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Posts posted by DontPushMe

  1. Kids got that Aaron Rogers upside. He def looks like a top 10 QB and wouldn't be surprised if he's in that top 5. Kids one of the hardest working players in the NFL says Justin Tuck and Woodson. When the vets show you love like that and you're a guy whose a family man,church man and just a good hearted person you're gonna go very very far in life. Kid deserves everything he has, not easy seeing your brother be a bust and get crushed and the people pass you up for it. Kids special!!!!

    Church man? You think his choice of religion effects his ability to play quarterback? :/

  2. Karlos should be owned in every league.


    If Starks is avail he should be top pickup this week


    Both of them are owned in my league.


    Pretty tough after them. Cobb is intriguing but I think they're going to give Andrews most of the carries this year. Best case for Cobb is he makes it a committee. Cobb will be a popular sleeper next year though.

  3. Luck has Pittsburgh Jacksonville and Houston during the fantasy playoffs this year and Indy isn't good enough to sit players at the end of the year. I have luck and daulton, I play daulton unless Indy has a good matchup.

    Those matchups are part of why I traded for him last week.

  4. Had Charles. Couldn't get west. Got knile hoping west fails.


    I expect this to turn out like McKinnon and asiata last year. Knile will be a goal line back, west will get more yards and therefore be the safer play.

  5. He ate a whole box of Tastykake Kandy Kakes before each game... He was on the ultimate sugar high on his way to 140+ receptions..


    I actually lived in Philly at the Time of his shooting episode and it was crazy how the quiet business like Harrison become a cop dodging killer.. So out of character it seemed fake so nobody believed he could have actually done something that gangsta...


    "Rappers could get ate twice like Marvin Harrison"

    Yeah. It was almost as out of nowhere as this thread 7 years later on a fantasy football forum.


    Still you're right. It's pretty odd. He didn't seem like that kind of guy.
