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Jesus Chrysler

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Posts posted by Jesus Chrysler


    You would think this sort of a$$ beating would make him go away..


    Be careful what you say. You'll make Edjr go away. It was the lowest rated game seven since at least 1984. And probably much longer than that. I don't have figures any earlier.

  2. NFL game telecasts averaged 14.772 million viewers during the first eight weeks of the season, according to Nielsen data obtained by Sporting News. That figure is down 5 percent from 15.549 million viewers during the first half of the 2016 season and off 18.7 percent from 18.167 million viewers for the same period in 2015


    It was also the lowest rated game seven of a World Series. Is that because of players kneeling too?

  3. We now know Hillary colluded with Russians via Fusion GPS, was compromised by Russian via Uranium One deal, rigged the DNC, and the private email server.


    The left leaners forgive all of that,


    Well then I expect an indictment soon. And then a hearing. It's not going to be tried on Fox News or Brietbart, unfortunately for you.

  4. Unchecked Muslim immigration is the problem. Democrats let anyone into the country. We are talking some bad Hombre's. That can be fixed by going back to merit based. Especially since we have enough liberals killing people all ready we don't need to import more.


    Unchecked? I could have sworn we have a vetting process.


    And it seems to me that immigration terrorists are a miniscule problem when compared to guys like the one in Vegas and this dude in Texas. Where is the vetting of white Amricans? This guy was kicked out of the Air Force for disciplinary reasons. Has abused his spouse. Has shaken his baby to the point of causing brain damage. Yet, he can buy a semi-automatic firearm. I'm so sick of hearing righties brush this stiff off by saying 'Nothing can be done". It most certainly can. You guys just refuse to do a thing about it.


    It's also hilarious hearing people say 'thoughts and prayers' to the victims of the Texas shooting. THEY WERE IN A CHURCH! They don't need prayers, they need gun control.

  5. Middle class shrunk under Obama. You can look it up. You don't know what you're talking about.

    Oh, another great thing that happened since Trump took over is that the national unemployment rate seems to have regained its relevancy. That stupid number menat nothing when it kept going down every month during Obama's time in office. Thankfully, Trump was a good enough leader to make the statistic meaningful again. :first:


    Calling a plot foiled by the FBI well in advance the "Bowling Green massacre" isn't even alternative fact. That is throwing bullsh*t out and hoping no one notices, kind of like Big Guy and his websites. Hell, she even retracted the statement (though the fact she made it in multiple speeches kind of blows her "I just misspoke" defense").

    let's not forget that awful Friday in Sweden. Trump looked like a clown with that one too. Calm Skies and not even a jaywalker to be found on the night in question. LOL what a buffoon

  7. No, you made a comment about Easter Bunnies and how silly they are to pray and where was their god. Classless, as they bury loved ones and children. Talk about a loser.

    religion is the cause for 90% of the violence in the world. And Trump supporters mostly claim to be Christians. And they are the lowest form of life in this country. So if you're trying to make me feel bad for people because they believe in God, you're barking up the wrong tree buddy. 8 people died at the hands of a Muslim driving a truck and your fearless orange Messiah immediately was pushing an agenda. He wasn't very concerned about people losing their lives or families grieving. Did that infuriate you too, precious?

  8. My stats only included homicides and I dont want to ban guns. Another massive fail by the fake vet.

    It's hilarious how these morons assume you want to ban guns if you mention that something has to be done about our gun problem in this country. They've been brainwashed by the NRA to think that everyone wants to take their guns away.
