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Everything posted by sozopol

  1. sozopol

    gimme your wisdom

    Alright well after deciding to bench DHB I realize I focked up didn't notice that Julio Jones wound up in the flex position when I was moving them around thursday. So what that means is, I can only bench one of the 3 RBs... have to play DHB I think AP has to start. That makes it K Smith vs. Sproles. Obviously boom/bust vs. solid/reliable. I think I have a 50/50 shot at winning, it's pretty even. For that reason I'm thinking Sproles-- can't afford a stinker from Smith if he reaggravates the injury. But kinda about the potential for boom that we've seen from Smith. I also have Stafford at QB and Pettigrew,don't know how that affects things. Help again! Thoughts? Will help in return
  2. sozopol

    Kevin Smith

    I'm starting Smith.... over DHB at flex. Glad to hear he sounds good to go. Hope he makes into the second half at least! Even one half he is probably good for 50 total yds and a td, something like that vs. Oak.
  3. sozopol

    Need Lineup Help? Ask Here!

    Thanks! I just saw this response and had arrived at the same conclusion... nice to get confirmation. I am leaning towards playing Smith and benching DHB. If I do the opposite, I can see Smith really making me regret it.... but it's harder to imagine the reverse. Even if K Smith ends up leaving the game early he probably will still have more points than DHB. Palmer will running for his life all day.
  4. sozopol

    Flacco or Sanchez?

    yeah close call, probably both score in the low to mid teens... which means you shouldn't stress it, very likely they will end up close in points. If Baltimore were home I'd pick Flacco. On the other, maybe Bell by a hair. could you take a look at mine? http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=397852
  5. sozopol


    Yup no reason not to start Eli, he's got lots of weapons and is playing very well now. Who the hell knows what you will get with Vick, still a bit rusty and playing the Jets D. please take a look at mine? http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=397852
  6. sozopol

    HUGE bind at QB! Please help and whwy!

    It's got to be Wallace. The Bears are a mess right now, Hainie can't be trusted. Neither Locker and Batch will start, looks like. Clemens sux even if he hadn't just walked in the building. take a look at mine will you http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=397852
  7. sozopol

    Should I change anything?

    Great team! Don't love Tebow, but doesn't matter now, Ryan's done. (I had Ryan on my bench too). I would keep Greene in, he's rolling and should get something like 100 and a TD. Austin is one of many and Dallas is unpredictable. see mine would you http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=397852
  8. sozopol

    Need Lineup Help? Ask Here!

    Already played julio jones. Will definitely start harvin Which one do I leave on the bench AP v NO Kevin smith @ Oak Sproles @ Min DHB v Det Kinda weird that they are all playing each other
  9. Am I doing this right? QB - Stafford RB - A Peterson RB - D Sproles WR - Harvin WR - DHB FX - Julio Jones TW - Pettigrew Bench - QB Matt Ryan, RB K Smith, R Mendenhall, WR J Maclin, R Cooper Very seriously considering K Smith @ Oak rather than Sproles @ Min. Or start both Smith and Sproles over one of Jones/DHB? Any thoughts on my lineup? I will give my 2 cents to yours. Thanks
  10. sozopol

    Kevin Smith

    I have to decide between k smith and sproles at rb2. Mendy will stay on bench, he was hard to watch last week.
  11. sozopol

    Top DST Pickups!?!?

    For this week I will grab either Miami at home vs Phi, or TB at Jax. Probably TB, Jax looked so lost the other night and I don't see much chance for a bounce back game, ha. Might there be more TB fans in that stadium Sunday?
  12. Also didn't the raiders go to the super bowl a few months before they drafted him?
  13. sozopol

    starting harvin and cooper

    Anyone think this is a terrible idea? Harvin and julio both questionable but rolling with harvin. I like harvin vs atl to have a decent day. Julio seems more hit/miss. Any news from homers? Thanks
  14. sozopol

    Owen Daniels

    I dropped him last week (on his bye) and picked up Dickson. Not that Daniels had been doing much anyway--barely pulling his weight--but with Lionheart at starter is he even worth picking back up from the WW (if I can)? He does have what I would call a good matchup this week vs. Jax. And he's got Carolina and Indy in weeks 15 and 16 Meanwhile Pettigrew and Celek are also on the WW. This is a 12-team non-ppr league I haven't seen him or the Texans in general much in action this year, I don't have a sense of his use or potential. Will he sux, with Leinart in? Or will he be the leading receiver because Leinart can't hit his WRs downfield? Or what. Any thoughts or recommendations?
  15. sozopol

    N.Y. Jets at Denver Broncos

    No really I picked up G Matt Slauso n off the WW. Just had a feeling.
  16. sozopol

    N.Y. Jets at Denver Broncos

    Luckily I started Slauson in the flex Something tells me this ends up like 27-10.
  17. sozopol

    20-plus mph winds in Chicago tomorrow afternoon

    hmm that is good info. Maybe I should start Ryan (home vs NO) instead of stafford.
  18. sozopol

    Who likes Harvin this week?

    I am leaning towards starting him over Larry Fitz (@ PHI) and Earl Bennett (vs DET). GB will be scoring a bazillion points and playing prevent defense towards the end of the game, I have to think. I have AP as well.
  19. sozopol

    Fitz, harvin or bennett

    I am actually leaning harvin on this one. Fitz will be double teamed all night by philly's secondary. Bennett, can he have another big game, this time vs Det? also have Decker and Starks
  20. sozopol

    Fitz, harvin or bennett

    Why did you trade for Harvin then?
  21. Harvard boy has been sitting on my bench all season. Is this the week to roll him out there? I keep an eye on his points every week and he's pretty good but Stafford always does better. I am still leaning Stafford, I like the matchup and I like that the Lions should come out swinging after 2 losses. BUT-- if Buffalo boy is going to do nearly as well why risk Stafford and his ankle issue at all? Thoughts? I'll read yours in return.
  22. sozopol

    Start Stafford or Fitzpatrick

    Thanks for the confirmation. Stafford it is.
  23. I have AP, Sproles and Ingram at RB, in addition to Hillis and Starks, and Fitz, Julio, Harvin and a few WW guys at WR. Do I make this trade? What say you all? I am nearly ready to do it but looking for any last minute insight/opinion thanks--I'll throw my 2 cents your way in return
  24. sozopol

    Hillis and Starks for Desean Jackson?

    Well I was able to tweak the deal a bit in my favor I think... I got Maclin for Hillis and Ingram.
  25. sozopol

    Percy Harvin Droppable?

    Funny that is EXACTLY my WR situation-- Fitz, Harvin and Julio. I also have Torrey Smith BALT on my roster. I pretty much have to play Harvin this week. Trying to trade him but no one is dumb enough so far....