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Everything posted by Lackman

  1. Lackman

    RG3 = the new McNabb?

    Griffin went into the game with an almost "100%" knee. He came out with around 5 or 6 minutes to go. So, he played just about the entire game. As he did vs several other teams. Except, this time he faced a team he lost to. So now it's a knee problem. :cry:
  2. Lackman

    RG3 = the new McNabb?

    You have poor reading comprehension. You should take some Adderall; it might help you focus more. Of course I'm right because I simply don't have the ability to be wrong. So go back to your shitty team, with a coach that destroyed their franchise player's career and Dr Mengele the knee guy that blew the whistle on his own team on game day and pussie owner. Third time Seattle knocked Washington out of the playoffs in 10 years.
  3. Lackman

    RG3 = the new McNabb?

    It's funny how during the lead up to the game, the word was Griffin was close to 100%. Which means, he was more hurt before. And playing hurt, he beat Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Dallas. But playing hurt vs Seattle, he got shut down after the first two drives of the game, was able to throw the ball deep, could still run around for positive yards, and it's as if he was playing on crutches, right? It's all balderdash.
  4. Lackman

    Seahawks Chances @ Atlanta

    Seattle flew to Washington on Friday, to adjust. They'll probably do the same this week.
  5. Lackman

    RG3 = the new McNabb?

    There is a difference between trolling and personal attacks. You have to make adjustments in tonality.
  6. Lackman

    RG3 = the new McNabb?

    Let me tell you about my adjustment, Retardskin's fan. When Griffin crumpled to the ground and ball leaked out of his hand, I gave my biggest cheer of the day. Not that Seattle was going to win the game for sure. But that Griffin might never play again. Then I adjusted my crotch because I got a happy feeling in my pants. Did you hear Griffin after the game, in every interview, talk about nothing but ME ME ME ME. What an attention wh0re. How about your teammates? Nope, it's all about Griffin. No class. FACE. KNEE. FACE.
  7. Lackman

    RG3 = the new McNabb?

    I'm King Troll around these parts, and you've just been Trolled. FACE.
  8. Lackman

    RG3 = the new McNabb?

    You're such a retard, you can't bring any subtlety to trolling. You are a ham handed imbecile trying to pet a bunny with a hammer and then left wondering why the bunny isn't moving anymore.
  9. Lackman

    RG3 = the new McNabb?

    For the life of me, I can't fathom why people insist that Griffin limping a little bit more was the only significant thing that happened in this game. Just baffling. Griffin getting a slight limp was one of many, many, many factors in this game and the outcome. I didn't see Baltimore beating limping Griffin. Nor Philadelphia. Nor Dallas. But, Good Lord, a limping QB = automatic easy win.
  10. Lackman

    RG3 = the new McNabb?

    No, that is not what I said. I'm simply pointing out that they made a myriad of adjustments during the game for many different reasons, many had nothing to do with Griffin, which I've already explained with examples which you skipped over. That's what all coaches do and it affects the play calling as well. The previous ignorant statements said Seattle didn't do anything different. That's simply not possible. I mean, they had to adjust their philosophy after the kicker got hurt on that shitty field. No long FG attempts were going to be considered going forward. That game did not 100% turn on Griffin's injury. Saying that would be intellectually dishonest.
  11. Lackman

    ***Official Seattle Seahawks Thread 2012***

    The final domino to fall would be seeing Tom Cable start getting phone calls. At this point, I'd hate to see any of the coaches leave.
  12. Lackman

    Seahawks Chances @ Atlanta

    He's a speed rusher. Inconsistent, doesn't have much technique learned yet. Terrible against the run. So, the matchup of Irvin vs Atlanta isn't necessarily bad.
  13. Lackman

    RG3 = the new McNabb?

    Funny how I've heard audio of Carroll with my own ears saying how they changed their defense after the first two TDs. As the game wore on, they ignored Griffin's threat of running. Not earth shaking in brilliance as it was obvious, but it was adjustment. That aside, hybrid DE Red Bryant was caught with his pants down on the first two drives as he was guessing wrong on the read option runs. He started to play to contain, and lo and behold Washington was miraculously not scoring on every possession. That would qualify as an adjustment, right? Sure, you can go with your logic and think that Washington would have scored a TD on every single possesion but logic and rational thinking would keep non-retards like myself to other conclusions. Hey, here's another obvious adjustment during the game. Remember when Clemons went down with a knee problem due to the field surface? Seattle started to blitz then. And it worked. See, that's how adjustments work. Seattle came out flat in the first quarter. They didn't play all that well. They played more inspired the final 3 quarters. This offense has become very efficient the 2nd half of the season scoring in the red zone. Yesterday, they blew a lot of scoring chances. Maybe they made mental adjustments because they were playing a game on 100% dirt, spray painted to look greenish. What a dump that stadium has become.
  14. Lackman

    RG3 = the new McNabb?

