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Everything posted by Lackman

  1. Lackman

    It's 430 a.m.

    I think wiffleball just wrote a new song for Matchbox 20
  2. Lackman

    Murder-Suicide at my grandparents house

    :anthony: Hoo, Hoo. :anthony:
  3. Politicians no longer feel accountable for their corruption and deceit to the public, no longer feel responsible to uphold the belief system of the very voters that put them in office, yet feel that they are entitled to enjoy the spoils of a leisurely life of feeding at the trough of taxed money on the backs of the people with no hope and no money. It's despicable and I wish for Hillary to get cancer in her womanly parts and for her uterus to fill up her socks.
  4. Lackman

    Why did Mante Teo lie

    Why did Newbie lie about his happy married life for a year after he got kicked to the curb by his wife? It happens.
  5. Lackman

    Did anyone else watch "Legit" on FX?

    8 of the 13 episodes of this first season are based on his standup stories. I don't know what to tell you. I like the visual element to the tales. But this is a familiar pattern to many standup comics that get a sitcom today. They incorporate stuff from their standup in the episodes, because it's proven material. Hell, if you see a bar band playing for years and they suddenly get a recording contract, that first album will be full of songs you heard them play before. As you go further along, then you get fresher stuff. Louie CK has been doing the same kind of stuff in Lucky Louie and Louie, and now he's taking a hiatus to come up with fresh material. It fits the pattern. Roseanne, Tim Allen, Ray Romano, Jerry Seinfeld/Larry David, Kevin James, Norm, Jeff Foxworthy, etc. Amy Shumer is starting her show in April, and I guarantee it'll be the same pattern.
  6. I've already started questioning my early tentative decision to be more mellow heading into the draft. Unique draft board my ass.
  7. I will not be making any such agreement. :middlefinger:
  8. Are you planning on interviewing the unicorn first?
  9. Lackman

    The Joe Schmo Show

    The Te'o Schmo Show.
  10. Lackman

    The Joe Schmo Show

    There are a lot of gullible people out there. Just think about how easy it is to troll this place. Plus, the way it's been described, they have a couple of schmos sequestered in a hotel as backups. If the first one figures it out, they stop filming, and start over with the next candidate. I don't know how it worked out in previous seasons. Then again, maybe I'm the gullible one for believing the hoax of the hoax. It's a deep rabbit hole.
  11. Lackman

    The Following.......with Kevin Bacon.

    So, is this basically Red Dragon? Which was a movie and book that I really liked.
  12. Lackman

    The Joe Schmo Show

    Not sure what you mean. The show's gimmick is that it's completely scripted to fock around with one unsuspecting contestant.
  13. Lackman

    The Joe Schmo Show

    It's hard to do smarmy any better.
  14. Lackman

    The Joe Schmo Show

    They've been rerunning all the episodes every Tuesday so far, including the first 3 tonight, before they air the fresh 4th one. I don't remember the series 10 years ago, but it's where Kristin Wiig got her start, so they can pick unknown cast members just fine. Kind of sucks they are competing with Dual Survival on Discovery, but their new co-host this season sucks d!ck. That's what On Demand is for.
  15. Lackman

    Did anyone else watch "Legit" on FX?

  16. Lackman

    Did anyone else watch "Legit" on FX?

    He's had at least two HBO specials that I know of. He's a brilliant comic. He's better when he's performing drunk. I think there is a Youtube out there of him being heckled and then the guy ran up on stage and punched Jefferies in the head.
  17. Lackman

    ***Official Seattle Seahawks Thread 2012***

    Sanchez has a huge contract which is the opposite of what we want to do with our cap space, you'd have to give up something to get him because I don't think the Jets can outright cut him, Carroll didn't like him coming out of college early saying he wasn't ready and mature enough, he has a laziness towards film study which would make Carroll hate him, and he don't fit the offense we run at all.
  18. Lackman

    Did anyone else watch "Legit" on FX?

