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Everything posted by Juggernauts

  1. Juggernauts

    Predictions for the next 40 years...

    I hope so!
  2. Juggernauts

    Predictions for the next 40 years...

    I will die.
  3. Juggernauts

    I Love Fat Women

    I love fat women They're warm in the winter and shady in the summer uh huh. I love fat women Cause when you lay down beside them You automatically roll towards them So gettin together is never a problem you see I love fat women If you get one with tatto's You get moving pictures It's so great to go to the drive in And you never have to leave your house
  4. Juggernauts

    Hollywood sucks

    They re-did Nightmare on Elm Street: http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1810076927/video/18353541
  5. Juggernauts

    Hollywood sucks

    Yeah, but I didn't have the trailer before. That trailer was to Karate Kid.
  6. Juggernauts

    Sweet Sassy Molassey!

    We're shutting down early and going home at 3:00 pm. Where's the beer?
  7. Juggernauts

    Sweet Sassy Molassey!

    You know what...I'll make it two!
  8. Juggernauts

    These topics suck

    Much better. I like it.
  9. Juggernauts

    These topics suck

    So I created this one to start a new non sucking discussion. Begin...
  10. Juggernauts

    **NCAA Basketball Bubble Talk- 3/1**

    If/when Kent State gets in watch them to make a couple upsets. Don't be surprised to see them win a couple games depending on who they draw in the first round.
  11. Juggernauts

    Life Boat Ethics

    But they'd make for great pillows.
  12. Juggernauts

    What's up? What's going on? What's happening?

    Shut the fock up juice doesn't sit well with me. I prefer Suck my @ss Beer. Want some?
  13. Juggernauts

    These topics suck

    Dingbat? I'm highly disappointed. I expected @ssmunch, d!ckfocker, sh!t-for-brains, or something like that. Dingbat. That's worse than my thread complaining about the suckiness of other threads! You have shamed yourself AND your family.
  14. Juggernauts

    What's up? What's going on? What's happening?

    Fock off and have a nice day.
  15. Juggernauts

    ***Official LOST Season 6 thread***

    My wife doesn't understand the alternative reality...I guess I don't either. She doesn't understand how all these things are happening that could not have possibly happened just because they weren't on the Island. For example, Jack didn't have a son ever. My theory is the hydrogen bomb didn't just stop them from landing on the island, but that it "killed" Jacob and stopped him from interferring with their lives. We've been told that he left the island in the past to "draw" everyone to the Island. This alternative reality is what their lives would have been like without Jacob.
  16. Juggernauts

    Why do personal checks still exist?

    I just don't trust these companies enough with my personal account information, nor do I trust that my bank is smart enough to secure on-line transactions to do stuff on-line. My preferred method of bill payment is a paper check. When I'm out shopping, I will use my debit/credit card though.
  17. Juggernauts

    So hey...

  18. Juggernauts

    Worst Movie Moms

    Who are some of the worst movie moms of all time? My son and I were watching ET over the weekend and I'd have to vote for the mom in that movie. 1.) She's an emotional wreck. 2.) She smacks her kids in the back of the head 3.) Let's Elliott sneak out of the house and sit in the backyard alone. 4.) Wears a slutty cat costume for Halloween. 5.) Doesn't notice the alien under the sheet is NOT her daughter. 6.) Leaves her 5 year old little girl home alone while she goes to pick up her son from school. She was a TERRIBLE mother!
  19. Juggernauts

    My son's school is under lockdown right now

    If only there was a way to segregate them from the rest of the population. You know so they're with their OWN kind.
  20. Juggernauts

    Embarrasing moments in life

    Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week.
  21. Juggernauts

    Embarrasing moments in life

    When I was about 8-9, my dad gave me “the sex talk”, he said if I ever had any questions to come see him. A few months later one of the older kids on my street was talking about how his girlfriend likes it when he licks her poosay. When my dad had “the talk”, he didn’t mention anything about that, so I said he was lying and that wasn’t the way it was done. Since my dad said to not be afraid to ask any questions, I went and I asked him. I remember saying, “Dad, Leo said that women like it when a man licks their v@gina. Is that true?” Being a father now I can imagine how embarrassed he must have felt. He stammered with an answer, something like, “Well, uh…I guess, uhhhh… that some women…uhhhhhh…might like that…..” We never spoke about the topic again. I haven’t even had the courage to bring it up to him now as an adult and ask him what he was thinking when I asked that question.
  22. Juggernauts

    Stupid Gas Company!

    Thank you! I need the attention AND the post count!
  23. Juggernauts

    Stupid Gas Company!

    Sorry for the long rant: My gas company is so stupid. I was on the monthly budget plan paying $198 per month. This plan was based on charges of $13 per MCF. In September I received a new rate of only $7 per MCF and called to find out what my new budget was. At this point I had a $500 credit with the company. I was informed they wouldn’t review my account for a new budget until February. I refused to continue paying the $198 because obviously with an almost 50% deduction in my fee, I wouldn’t owe that much. I figured out I would owe $120 per month based on my annual usage so that’s what I’ve been paying. When I received my February bill I assumed it would have my new budget amount, but it didn’t so I called to find out why. They said I was $250 in arrears and therefore kicked out of the budget program. I asked, “How can I be in arrears when I have a $66 credit to my account?” They said because I had not been paying the $198 per month. I asked, “If I find another company to buy my gas from and leave yours, would you have to send me a check for $66 or would I have to send you $250?” They said of course they’d have to send me $66, so I said, “Then I don’t owe you $250!” Long story short, I told them based on my annual usage (which they provided for me) and my cost per MCF, sales tax rate, and monthly service fee, that I only owed them about $120 per month and that is what I would continue to pay them. The supervisor said, “I do not know how to calculate a budget amount sir, it is system generated.” Then she said, “Sir, let me advise you that if you do not pay your amount in arrears you will be removed from our budget program.” I said, “Good, cause your budget program sucks!” then hung up.
  24. Juggernauts

    Stupid Gas Company!

    They changed the terms of the "contract" making it null and void, therefore I am NOT in default.