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Jesus Chrysler

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Posts posted by Jesus Chrysler




    Kaepernick's unemployment is rooted in far more than his skills. He's clearly better than at least half of the backup QBs in this league.


    Of course it's rooted in far more than just his skills. As with every player, teams evaluate how much a player would contribute to their teams' goals and how much he will detract from it. If this was 2012 Kaepernick, he'd be playing somewhere. His talent would exceed the distraction and media circus he'd bring. His 2017 talent would not. Terrell Owens was talented enough, at one point, where teams still wanted to take the chance. Once his talent dropped off a bit, he no longer was wanted. And he certainly was still better than many receivers playing in the league.

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  2. The President should be protecting ALL rights - and that also includes the rights of owners to fire disobedient employees. So nothing that Trump has done is in any way unConstitutional, or damaging to the Constitution. What he did was damaging only to that which Should be damaged: poor arguments and misguided protests.



    I don't see him treating this any differently; his declared positions have been utterly consistent with Constitutional principle. These white supremacists that you claim he 'loves' (I see no indication of that) were physically attacked. Trump was defending the right to free speech in public - without being attacked for doing so.



    Part of being a President is defending the Flag. I want a President who does so. Don't you?

    Do you think the owner's rights are being violated? Or that they are not fully aware that they have a right to fire any employee they choose? They do it every day. It's why Colin Kaepernick doesn't have a job. Because he sucks. Yet Michael Bennett does. Because he's very good.

    Trump is telling owners that they should fire guys for kneeling. How the fock is that protecting the citizens' rights? He is simply saying things to get his sheep excited. And it obviously worked with you. Baaaaa

  3. As antiramie has posted - correctly - the owners have a right to fire employees for acting like this. Trump - as POTUS or simply as a gasbag billionaire - has a right to muse how nice it would be to witness an NFL owner doing so.


    So please explain: in what specific way is Trump "shtting all over the Constitution"?

    The President should be doing all he can to ensure his citizens that they are free to peacefully protest as part of their first amendment rights. Just as he so loves to point out about the rights of white supremacists to protest. Trump's problem is that he has 30% of the country wrapped around his finger. He thinks he's still campaigning and looking for cheers at one of his rallies. He's been elected now. Time to govern instead of campaign.

  4. How is it irrelevant? It's perfectly relevant. You think all these players protesting the flag are fully educated on the purpose of the Anthem?


    I would like to ask if you are. What is the purpose of the Pledge, and the Anthem? In your view?



    I stated in my initial post that I've been against Kaepernick and Bennett all along. I think they're idiots. And I'm glad no team is bothering to deal with the headache that would come with signing Kaep. I'm not on the players' side as far as the movement goes, but I sure as hell am a supporter of free speech. Trump used the phrase Son of a b1tch to describe them. Then wanted to take away their right to make a living. A United States President should understand the constitution. Not sh1t all over it whenever he sees an opportunity to fire up his racist base.

  5. A lesson from Buzz Williams to his players. Instead of allowing these players to demonstrate a "show of unity", here's what each team should have done:


    I've seen that video and like what Williams did. Still is irrelevant to the NFL's situation. Trump needs better advisors. Or, he just needs to start listening to the ones he has. He couldn't have possibly done more to further the players' movement on this. This was dying out. Only 6 players in the entire league knelt last week. Trump can't seem to get out of his own way.

  6. And that was purposeful.


    He needs the racists inflamed and motivated.


    It's how he "won" the presidency and it's how he "governs."


    Nothing gets the racists going like BLM etc., so he fanned the flames.

    It's incredible how he comes out harder against a half-dozen black guys peacefully kneeling before a football game than he did against white supremacists beating people with clubs and screaming Nazi chants. Welcome to Trump's America.

  7. Blah blah blah. The term "racist" is so over used and silly now that it doesnt even matter anymore. Try again. My post was valid and never mentioned race, did it? The NFL players are quite over-represented when it comes to domestic violence. This just in.

    I'd like to see stats that back that up. And yes, you will be called a racist when you run your mouth calling people thugs, saying 'most' abuse their women, and point out how dumb they are. Only thing missing is the white hood.

  8. Love to see these thugs protest violence against women which is a "hobby" for most of these clowns. Or, drug use. Or a protest against performance enhancing substances. But...nah.... they'd rather pull this crap. The NFL is such a joke and they are so full of themselves. They dont matter as much as they think they do, thats for sure.


    Spoiled brats. Most of them would be working at Taco Bell if it werent for football since its painfully obvious how dumb most of them are. Like...have you ever heard these guys actually speak? Its barely English and usually just mumbling.

    Your racist rant was awesome. Definitely a Trump voter. However, to say that 'most' NFL athletes are women beaters might be a bit over the top.


    I was at that freak show last night. JFC. 40 touches. I'm an Iowa fan and so many times we had him in the backfield or against the sideline and boom he jukes the tackle and makes a nice gain. He can do it all. Reminds me a lot of Lev Bell in the way that he can start/stop/start and with his ability to catch the ball. He is also seems like a quality human and less of a risk than guys long term like Zeke/Mixon/Cook. If you get him with the 49ers next year you have a long term top 10 RB.

    Niners are one of the teams in need of a QB in a draft with 3 or 4 awesome QB prospects. I'd be shocked if they take a running back. Especially since Carlos Hyde is a very good RB in his own right.

  10. I am against both sides on this. Can't stand Kaepernick or Bennett and think they're probably as racist as the people they're protesting about. And Trump's statement's were so over-the-top ignorant that all he served to do was unite the movement and move it forward tenfold. Last Sunday, six players i the entiore league knelt during the anthem. It was basically a disappearing story. Yesterday, entire teams knelt. Ot never bothered coming out for the anthem at all. Trump just threw gasoline on the fire. Reignited their cause and made it 100 times bigger.
