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Everything posted by Phil_Simms

  1. Phil_Simms

    0-5 team trading his "stud" RB

    Why does he have to post on the board?
  2. Phil_Simms

    Jamal Lewis

    Jamal Lewis is a solid #2 back. Many fantsay football sites had him ranked too low the last few weeks. He has talent and carries the ball a lot on a team that has a good offense. Lewis is underrated as a fantasy back.
  3. Phil_Simms

    Jamal Lewis

    Stats don't lie. He is 8th in the league in rushing and 12th in the league in TDs. Those are RB#1 numbers. FF Today has him ranked 31 this week.
  4. Anyone considering trading Moss should just quit fantasy football now.
  5. Phil_Simms

    Monday Night Strategy

    Going into New England vs. Cincy I am up by 4 points. My opponent has Chad Johnson and I have Randy Moss. I also have my kicker spot still open and have both kickers playing tonight on my roster - Graham for Cincy and Gostkowski for NE. Which kicker should I start? Graham would slightly offset any Johnson TDs with the extra point. However, if Moss doesn't score NE might try more field goals. What should I do? Leave a link and I'll answer yours.
  6. Phil_Simms

    wes welker or sammy morris

    morris - RB over WR http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=292535
  7. Phil_Simms

    need rb help for tonight

    I'd go with morris. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=292535
  8. Phil_Simms

    Michael Vick

    Ok, I'm satisfied so far. Calling off the boycott for now.
  9. Phil_Simms

    Michael Vick

    I'm boycotting the NFL until Vick is thrown out of the league. Not buying a ticket, jersey, nothing.
  10. You pick up the Browns to start over the Jags. You deserve to lose. You are not a good fantasy player.
  11. Phil_Simms

    E. James

    73 yards, 3 recpts. 13 receiving and a TD. I'll take that headache every week.
  12. Phil_Simms

    Texas Longhorns vs Houston Texans

    Texans would win about 60-0.
  13. Phil_Simms

    Traded Priest

    I'm with you. Priest can go off at any moment. I have Priest and like him sharing carries with LJ. Priest will be fresh for the FF playoffs.
  14. Phil_Simms

    Any love for my fav Martin?

    Martin is money. Every week clowns talk about how is is injured and old, blah, blah blah. Even on a terrible night he still puts up points.
  15. Phil_Simms

    I just needed 9 Points tonight from Martin

    There you go my friend. 9 for you.
  16. Phil_Simms

    Traded Priest

    You will see how it is a bad deal when Priest is expolding during the FF playoffs.
  17. Phil_Simms

    Best 2-5 Team ever?

    It is your RBs. They suck. FF is all about the RBs.
  18. Phil_Simms

    Who has the best FF team?

    You have a good team and you had a good draft but your competiton is
  19. Phil_Simms

    Who has the best FF team?

    You were able to draft well because other people were drafting poorly. Get it? Larry Fitz still available in round 7. You also got LJ and Anderson late. Brown and Burleson were on waivers. Come on. Is that the girl scout league you are in?
  20. Phil_Simms

    Who has the best FF team?

    All that says is you have a lot of stupid people in your league. Congrats.
  21. Phil_Simms

    The Mark Brunell Quandry

    That is the question that all of us are always trying to figure out! When to trade for him at a low value? It's funny how it works. Even though Brunell is blowing away Culpepper it would be hard to trade them straight up. We don't see Brunell as being a "stud", even though he is without question so far this year. Look at Willie Parker. Like him or not, if Clinton Portis, Jamal Lewis, Willis McGahee put up the same numbers....what would we think? We would say they were doing okay. But in Willies case, guys want to say he is great (due to his good games) or he sucks (due to his bad games). Rather than look at him for what he is....a starter that has a couple great games and a couple bad games. Alot of guys are in the same boat this year. Caddy is great...but is he gonna be injury prone? Lamont Jordan...is he at a top 5 level now? Is he in company with LT, SA, Edge....when do we put him there....overevaluating or underevalutating is the key to this crazy fantasy thing that we all love so much! You would be stupid not to trade Culpepper for Brunell. Numbers don't lie.
  22. Phil_Simms

    My RBs Rock and Rolled this week!

    Who cares.
  23. Phil_Simms

    Padre means Father in Spanish not Priest

    You need to get a life.