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Posts posted by Isotopes

  1. Fock ... I thought this was like a really special family secret. Guess not anymore. Still, even with lesser spuds in my arsenal, I promise you that my potato salad is better than the America's Test Kitchen salad. They needed mustard.... hah hah hah .... Old Bay my friends, and a little curry powder. They didn't mention either. Matter of fact, I don't think they even added pepper. Morons.


    P.S. Some people, and I have noticed it runs in familys .... don't like pickles, they like this potato salad though. They're all, "How do you get that tangy flavor in yer tater salad?" And the answer is PICKLES .... bizniches. Apparently you do like pickles ... you just don't know it.


    I don't like pickles but I do like pickle juice in my potato salad...that sounds kinda ghey

  2. I think the ones who have demonstrated the best management and maintained a good fiscal responsibility, and can be saved with the least amount of help.


    It might be that some regional bank steps in and becomes the next BoA, or perhaps some other small entity emerges to fill the gap left by Countrywide or Lehman.....


    THIS is the free market, not the deregulation bullsh!t Phil Gramm and his ilk have been shoving down our throats.


    Give the money to companies who, though smaller, have shown the ability to handle themselves without being focking criminals....




    Agreed. We are just reinforcing bad business practices. We are handing out money without really addressing the problems that got the companies in trouble.


    I hope things work out but I feel like we may just be making the problem worse. We will spend tons of money and not fix anything.

  3. The Republicans would have lost the seat only temporarily since Palin would have just appointed a new Senator, possibly even herself. Now that option is gone and the seat is Democratic.


    I still think that, as far as the Republicans have strayed from their fiscally conservative policies, we still need to have at least the possibility of a filibuster to keep the Dems in check.


    I believe that in Alaska the Governor does not just appoint a new person. I think they hold a new election.

  4. I believe Somalia's given everyone the green light in that regard.


    I'm not just talking about our guys either. Mother of Cheese, there's got to be like 50 navies in this world. Seems like with stuff this big, countries could pool their resources and blow these fothermockers outta the water.


    It is a Saudi ship isn't it? They have a bunch of money. Can't they hire some mercenaries or soemthing if they cannot take care of it on their own?

  5. Duped again by a bumpersticker slogan




    Barack Obama made “change” the mantra of his presidential campaign. But when it comes to appointees, his team doesn’t reflect much change from the Bill Clinton era.


    Of the 47 appointees named so far to transition or staff posts, 31 have ties to the Clinton administration, including all but one member of the 12-person Transition Advisory Board.


    What a change agent :music_guitarred:


    I would say the staff from the Clinton admin would be a nice change over the current admin

  6. Souter has demanded a "vault" copy of the Kenyan Obongo's birth certificate to be provided by Dec. 1st. A Kenyan Imam, the grandson of the Imam who wrote out Obomba's original birth certificate has taken up asylum in the UK...seeking a "Salman Rushdie" type of protection. He purportedly has the original copy. Not much publicity of this...not even of Souter.


    I find this very hard to believe.

  7. and honestly, the markets are driven by futures and what is anticipated to come, so you really can't deny that some of the movements now are absolutely connected to what they are expectingto come with the Obama administration.


    I may be over-exagerating it a tad, but it is true.


    Maybe we would be down 5000 if McCain would have been elected. There is no way to tell what if any effect Obama has had.

  8. There were some who voted for him because he was black and there were some who did not vote for him because he is black. I think it is pretty much a wash. He was the better candidate and ran a much better campaign. Even if you do not believe he is the better candidate, you have to admit he ran a better campaign.
