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Everything posted by Juggernauts

  1. Juggernauts

    Reasons why FFtoday should have T-Shirts 4 Sale

    #4.) Sales from the t-shirts could be used to breed our own FFToday hamsters to keep this place up and running. When one dies, we don't have to wait for 3 days for Mike to go to the pet store to buy another to put on the wheel. He'd have them on site!
  2. Juggernauts

    Predator 2

    This movie is supposed to take place in the future. I like how all they do is add like a scope to a handgun to make it look more "futuristic".
  3. Juggernauts

    so, we dont see replies anymore?

  4. Juggernauts

    Another failed shoebomber

    Ah, so you must be a Pro-life person then.
  5. Juggernauts

    Its not hemorrhoids

    Three times is just being diligent. I thought you were going somewhere completely different with the start of that sentence though! (Think bathtub lady.)
  6. Juggernauts

    Its not hemorrhoids

    So....just leave a little bit of p00p on there and that should solve everything right?
  7. Juggernauts

    Its not hemorrhoids

    If you'd wipe your arse when you're finished p00ping, you wouldn't have that problem!
  8. Juggernauts

    Best game ever?

    Does anyone else think that was the best NCAA championship game ever? I thought it was fantastic! Back and forth, little school taking on big school, lots of energy and excitement. I wish Butler could have pulled it off, but what a game!
  9. Juggernauts

    Best game ever?

    I guess what I thought made it great was the energy and excitement. Sure there have been better played games, but the I was on the edge of my seat almost the whole game. I'm a Buckeye fan, so I had nothing in this game. I just found it extremely entertaining.
  10. Juggernauts

    Easter = Worst Holiday Ever

    No real story here, I just can't stand this holiday. There is NOTHING about it I like.
  11. Juggernauts

    Homosexuals creep me out

    I think I've figured out why homosexuals creep me out. As a guy I know how much guys think about sex and what our first thoughts are when we see an attractive lady. So if I take this knowledge and apply the same things to homosexuals, then I can assume that homosexual men think the same thing only about other dudes. It's not that I have anything really against homosexuals and I don't consider myself a homophobe. I'm just not comfortable having another man think about me like that just like if I were a chick, I wouldn't feel very comfortable knowing what men think of me. Make sense?
  12. Juggernauts

    Easter = Worst Holiday Ever

    Who said I never had faith? I have plenty of Faith...I just believe in religion. My relationship with God is just fine. It's the Church I have a problem with.
  13. Juggernauts

    Easter = Worst Holiday Ever

    I just don't enjoy it at all. The Easter Bunny is a very stupid tradition. I get Santa Claus and how that ties to X-mas, but I don't see how a rabbit hiding eggs ties to the death and resurrection of Christ. I know it's based on/off of the pagan traditions and all. I just don't like it one bit.
  14. Juggernauts

    Easter = Worst Holiday Ever

    What I'll find hilarious is when all the "good Christians" get to Heaven and see guys like me there. That's gonna be priceless! Just because you don't believe in the BS the Church feeds you about how things happened and should have happened, doesn't mean you're not a person of faith or that you're going to Hell. There's gonna be plenty of Buddhists, Jews, Muslims, and people of all types of faiths up there. You die hard fundamentalists Christians are gonna be so pissed!
  15. Juggernauts

    McNabb to Redskins

    Man, they must really think he's washed up to trade him in the division. They better hope they're right. If he comes into Philly and wins, and if Washington wins the division, those Philly's fans heads are going to explode!
  16. Juggernauts

    Government takeover of student loan process

    The goverment DOES have the infrastructure in place. They've already been doing it for years with the Direct Loan program. Sure, the quantity will now be more but it won't be THAT expensive, and they'll probably actually make money off of it. Plus, they won't be paying banks to subsidize the loans so they'll save money there.
  17. Juggernauts

    Homosexuals creep me out

    Thank you! Someone who finally got the whole point of the thread! My thought process on this was I saw an attractive woman, just walking down the street. I thought, "I'd do her." Then I thought, "Man, how would I feel if someone thought about my little girl like that?" Then I wondered if homosexual men think about sex as much as what straight guys do. My assumption was they do, then I went from there.
  18. A friend of mine did a similar thing to me, except he didn't really advertise my car. He had his brother call me and say he was replying to my add in the paper selling my car? I first thought he had the wrong number, then he said, it was a Red Saturn VUE which I have. Then I thought it was a scam (forgot what day it was.) Then he said, "Your add says you'll take interesting trade offers. How about an autographed John Elway jersey?" And then I knew it was a prank. Asked him who told him to call, but he stuck to the script. I had it narrowed down to two buddies and sure enough it was one of them.
  19. Juggernauts

    Marine's Dad forced to pay Westboro Baptist's.....

    Because Man is flawed.
  20. Juggernauts

    Government takeover of student loan process

    Also to receive Federal Aid institutions have to file certain reports with the Government and some schools choose to not accept the aid simply because they choose not to do the paperwork.
  21. Juggernauts

    Government takeover of student loan process

    You're right. It's not a problem at all. There are some private religious institutions that actually receive no Federal Aid (Grove City College in PA I think) because part of the law that governs Federal Aid states that you must abide by certain non-discriminatory laws to receive federal aid. So a school who does not allow people of non-Christian faiths into their institution would not be able to receive Federal Aid like the Stafford Loan, Pell Grant, SEOG, Perkins Loan, Parent PLUS loan, and Federal Workstudy.
  22. Juggernauts

    Government takeover of student loan process

    I haven't read all of these posts, so maybe someone has already mentioned this, but the Federal Government has already been handling the loans for MANY institutions and MANY, MANY students through the Direct Loan program for years. In the past colleges and university's had a choice as to go with private banks OR participate in the Direct Loan program through the government. I believe all this new legislation means is that ALL colleges and university's must now use the Direct Loan program, so it really shouldn't make that much of a difference except that it's more volume for the government.
  23. Juggernauts

    Couple things I've been thinking about.

    You say, "Let's just say he went out with a bang."
  24. Juggernauts

    Marine's Dad forced to pay Westboro Baptist's.....

    I think what these groups do is heinous and makes me sick, however, I understand the protection of freedom of speech and think the court is probably right on allowing them to hold their protests. That being said, what these groups are preaching is hate and (though I don't know much about the actual laws) I would think that the United States laws on hate crimes and hate groups would cover this. Hopefully the Supreme Court will see it the same way and uphold the original ruling.
  25. Juggernauts

    Today's College Students

    They don't know how to address an envelope. They don't know how to write in cursive. They don't know how to write checks. However, they do know how to give someone the middle finger via e-mail and text: nllm