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Everything posted by aggiewildlife

  1. aggiewildlife

    Jimmy Graham owners, what say you?

    It's worked out pretty well actually for Graham owners, other than the last couple of weeks. As someone else above stated, he leads all TE's in touchdowns.
  2. aggiewildlife

    Week 16 defenses

    Well, the Chargers are still in the playoff hunt, so I don't know what more they need to inspire them than their whole season being on the line. Chicago, on the other hand, is in last place and with no shot at the playoffs, so would seem to have far less incentive to play inspired.
  3. aggiewildlife

    Rodgers to IR!

    I guess I'm going to drop Rodgers AND Jordy now.
  4. aggiewildlife

    Week 16 defenses

    I can't decide between the Chargers and Chicago. Pats are available also.
  5. aggiewildlife

    MNF. What do ya need?

    All I need is Freeman to score more than negative 30 points and I win!
  6. aggiewildlife

    How about Denver D vs. Indy?

    For what it's worth, I looked up close to 10 different ranking sites for this week and most of them had Denver as a top 5 DEF for the week, so it doesn't really seem like as much of a gamble as some on this thread would make playing them out to be for this week.
  7. aggiewildlife

    Trust Jordy Nelson again?

    Now that Rodgers is back (maybe), do people expect Jordy to pick up where he left off when last he had Rodgers throwing to him? Trust enough to put back in your lineups this week?
  8. aggiewildlife

    How about Denver D vs. Indy?

    Yep, I just dropped Chargers DEF for Denver.
  9. aggiewildlife

    Rodgers declares he's medically cleared to return

    I too have both Rivers and Rodgers (and Goff), and as of this moment, I'm thinking of going with Rivers just because I feel his floor is more certain than that of Rodgers after a long absence. I may change my mind at some point, but that's where I stand as of now.
  10. aggiewildlife

    Rivers. Out of his mind right now

    Agreed. I have Rivers and Goff, and now have Rodgers coming off the IR this week (I think). Assumed I was going to be playing Rodgers, but am seriously thinking right now of starting Rivers over Rodgers. It seems a safer option for Rodgers first game back.
  11. Yes, I thought we had officially resolved this at least 2 weeks ago.
  12. aggiewildlife

    Greg Olsen

    I dropped him before Sunday's game and picked up Jordy Nelson in anticipation of Aaron Rodger's return.
  13. Are people tempering their expectations coming off an injury, or treating him like the 1st round draft pick? His performance wasn't great prior to missing a couple weeks, but perhaps the much-needed rest will actually help him out? Or since Coleman's been so good, maybe they're going to ease Freeman back into things and thus can't be relied on. Curious what Freeman owners are doing with him.
  14. aggiewildlife

    Thoughts on Freeman this week vs vikes?

    I was going to play him, then learned that both C West is out this week in Kansas City AND Andy Reid has demoted himself from playcalling duties, so I'm sitting Freeman in place of Kareem Hunt, who maybe just may regain some of his former form and get more touches this week. Freeman has sort of a touch matchup and with T Coleman playing well, I'm concerned that not only will Freeman be a little out of game shape and against a tough D, but will also lose more touches to a healthy and productive Coleman.
  15. aggiewildlife

    Expectations for Devonta Freeman's Return

    Yes, but maybe they were rushed back which explains the lack of productivity, and sitting out 2 weeks will lead to potentially better production. I still don't like the matchup though this week.
  16. aggiewildlife

    Any Robert woods updates?

  17. aggiewildlife

    Any Robert woods updates?

    Me too
  18. aggiewildlife

    Chris Hogan

    I dropped him a few weeks back and haven't looked back or lost a game since.
  19. Somebody's got to receive the plentiful targets from Jared Goff. Woods will be out at least 2 weeks. Who should see increased production, Kupp or Watkins? Or somebody else?
  20. I bet one of them will probably live up to the hype/predictions, but doubt that most of them do. If Rishard is out, C Davis has good odds, but not sure if that's the case. I wouldn't get my hopes up on the others, Westbrook will probably have one or two decent catches. Martavis seems set up for a good week, but he's fools gold this season, I bet he gets only 2-3 receptions and 0 TD's. McKissic meh.
  21. Dang, I just added him off waivers as somebody else dropped him and I thought I was being smart. But I just read Bruce Arians comments that he thinks Johnson is not likely to play again this year. Is everyone else (not keeper leagues) dropping him at this point?
  22. aggiewildlife

    Arians: David Johnson unlikely to play rest of season

    I dropped him as I have Aaron Rodgers who in my IR spot. I'm pretty sure he's done for the season at this point.
  23. aggiewildlife

    Arians: David Johnson unlikely to play rest of season

    Now Arians says D Johnson will not return this year "as of today." Should we trust this and finally dump him, or is this still just coach-speak?
  24. aggiewildlife

    Who benefits most from Robert Woods' impending absence?

    I guess a related question is if the absence of Woods will lead to a decline in Goff's production. If neither Watkins or Kupp are reliable substitutes for Woods, is it more likely that neither will improve that much and that Goff's production will decline to some degree?
  25. aggiewildlife

    Dump Westbrook for Coleman?

    I'd drop C Davis for Coleman. I don't know if you really want to start both Titans receivers (Matthews and Davis) at the same time, so if you drop Davis, you can add Coleman and still hold on to Westbrook. If you don't want to do that, I'd drop Westbrook for Coleman.