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Jesus Chrysler

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Posts posted by Jesus Chrysler

  1. I guess it's a mixed bag Newbs. Earlier this year the Dems went 0-4 in Special Elections.


    Maybe those would have gone different if the DNC had more cash instead of blowing 1.5 billion in the past year and a half.

    So no thoughts on the tough spot these Republicans are in and how last night was a very bad night for Trump?


    I realize it's tough for you when asked to comment on something where 'Hillary!!" isn't a possible answer.

  2. Dems had a good day in that they won two governorships, holding onto the one in purple Virginia and restoring New Jersey to blue when Humpty Dumpty's LG couldn't hold it. Truely or falsely, they made both referendums about Trump.



    Yeah, this is going to be the very interesting Dynamic of the midterms. All these guys up for election are going to have to make the choice if they want to band together as an ally of trump or distance themselves from him. It's very hard to cling on to a president with a 30% approval rating who is very widely disliked as a human being. But at the same time, you don't want to be known as disloyal to your party. Republicans are in a very tough spot right now

  3. Blue states went blue



    1 year ago today real Americans took America back! The real story. MAGA! :first:

    yes. That was the real story. One year ago. Today's story is how the Democrats kicked Republican asked last night. This is a true Testament to how this country now feels about the values of our president. The mistake he's made is only catering to the 30% of the population who liked him to begin with. His base continues to love him and is actually getting more and more brainwashed by him. Unfortunately, they get one vote each. No matter how much they're willing to slobber on his knob. And the problem for the Republican Party is that these guys up for election are sitting ducks because you have guys like Trump and Bannon pressuring them to lose their own morals and values and pretend they believe in the nonsense Trump says, while their voters just look at them as little tiny extensions of evil Trump. Quite a conundrum this party's officials are facing.

  4. Heres what the game operations manual says regarding the national anthem, according to an NFL spokesperson:


    The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.


    During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.


    thanks for proving my point. There can't be a rule that tells people they can't protest. There already is a rule about standing for the national anthem. What do you really expect the league to do about it? They're kneeling to put an end to some of the social injustice is like police brutality. How could the league possibly refuse them the chance to do that. How would that make the league look? I'm sure thst to the 33% of trump supporters, it would make the league look awesome. F you black guys. I get it. I'm talking about the 67 percent of people who truly do feel like we are all created equally.

  5. Yup. At some point the players will realize they are turning a lot of people off, costing themselves. Just like the NBA players did.

    It's been two years. Keep holding your breath.


    They will stop doing when they get something in return. How many times do I have to tell you?

  6. They better hurry the f up and get to standing. If the ratings don't pick up they will be losing multi millions. They'll sell out. It will all be a charade, whatever they agree to, mark my words. At the end of the day they want to get paid too. I shall laugh.

    Ratings. LOL It's funny how sad little racists think they're making a difference.

  7. Not really. They are going to have to let them smoke pot at some point in the future anyhow. It will be a largely meaningless gesture. Behind the scenes the union and the smarter players (QB's, O lineman) and the player agents will get it through to these numbskulls they are cutting their own throat. Lots a baby mommas will break it down for them too.

    You can shove all your natural racist feelings you want into it. Players hold some of the cards too. They tried replacement players before. It was a disaster. If it makes you feel more at home and in the language you speak, maybe they'll stop testing for weed, and provide grape soda, fried chicken, and watermelon after all practices. I'm just telling you that they won't get them to stop by simply threatening them. There will be a trade off.

  8. I can tell you don't know how a business like the NFL works. They split revenue moron. When there's less revenue the players cut is less. Like I said, money talks. It always does.

    If you think the athletes (especially the black ones) are going to agree to 'stop acting up and know your role', then you are truly stuck on a plantation in the early 1800s.
