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Everything posted by DontPushMe

  1. DontPushMe

    Kyle Orton New Starting QB in Buffalo

    May of made Watkins relevant. 120 and 2 td . Wish I had started him
  2. DontPushMe

    Wassup Holmes?

    I fell for this one hard (even started the thread on him) and started him. Over Watkins, white, and garcon. Whoops. Lol. At least I'm going to win anyway and I know who I'm dropping this week
  3. DontPushMe

    Denard Robinson starting over Storm Johnson

    Looked legit and in yahoo he can be played as a wr as well as rb so he's an attractive option if he keeps the job
  4. DontPushMe

    Tre Mason

    Can't blame yourself for sitting him. You'd have to be pretty desperate to have started him against Seattle
  5. DontPushMe

    F-Jax hurt, now Spiller

    Cut spiller for tre mason this morning. Felt like a genius until this. Thankfully it looks like he's still not part of the plans. Still, wish I had dropped quick instead
  6. DontPushMe

    Desperation starts: Who you rolling the dice on?

    Bree's, Holmes, McKinnon. God help me.
  7. DontPushMe

    How many qbs do you keep?

    After bye week I keep 1. Bree's from here out
  8. Are we buying this one? 5-74-1 last time out, 4-121-2 this week. Big fast wr in his 3rd year. Looks legit to me. Are we buying? Carr looked legit at qb and they'll be throwing a lot this year
  9. DontPushMe

    Yahoo - Waivers Didn't Go Through

    Meh. Never had a problem with yahoo. Plus weve been there since 2003 so we can see our entire history. Wouldn't move unless we had to for that reason alone but they seem to make good changes every year
  10. DontPushMe

    NYJ @ NE Predictions & In-Game Discussion

    Ivory looking good. Wish I had started him
  11. DontPushMe

    Andre Holmes pick up of the week?

    I am most likely starting him this week. Have him as my wr2 over r. White, quick, watkins and garcon
  12. DontPushMe

    K. Robinson

    I dropped him last week. started him twice, but both times he required a big late run to be worth the start, and with Ingram coming back I cut him. Was a good spot start for a couple weeks though
  13. DontPushMe

    NYJ @ NE Predictions & In-Game Discussion

    Anyone starting ivory?
  14. DontPushMe

    The Official Oliver Saved My Season Thread

    OK if you want to take individual words and make a big deal out of it. If you want to be petty, you're right, worthless was too strong of a word. Does someone in a time share save your season though? Sure hope not.
  15. DontPushMe

    The Official Oliver Saved My Season Thread

    I'm an oliver owner man. This could very well turn into a split, or oliver being in the woodhead role. He's played 2 good games. I'm excited about him too but I'm not getting ahead of myself
  16. DontPushMe

    The Official Oliver Saved My Season Thread

    Jumping the gun. He may end up useless when Mathews returns
  17. DontPushMe

    Buy Low RB candidates

    I like morris for a rb2 buy low. I've been trying to get him to no success. Ryan Mathews you could prob get for cheap but its a risk. Mark Ingram I like
  18. DontPushMe

    Anyone trust Brees this week?

    I don't. He's been right on the edge all year. Managing to play like crap yet put up OK fantasy numbers. I fear it could catch up this week. I have no other options though, so I'm starting him.
  19. DontPushMe

    Yahoo - Waivers Didn't Go Through

    Mines finally done. Got McKinnon!
  20. DontPushMe

    Yahoo - Waivers Didn't Go Through

    Still waiting on mine. Annoying.
  21. DontPushMe

    What RB should we target on the WW this week?

    I'd take hillman.
  22. DontPushMe

    What RB should we target on the WW this week?

    Qft on spiller. I've fallen for this one at least 3 times. I will never draft him again.
  23. DontPushMe

    Who are some good buy low candidates for ROS

    I sent a couple offers out for alfred Morris. Cj spiller you could probably get for free at this point but he's also pretty useless. Andre Ellington I like to turn it around but he's producing for the most part so you can't get him as cheap as morris I'm sure Garcon might be worth a pick up with rg3 poss coming back. His value should go up when rg3 returns. Calvin Johnson and aj green could be had for less than their value.
  24. DontPushMe

    What RB should we target on the WW this week?

    Not much exciting this week. McKinnon if avail. Bolden is poss but wasn't very good this week anyway
  25. Amazing. I was finally ready to start him next week too. He's not even been close. They're moving him all around the pitch and then Davis isn't even looking his way after the snap.