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Posts posted by mathja

  1. I have a pretty well-rounded team with mcfadden and matthews at rb, vjax, jordy and torrey smith at wr, j. grahm at TE and the bears d.


    Vick is my starting rb. I could trade Vick and jonathon stewart for Eli Manning. But i'm not 100% sure that Manning will do that much better than Vick in my fantasy format that rewards big plays and gives extra points to qbs that score on the ground.


    how much better a fantasy qb is Eli vs. Vick?

  2. Funny cuse I have zona as well. I am starting Seattle


    I wrestled with this all week. Seattle is really tough at home, but Tom Brady just doesn't make a lot of mistakes. Fantasy football is about using the best information and statistics that are available to guide you into making the best decisioins possible. I think Brady's long history of not making mistakes outweighs the seahawks home success and tough 2012 defense. If I'm wrong, i'll live with it. My only other option is the Rams against Miami --- don't love it, but i'm going with it. just made the switch 10 minutes ago.

  3. I'm addicted to trading. every year, i just can't help myself.


    Traded Stafford, michael turner and donald brown for Vick and McFadden.


    New starting lineup:




    ryan matthews

    jordy nelson

    vincent jackson

    Torrey Smith

    Jimmy Graham


    seattle D


    Bad deal/Good deal?

  4. I think i would stick with foster.

    I'm a bills fan and i love cj spiller. bought his jersey at the chiefs game a few weeks back. But fred jackson is the heart of the team. he definitely won't just step aside, so it really would limit the impact that spiller could have. if jackson was out for a prolonged period, i think spiller would be a top 5 fantasy back.

    the other reason is this is .5 ppr -- again, limiting calvin johnson's impact in a year where teams are completely focusing on taking him out of the game.

    lastly, houston looks like the best team in the league. they are running over their opponents --- i wouldn't give that up.





  5. So, what happened!!!!


    I hate a story when there is no end or conflict resolution.


    2 pages of posts and your just going to leave us hanging here?


    Was the change allowed or not???


    Selfish bastards, get what they want and don't come back


    There has been a 3-day fight. back and forth. the points were not allowed, because the team that had Brown could not prove with certainty that their call was made before actual kickoff. There is a fairly decent amount of circumstantial evidence that they were on-time. We're all hoping that the team that this impacted (the team playing against the team that has Brown) steps up and says they are fine with it so we can allow the points before kickoff today --- but so far, that hasn't happened.


    Anyway, as a result, the commissioner is no longer making lineup changes as a result of the debacle. All teams are responsible for making their own changes. For those that have asked, the league uses RT sports.

  6. I recorded the game, for just this moment maybe? Anyway, I'm watcing it now and have it paused and have confirmed the times. The whistle to start the game blows at 8:32 & 09 seconds. The ball is kicked off of the tee at exactly 8:32 & 23 seconds.


    thanks for this info. you would be surprised at how difficult it is to find this. Certainly, people are probably not going to just take the word of a guy they've never met, but it is nice to get this info nonetheless.

  7. Does anyone know how to find out the precise kickoff time for last night's game?


    There is a rule in my league that states if a team owner calls in a lineup change to the commissioner before kickoff, the commissioner can honor that request and make the change for the team owner if he can confirm that kickoff for that game has not taken place. I don't want to debate whether or not the rule is good or bad --- it is the rule.


    Last night, the team owner called the commissioner at 8:29. The commissioner was in his car. He received the call. Bluetooth kicked in and shut the radio down. So, the commissioner couldnt confirm for certain if the request was made on time. We need to know the official kickoff time to settle this debate. It might seem nit-picky, but it has definitely stirred a hornets nest --- the player in question is Andre Brown.


    Any suggestions on finding out the official kickoff time would be appreciated.

  8. drafting from the 10 spot, i am aware that the odds are stacked against me. most go rb, rb in 1 and 2 and i wanted to buck the system.







    made a minor move to get higher in the 3rd to take Matthews (so not totally screwed at rb)

    made another minor move to get higher in the 4th to get jordy nelson


    graham and gronk scored more than 150 points higher than the next batch of tight ends in my league last year. I love the advantage.

  9. i'm a rivers owner ---- decided to put my eggs in the chargers basket, for better or worse.


    Friday night i traded Maclin and Battle for V. Jax....needless to say, i had a good day --- my trade partner is pissed!!


    Believe it or not, i need Desean Jackson to get me 11 points tonight for the weekly high score prize.

  10. I'm in a 12-team league. Since there are at least 12 decent fantasy quarterbacks, most guys don't believe they need one, so, when a qb gets traded, they usually don't bring much back in return.


    earlier this week, a guy in my league who starts eli manning every week, traded matt cassell to another team that is in the hunt for the league title. The guy that traded Cassell got Vincent Jackson in return.


    There are 4 guys in my league that think the trade is so lopsided that it should be overturned. They think Cassell is the hottest qb in the league and should have returned more than Vincent Jackson.


    The guy that traded for Vincent Jackson said, "I was never going to start Cassel. I knew Jackson was out for 2 weeks, but he is a receiver that makes my starting lineup better during the last 3 weeks of the season."



  11. Big game for me tonight.


    I'm starting Randy Moss and L. Maroney.


    As of this moment, I've got Reggie Bush starting too. In the event he can't go, my only other option is Kevin Faulk.


    Has anyone heard any new info on Reggie's status?

  12. i'm going to go against the grain and say romo throws at least 2 td's this week. i wouldn't bench him yet in favor of garrard. give him 1 more chance. Every fantasy QB has torched KC this year except for Jamarcus -- and he doesn't count.

  13. i just got him as a throw-in in a deal and i'm going to play him at flex this week because Steve Smith is on a bye. Edwards does seem to have big games against the bengals...however, these aren't your father's bengals -- i'm starting their D this week too.

    i think it's fairly obvious that edwards' value is higher with anderson than it is with quinn. But i'm not expecting a miracle return to 07 numbers.

  14. Frankly, I think Randy Moss i being completely undervalued this year. He had an amazing year in 07 -- one for the record books. Why? because he was matched with one of the 3 best quarterbacks of all-time. that QB got hurt last year and Moss' number fell off.

    People took Moss in the top 5 of last year's draft -- and rightfully so. They were killed by Brady's injury -- but now he's back. Randy Moss outscored the next best receiver in my league in 07 by about 100 points. He needs to be considered much higher.


    Now, you'll all laugh at me -- and I understand why. But, i'm drafting from the 3 spot tonight in a 1 PPR league tonight (players also get rewarded for long-distance touchdowns). There is nobody at 3 that i'm in love with -- and i think you need to walk away from the 3 spot in the draft with a major difference-making impact player. I can poke holes in Forte, LT, Deangelo and michael turner. I wouldn't be completely confident in any of them -- and I feel like it's a pretty big step down from AD and MJD. So, i'm going to soak in the laughter surrounding me -- draft Moss and watch him recapture the magic with Brady. 18 Touchdowns from Moss this year!!!