    For a pilot episode, I thought it showed a lot of potential. I thought the first few minutes dragged, but the show got some momentum going after the first break. I've heard bits and pieces of previews. Upcoming episodes will focus on Downie kids and crapper busting fatties.
  19. Lackman

    ***Official Seattle Seahawks Thread 2012***

    Purely speculative. Granted, I expect Flynn to be the backup QB next year. We have 10 picks already. Are we really going to trade what I feel is one of the top backups in the league for yet another low round pick, a 5th or 6th round pick that probably won't make the final roster? That would be foolish, since we know how hard it is to find one decent QB, much less stumble into two. But...IF somebody offered, oh, let's say a conditional 3rd round pick that could climb to a 2nd based on performance. And a trade was made. How would you feel about bringing in Tebow, as the backup, for a hybrid read option offense that we run. Not many QBs are well versed in the system, I don't think the media is going to go ape over Tebow in Seattle, as we all know Seattle is not covered enthusiastically by the major networks, especially compared to New York. I think his personality would mesh with Carroll and Wilson, and there were loud whispers last off season that Tebow could be going to Seattle around the time Denver was chasing Manning. I think he could certainly run behind the zone blocking schemed offensive line. The WR and TE blocking is outstanding. He can throw a good deep ball like Wilson. And, unlike Denver and the Jets, he would have an actual running attack that would need to be respected. Could work.
  20. Sometimes you have to goon arm a broad and just mush her face with your hand.
  21. Also, how can somebody have long term climate goals, and not care a whit about long term economic goals. It's maddening and insane.
  22. There have been zero signs of recovery. Obama is curb stomping the economy to death for 4 years so far. There will never, never, never be a recovery. Batten down the hatches. The storm is just gettin' a brewin'.
  23. Lackman

    ***Official Seattle Seahawks Thread 2012***

    Eh, for myself, I'll keep my speculation to a minimum for now, until we see how the franchise tags and whatnot shakes out. At this point, I like the idea of adding another talented pass catching TE to the mix than a wide receiver. With Wilson finding Miller a lot towards the end of the season, and the propensity of Wilson to run around, a big check down target or a big target in the seam or a soft spot in the zone sounds pretty good to me. The effort was initially there last season to go 2 TE, bringing in Kellen Winslow, only to cut him after the dispute over what his role was going to be on the team. I think they try to add another quality TE again. Then again, can we really count on Rice to be healthy for another full season? We will add D-line help. Carroll said it. Schneider said it. And these guys are pretty upfront with what they want to fix on the team as the post season starts up. Unfortunately, the draft is not strong on D-line players, and taking one early may end up a reach. I know we didn't have a great shot at Kuechly last year, since the team had not shown much interest in trading up this early in the draft in the recent past, but I wonder how different this team would have looked with Kuechly instead of Irvin. Granted, we may not have ended up with Wagner who did a nice job. Kuechly was great on Carolina. Just nit picking. Since we will have to add a starting LB this off season, again. Indications are that Schneider had Kuechley #2 on his draft board, which makes you wonder why not trade up to #9? But, we traded down, and the rest...well, you know. Just interesting to look back. The draft initially seems deep at WR. And there is a chance that a number of pretty good WR become unrestricted free agents. I would think the front office would be less than aggressive in the pursuit, and see what happens. Hey, we've brought in servicable old guys like Mike Williams and Braylon Edwards. I wish T.O. would have worked out. But I guess a cheap veteran wouldn't be all bad. I just don't think the team will break the bank going after a Mike Wallace, Dwayne Bowe, etc. They did go after Brandon Marshall and Vincent Jackson in the past, but I think the priorities have changed. I honestly think I will be much more mellow this year in the offseason and draft. The front office has bought a bit of a grace period and good will with their above average draft track record thus far. Ruskell poised the well with his idiocy, but things are getting better. Kumbaya My Lord, Kumbaya...
  24. Lackman

    ***Official Seattle Seahawks Thread 2012***

    It's an enormous set back.
  25. Ray Lewis, after the game, reminds me of Big Ern McCracken after he bowled 3 strikes in a row to defeat The Rubber Man Roy Munson in Reno Nevada. And don't forget the Potato Bar.