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Dozer FBG

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Everything posted by Dozer FBG

  1. Dozer FBG

    Who here supports looting?

    You ass holes get harder than Chinese math when you see videos of black people committing crimes.
  2. Dozer FBG

    Who here still supports Jan 6 attack?

    Good lord you’re an idiot.
  3. Dozer FBG


    As long as it’s nowhere near Winnemucca, I’m good.
  4. Dozer FBG

    Who here still supports Jan 6 attack?

    Uh… no? You’re just a dumbass. No big deal.
  5. Dozer FBG

    Who here still supports Jan 6 attack?

    Does anyone still wonder if you’re a dumbass?
  6. Dozer FBG

    Who here still supports Jan 6 attack?

    There's a red under my bed. And there's a little yellow man in my head… Destroyer
  7. Dozer FBG

    Insulation 101

    PSA: Please do NOT install bats of insulation in nothing but your underwear… BUT… if you do, please be like this nice lady and post a video of it!
  8. Dozer FBG

    Wife No Longer in Remission

    Stay strong, man. Really sorry to hear…
  9. Dozer FBG

    Who here still supports Jan 6 attack?

    Seriously… not trying to start anything here… its just that you folks are doing a lot of talking over each other. I think we have an opportunity here to recalibrate the conversation. First, it’s nice that we seem to agree that the message; “death to America!” Does not resonate with most of us. I get angry when I hear that kind of stuff, as should any proud American. Stomp or burn the flag… yeah, I get pretty pist. I’ll note that I’ve seen a few of the posters in this thread say some pretty vile things about the United States of America and I think those folks are more aligned with the Dearborn DTA crowd than I am, thats for sure. Freedom of speech and all… And If we going to refer to the J6 Baloney Sandwich defendants a handful, that’s fine. It was a handful. For calibration purposes, during the Baloney Sandwich: 1,387 Americans have been charged, so far. Approximately 493 defendants have been charged with assaulting, resisting, or impeding officers… including approximately 129 individuals who have been charged with using a deadly or dangerous weapon or causing serious bodily injury to an officer. So, that’s how much a handful of baloney is.
  10. Dozer FBG

    Jan 6, 2021

    I was in bed with a blind girl last night. She said, “You have the largest pennis I’ve ever laid my hands on!” I said, “you’re pulling my leg!”
  11. Dozer FBG

    Jan 6, 2021

    Holy shlt this place is funny! PULL YOUR KNICKERS UP NANCY!!!
  12. Dozer FBG

    Jan 6, 2021

    The projection on this forum is one big psychological grad school doctoral thesis waiting to be written…
  13. Dozer FBG

    Jan 6, 2021

    Seriously, you are a delusional idiot. You’re lucky people like me fight for your right to speak like an idiot in the public square. Say whatever blows your dress up, Jon The Fascist. You’re still wrong.
  14. Dozer FBG

    Jan 6, 2021

    Gross. The places your sick mind goes…
  15. Dozer FBG

    Jan 6, 2021

  16. Dozer FBG

    Jan 6, 2021

    In before blah blah bootlicker I’m a victim blah.
  17. Dozer FBG

    Jan 6, 2021

    You are foking delusional. Seek help.
  18. Dozer FBG

    Jan 6, 2021

    I believe your assertion that our fellow Americans are not being treated equally is wrong, and further, I believe you are basing that accusation based on paranoia and your belief in false propaganda. I fully understand the point you are trying to make. I believe your point is wrong. Got any specific cases? I am eligible for The Mayflower Society. You don’t get much more American than that!
  19. Dozer FBG

    Jan 6, 2021

    Alam Case Status: Arrested 1/30/21. Alam was arrested on Jan. 30, 2021, in Denver, Pennsylvania. Investigators found evidence of flight and plans to dispose of evidence connecting Alam to Jan. 6, 2021. Indicted 3/5/21 and made initial appearance on 3/29/21. Arraigned 4/13/21 and pleaded not guilty to all counts. Superseding indictment filed 11/10/21. Arraigned and pleaded not guilty to all counts on 12/6/21. Virginia Man Found Guilty of Felony and Misdemeanor Charges Related to Capitol Breach
  20. Dozer FBG

    Jan 6, 2021

    EternallyWhineyAndCrack is my new stalker! Freakin’ weirdo…
  21. Dozer FBG

    Jan 6, 2021

    Ha! Kind of funny that the king of whataboutism asking me to stay on topic… I thought I answered your question with my response about the massive volume of cases and the tens of thousands of hours of video evidence. Also, the prosecution is severely understaffed. Despite these stressors, the Feds have an extremely high conviction rate in J6 cases. I do believe that you support the violent J6 defendants being prosecuted. What normal American wouldn’t?
  22. Dozer FBG

    Jan 6, 2021

    The massive volume of cases and evidence probably has something to do with it. Yes, obviously I’m ok with it. What do you believe should be the statute of limitation for assaulting a police officer with a deadly or dangerous weapon?
  23. Dozer FBG

    Jan 6, 2021

    I am against pipe bombs in all fashions and uses.
  24. Dozer FBG

    Jan 6, 2021

    I am 100% ok with video evidence being used to prosecute those who break the law. You should move to another country like, Assholeistan or some place.
  25. Dozer FBG

    Jan 6, 2021

    The softest among us are so easily triggered by the truth and photographic evidence. All I do is hold up the mirror.