    Oh, to the initial thread thought, McNabb was a raging alcoholic who liked to booze it up on weekends. When he threw up in the Superbowl, he was hung over. So until you can smell the booze oozing out of Griffin's pores in the huddle, they aren't the same.
  15. Lackman

    RG3 = the new McNabb?

    It's adorable how your infantile brain power allows you to type and not make a lick of sense. What, you never heard of adjustments during a game? Oh, that's right. Andy Reid was your failure of a coach for many years, so you don't know what I'm talking about. Still, football is all about adjustments. You seem to think that your next head coach Gus Bradley is incapable of making a change to stop a team's game plan. It's a testament to the entire Seattle team that Washington gained 70 yards the last 3 quarters and never sniffed the Seattle side of the field again.
  16. Lackman

    ***Official Seattle Seahawks Thread 2012***

    If you are going to sign Edwards, this would be the time, facing his old team and maybe picking his brain on tendencies. Blitzing Atlanta may not be such a bad idea this week. Rather than playing mostly zone, you will need to do more press coverage against the Atlanta passing game. So the blitz and aggressive coverage will go hand in hand. The question is will Ryan have enough time to take advantage, or does the pressure swallow him up. But to me, clearly Atlanta is not a rugged team; they appear to be a finesse team. Seattle can walk into Atlanta and start punching them in the mouth and smacking them around. That's just what the defense does. Lynch is going to try to run through people. How does Atlanta respond to all that?
  17. Lackman

    ***Official Seattle Seahawks Thread 2012***

    With Clemons, even if in the best care scenario he has a knee sprain, he still couldn't play this week. He's out, and our biggest need going into the draft is still pass rush. For about the 7th straight year. As far as Irvin, um, I'm not getting my hopes up. Clemons is the only guy on the line that can command attention, and at times you have to double team him. Like putting double coverage on a teams #1 WR. The thing is, the #2 guy will receive less attention and they can make some things happen. But as soon as that #1 gets hurt, the focus shifts to the #2 guy. With that increased attention, most players cannot raise their game and actually regress because they are being asked to produce with more assets committed to stopping them. And Irvin has been ineffective for months, getting flagged more than making positive plays. We will have to blitz to get pressure on Matt Ryan, because if you sit back in a bend don't break zone, Ryan is good enough to make some plays. At the end of this game, Seattle started blitzing Griffin/Cousins after Clemons went down, and it was pretty effective.
  18. Lackman

    Seattle Seahawks @ Washington Redskins

    Oof, I rarely get hungover, but I'm banged up this morning. Looking at it without emotion, the Seahawks did not play well at all yesterday. Probably the worst Wilson has looked in months. Tons of red zone opportunities, very few TDs. The Lynch fumble lost on the goal line. A hurt kicker. Clemons probably tearing his ACL. On the bright side, Atlanta played the easiest schedule in the NFL, their rush defense stinks, and their best offense (WR) is our best defense (secondary). The game is extremely winnable. Vegas set the line at Atlanta (-2.5). Other than beating up the Giants during their late season free fall, Atlanta has played every single home game tight against everybody else, including a boatload of bad teams. For once, you can see the NFL playoff script in our favor. The league wants to see the story line of Seattle vs Green Bay, the rematch of the Fail Mary. The pregame hype would be monstrous. Or.....Seattle vs San Fran, a rematch of the Sunday night blow out from 3 weeks ago. What's the script for Atlanta? Nothing.
  19. Lackman

    ***Official Seattle Seahawks Thread 2012***

    Shoot, I was more worried about Washington than Atlanta. Seattle 51, Atlanta 6.
  20. Lackman

    Seattle Seahawks @ Washington Redskins

    Beast Quake II
  21. Lackman

    Seattle Seahawks @ Washington Redskins

  22. Lackman

    Seattle Seahawks @ Washington Redskins

    Punt. Yahtzee!!
  23. Lackman

    Seattle Seahawks @ Washington Redskins

    Oh, Cowboys fan, right?
  24. Lackman

    Seattle Seahawks @ Washington Redskins

    It probably will. Although Carroll has turned down opportunities for 50+ yard FGs for weeks now. So, if the kicker can make a 30 yarder, it doesn't change the strategy as much as we might think. But the Seahawk fans are hoping Griffin's second leg injury comes into play.