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Maximum Overkill

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Everything posted by Maximum Overkill

  1. Maximum Overkill

    hey idiots

    I agree with the others. Unless it's a huge room with an ample sitting area then go with standard definition. You'll never know the difference in that regard. I'd focus more on the sound system.
  2. Maximum Overkill

    Joe Biden - Diminished Faculties—👀

    He's playing pocket ball
  3. Rachel Levine He doesn't look or sound like a Rachel to me. Seems like a WOKE hire
  4. That's right, Evil Joe Biden is in charge and our Lord and Savior Donald Trump will return to defeat and destroy his old racist, Kid Touching ass.
  5. Maximum Overkill

    Pumpkinhead finally kills off Navalny

  6. Maximum Overkill

    Ukraine - Doomsday

  7. Maximum Overkill

    Thoughts on Mahomes so far....

    Thanks WeePaws, we had no idea.
  8. Maximum Overkill

    New Chips

    Those do look good Wiffle.
  9. Maximum Overkill

    Latest right wing conspiracy theory: Taylor Swift is a government asset

    I would bang Taylor Swift Republican
  10. Maximum Overkill

    hey idiots

    Damn right Porkbutt. My backyard would look like a Drive-In Movie Theater if Trump was in office
  11. Maximum Overkill

    Pumpkinhead finally kills off Navalny

    It's not wrong
  12. Maximum Overkill

    Shots fired and multiple people struck at kc celebration

    Voted for and supports a racist Pedo Monkey Gimp. And teaches children how to Twerk at Tranny Story Hour on Fridays.
  13. Maximum Overkill

    Powerball Jackpot rises over $300 million

    He's not going to pay anything. He'll have this tied up in legal BS till he's dead. Anyone who thinks otherwise is retarded.
  14. Maximum Overkill

    Pumpkinhead finally kills off Navalny

    Tranny Story Time must of ended early
  15. Maximum Overkill

    Latest right wing conspiracy theory: Taylor Swift is a government asset

    Hmmm, I think so. She's a very talented girl and a Liberal at that. Liberal girls can suck a bowling ball through a garden hose.
  16. Maximum Overkill

    Shots fired and multiple people struck at kc celebration

    You fell for a fake President
  17. How does one tell? Do you think whoooores don't lie?