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Everything posted by Juggernauts

  1. Juggernauts

    Lebron Info

    Take this for what it's worth, cause I know how it sounds, BUT I know a guy, who knows a guy that is CLOSE in Lebron's circle who says there is 0% chance that Lebron returns to the Cavs. It's down to the Bulls and the Knicks.
  2. Juggernauts

    Viagra can affect mens hearing

  3. Juggernauts

    ***Official LOST Season 6 thread***

    My guess is it's What's Her Name...the chick that's now on V. She could make another one episode guess spot appearance revealing she's Jack's ex-wife.
  4. Juggernauts

    LeBron's Mom

    Did anyone else hear the rumor that LeBron's mom had an affair with his teammate Delante West? It's spreading around like it's gospel, but I've not heard nor read anything about it. The guys at work are saying LeBron found out about it around game 4 of the Boston series and THAT's why he was off his game. Sounds like BS to me.
  5. Juggernauts

    we're back!

    We're back, but does anyone know we're back. This place is dead today.
  6. Juggernauts

    LeBron's Mom

    If it's true, maybe they should change their name to the Cleveland Couger's in honor of his mom.
  7. Juggernauts

    Law & Order has been canceled

    One down...just 20 more Law and Order shows to go.
  8. Juggernauts

    Dana Plato's son commits suicide...

  9. Juggernauts

    Cleveland fans

    Why are so many people surprised that the Cav's are about to choke in the playoffs? They're from CLEVELAND!!! That's what Cleveland teams do! You should see some of the comments from my friends on Facebook. These guys have been Cleveland fans for over 30 years and yet they still act so surprised that they're losing. You think they'd be used to it by now.
  10. Juggernauts

    Cleveland fans

    Nice? Maybe, but very stupid. You should listen to the sports talk radio around here. If they Browns win one week, they're going to the Superbowl and (insert QB) is the next coming of Joe Montana and (insert coach) is the next Vince Lombardi. Then the following week if they lose they're calling for the backup QB and want the head coaches head on a platter.
  11. Juggernauts

    Jack Bauer has stepped it up a notch this year

    I've loved the show for years, but it's time for it to go away. It's way to predictable and formulaic. I mean, really...how many times can a top secret government agency get infiltrated by terrorists? They use it as a crutch to explain the impossible WAY too much.
  12. Juggernauts

    Happy Town

    Anyone watch this new show last night? It was the first episode and I'm intrigued. I just hope it doesn't turn out to be an X-Files meets Twin Peeks.
  13. Juggernauts

    Happy Town

    Saw episode #2 today and it's quickly loosing it's luster. If next weeks is as stupid, I'll probably stop watching...that is if it isn't cancelled by then.
  14. Juggernauts

    and that's how the fight started

    My ten year anniversary is coming up soon. My wife said she wanted to go someplace she'd never been to celebrate. I said, "How about the kitchen?" And that's thow the fight started.
  15. Juggernauts

    Yea Baby! Jocstrap just won sex bet vs the Wifey!

    That's good to know. From the beginning of our relationship 13 years ago, my wife said doggystyle was painful...thus now only sloth. She had a c-section 3 years ago. Maybe it's time to give doggy another go. Maybe things got put back differntly.
  16. Juggernauts

    Yea Baby! Jocstrap just won sex bet vs the Wifey!

    Wait, wait, wait...you mean, there's other positions? My wife only likes the sloth position...she just lays there on her back while I do all the work.
  17. Juggernauts

    So you think you can invest?

    I'm gonna go up huge. I'm well positioned in some stocks that will rebound.
  18. Juggernauts

    Happy Town

    Wow. I'm really surprised by this. I was really looking forward to seeing it and I thought it was actually pretty good.
  19. Juggernauts

    Have you ever had a job you enjoyed?

    I truly love my job or maybe more correctly so where I work. The people in my office are fantastic and the entire community is really cohesive. The students are awesome. The mission is fantastic. I don't really LIKE asking people for money, but I enjoy hitting my goals and succeeding.
  20. Juggernauts

    Have you ever had a job you enjoyed?

    You guys work in higher education? What field?
  21. Da Raiders. That would be the perfect fit for him. He'd fit right in with the rest of the degenerates!
  22. Juggernauts

    Is It Possible To Live Without The Sex?

    I'm married, so I go without sex all the time.
  23. Juggernauts

    Old news?

    I don't care if this was old news. This was AWESOME to watch! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuiZsQaigwo
  24. Juggernauts

    Old news?

    Sounds like someone needs a roundhouse kick to the face himself!