the option to post pics anymore. Sad!
  23. SenatorRock

    Lock Them Up!

    We missed your delusional rants. Welcome back.
  24. SenatorRock

    Tinder - chick meeting app UPDATED

    I miss 2014
  25. SenatorRock

    New Zealand Shooting

    Former FBG Hodgkinson. BLM in Dallas and Baton Rouge