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Everything posted by Juggernauts

  1. Juggernauts


    I heard something about Rex Ryan's wife doing fetish videos. I can't exactly look for that at work to confirm it's true. Have you guys discussed this?
  2. Juggernauts

    What does Ralphie look like today

    Hmmm. Kinda disappointing. Don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't that.
  3. yep...because of the new census we're losing 2 Senate seats just compounding our unemployment problem. Damn!
  4. Juggernauts

    5 out of 8 ain't bad

    Not too shabby: http://www.fftoday.com/articles/autry/10_breakout_receivers.htm
  5. Juggernauts

    Lessons from the ER

    I learned that before you get on the intercom to tell the nurse you just peed in the cup and are in pain...make sure you're NOT calling from the psych room. I had kidney stones and was hooked up to morphine. The doctor said I needed to pee in a cup and when I did to tell the nurse. He also said to tell the nurse if I was in pain and needed more drugs. Little did I know they were so busy that night, the only space they had left when I got there was the psych room. So this is what I say after I peed in the cup: Nurse: "Yes, can I help you?" Me in psych room: "I just urinated and I need more morphine."
  6. Juggernauts

    Ohio's unemployment rate about to go up

    The South will RISE again!!!!
  7. Juggernauts

    5 out of 8 ain't bad

    I'd call that 3 out of 7. Cooley has had a good year from where he was expected to be. Stafford had he stayed healthy would have been a top 5 QB. Bradshaw's also had a good year considering he's been "benched".
  8. Juggernauts

    Ohio's unemployment rate about to go up

    Probably Democrats.
  9. Juggernauts

    Fun timewaster. - Flight

    Okay, then I guess you don't suck that bad. I'll have to try again and go through all 4 rounds. I'm at work and didn't want to get busted playing a game. At least on this website I can say I'm "networking."
  10. Juggernauts


    Are you no longer able to see where you are "ranked" based on post count on here? I can't find it.
  11. Juggernauts


    Really? No help here huh?
  12. Juggernauts

    Ohio's unemployment rate about to go up

    Ya...their more stupider.
  13. Juggernauts

    Fun timewaster. - Flight

    The first level. How many are there? I did the second one by day 22. I didn't do the third.
  14. Juggernauts

    Ohio's unemployment rate about to go up

    Ohhhhh...now I get it...lots of people graduating with no jobs. Now I think you see why so many of us Ohioans are unemployed...We're not too bright.
  15. Juggernauts

    Ohio's unemployment rate about to go up

    I don't get it? Is this a statement of fact or insult?
  16. Juggernauts

    Ohio's unemployment rate about to go up

    At least we can get a stadium built that doesn't collapse! Zing!
  17. Juggernauts

    Fun timewaster. - Flight

    You suck...I did it in 15 days.
  18. Juggernauts

    Ohio's unemployment rate about to go up

    Don't forget about the Browns, Cav's, and Blue Jackets.
  19. Juggernauts

    Geek Help

    $500 -$600 for X-mas? Would you adopt me?
  20. Juggernauts

    I need some help

    How about if you screw the TV and mount your girlfriend. HTH!
  21. Juggernauts

    How big is your xmas bonus?

    What is this "bonus" you speak of?
  22. Juggernauts

    The NFl Play 60 commercial.......

    Kris Kross's "I Missed the Bus"?
  23. Juggernauts

    How do you get your news?

    I watch the Today Show in the morning and the Daily Show at night. Daily show has the most honest coverage of what's going on. Oh, I also check CNN.com when I first get to work in the morning, then 2-3 times during the day.
  24. Juggernauts

    Geek Club Dooshe of the Year nomination thread

    Wait a minute. Is this a trick question? By nominating someone are you actually nominating yourself? Damn it!