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Everything posted by Juggernauts

  1. Juggernauts

    Big Ten commisioner says tourney expansion probable

    So they can do this, but it's IMPOSSIBLE to create an NCAA Football Playoff because "it would be too much football and over take student athlete academics"?
  2. I read once they made more money than ANY Australian ever. More than AC/DC, Nicole Kidman, Hugh Jackman, etc.
  3. Juggernauts

    Homosexuals creep me out

  4. Juggernauts

    Homosexuals creep me out

    Hey man, I'm not judging you. You like the pen!s, that's fine.
  5. Juggernauts

    Homosexuals creep me out

    Hey! I'm a hot piece of @ss!
  6. Juggernauts

    Homosexuals creep me out

    Mongoloids never scared me...marsupials do.
  7. Juggernauts

    Homosexuals creep me out

    Okay, think about the most attractive woman you know. Now think about the things you'd want to do to her...now think about a dude doing them to you. How comfortable does that make YOU feel? Makes ME feel pretty uncomfortable. My point isn't to bash homosexuals. To each his own. If I wasn't a guy and if I didn't know what guys think about 95% of the time, it wouldn't creep me out at all probably.
  8. Juggernauts

    Just the 3 of us

    3 Members: Juggernauts, remote controller, mayhem39
  9. Juggernauts

    I don't understand

    Why is universal healthcare so bad? Other "western" countries have it, and they seem to be doing okay. The socialism argument doesn't hold much water to me because what do you think our education system, welfare, social security, food stamps, medicare, head start, postal service, etc is? Is it REALLY the end of the world as we know it that people who don't have health care now do?
  10. Juggernauts

    No Obama, healthcare, or politics

    This thread is not about Obama, Healthcare, or Politics at all.
  11. Juggernauts

    No Obama, healthcare, or politics

    My guess is there'll be a new generational cohort his kid.
  12. Juggernauts

    No Obama, healthcare, or politics

    Millennials Shared Experiences: Barney, Power Rangers, Harry Potter, Pokemon N’Sync, Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears DVD’s, Streaming video Columbine, Oklahoma City bombing, Princes Diana’s death, Clinton Scandal, Sept. 11th Family: Raised by late Baby Boomers and early Gen X’ers Sheltered – parents obsessed with safety Family time a priority – Love Boat gives way to Disney Cruises Less single moms by divorce, more single moms that were never married Most day cared generation ever Return to discipline, child abuse on decline Values: Confident and Optimistic Pressured to succeed – strong work ethic, trophy schedules (busier the better) Accept authority and follow rules Return to church, prayer groups Savings rate as high as 25% 63% prefer web over TV 55% prefer e-mail over phone
  13. Juggernauts

    No Obama, healthcare, or politics

    Gen X’ers Shared Experiences: Sesame Street Generation Cable TV, PC’s & Internet Raised by Baby Boomers to be much more tolerant of diversity Witnessed downsizing of 1980’s and its impact on families Information unlimited – choices plentiful Children of divorce and 2 career families Values: Relationships very important – friends Do not define themselves by career Simplicity – make important decisions and stick to them – brand loyal Cynical & suspicious of all advertising Hype does not sell Individuality – entrepreneurs Family: Return to monogamy and marriage – but marrying later in life Children of divorce – determined to make a better go of it Reluctance to put family off for career Approach balance between family and career differently Money: No one is going to take care of them Buy Saturns – it’s about relationships not cars Baby boomer parents saw success as an entitlement – see they will have to work for it
  14. Juggernauts

    No Obama, healthcare, or politics

    A generation is a cohort of individuals that have shared experiences that define them, their values, and opinions. Pop culture, world events, the economy, technology, all of these things define a generation. While some of the dates for generations are debatable, here is a list of the general dates for the various generations: WWII Born between 1922 - 1945 Baby Boomers Born between 1946 - 1965 (although some people break them up between Baby Boom I and Baby Boom II) Generation X Born between 1966 - 1981 Millenials Born between 1982 to present.
  15. Juggernauts

    No Obama, healthcare, or politics

    I have to disagree on this one. I'm not a fan of rootbeer floats. I like my ice cream like I like my women...cold, creamy, and covered in chocolate!
  16. Juggernauts

    No Obama, healthcare, or politics

    I agree with you. I would think that the extra movement would definately increase the body temperature especially for the lazy fat a$$es that still use hand fans because their too focking cheap to buy a real fan!
  17. Juggernauts

    No Obama, healthcare, or politics

    Hmmmm....that almost sounds like politics, but it's funny, so I'll allow it.
  18. Juggernauts

    Name a movie that starts with the letter C

    Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
  19. Juggernauts

    I don't understand

    Here is a link where I put in my info, and the results were that the healthcare bill will not affect me. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/speci...-means-for-you/ Reading some of the other folks posts above, though I now do have a better understanding but I guess I'm more hopeful that it won't be as bad as everyone is saying. The guy that pointed out how no other government agency is run very well, I think makes the most valid point. I can't think of one that is.
  20. Juggernauts

    I don't understand

    I don't make over $250,000 a year so my taxes aren't going up. Competition hasn't exactly kept prices down so maybe the government limits will. In Ohio when natural gas was relegated by the State, prices were low. Once "competition" was opened up and the state stopped relegating, prices sky rocketed. My assumption is with government relegated healthcare, costs will probably actually go down or at least remain the same. I just don't by it can get any worse than what the system currently is. I think the next step is to do something to reign in frivilous malpractice lawsuits against medical practicioners.
  21. Juggernauts

    Happy Birfday Rusty and GettnHuge

    Happy Brfday...now go Fock yourselves!
  22. Juggernauts

    Work sucks!

    I hate working 12 hours days. I want a different job. Think there's a male prostitute position somewhere where I wouldn't have to suck some dudes c0ck?
  23. Juggernauts

    Shutter Island - The movie

    I saw it last weekend. I read the book 2 years ago and have been looking forward to seeing the film. Mostly because my wife hasn't read the book and I wanted to see if not knowing the ending made the movie better or worse. She enjoyed it even though its not exactly a feel good flick. I thought it was pretty true to the book, except for the end line. That line is NOT in the book and I think they did that so you could leave the ending up to interpretation. Those who've read the book will take it to mean one thing and those who haven't could take it another way. That's all I'll say as to not give it away.
  24. Juggernauts

    Friend on TV

    I was just flipping through the channels and happened to stop on Diner's, Drive-ins, and Dives when someone I went to high school with was on it. She was eating a fish taco or something and said, "It's awesome!" What are the odds? I know, I know..."Rat's ass", but since my wife is already in bed, I had no one else to tell!
  25. Juggernauts

    NCAA Prediction

    Kansas will NOT win the Title! (See, instead of saying "It's a lock" I just used the new So many applications for this new emoticon!)