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Everything posted by Lackman

  1. Lackman

    Naomi are you a school teacher?

    The test pattern on a TV would keep you enthralled.
  2. Lackman

    Pretend to be phillybear

    FOCK OFF. Seriously. The alarm clock goes off, and I throw the first thing I can reach at it, which happens to be a broken alarm clock. I pick my hammer, give myself a few whacks, and regain consciousness. On the way to the bathroom, I avoid most of the traps I set for myself the night before. The bear trap caught me by surprise. For breakfast, I eat a handful of Cajun style fertilizer, a scorpion, and drink some antidote for the poison I will drink at lunch. I glue some more small rocks into the insides of my shoes. I limp out of the house on my way to work. The journey to work is typical. As the train pulls up to my spot, I ask the lady next to “Excuse me”. She mumbles something, and moves her legs a couple of inches to accommodate me and my large backpack. It’s a stalemate. I can’t get out, and her fat lazy ass doesn’t want to ooze over a little to let me out. And the doors are going to close soon. I politely say “Excuse me” again, plow past her, and take extra special care to thump her in the head with my heavy backpack. Thud. As I make it pass her, the backpack hit her so hard, she falls off the bench seat and lands with a sudden jolt on the floor. The train shakes. I turn to her and in a calm voice tell her “You are the most ignorant slut I have ever met in my life and I hope your uterus falls out so you cannot have any children. Have a nice day”. As I flee for the exit, the howls of rage that escape from that mammal send chills up and down the spine of every person in the listening area. I really have regrets of telling her to have a nice day. I arrive at work. I climb the steps to the third floor, and hurl myself down to the first. I exit the stairwell and take the elevator up the second. Since I arrived at work a bit early, I had time to take the scenic route. I reach my desk, unpack, turn on my computer, and get some coffee. I don’t feel like taking the time to brew a new pot, so I drink whatever is leftover from yesterday. My taste buds immediately shut down, commit suicide, and fall out. Much like a certain woman’s uterus. Fock off.
  3. Lackman

    Donte Stallworth spotted at Philly Airport!

    Why is anybody giving this idiot any credibility? greyhounds is the worst poster at this site, and has been shown to be a liar on dozens of occasions.
  4. Lackman

    Canned Tuna Poll

    34 C's.
  5. Lackman

    Saving Grace

    The Closer sucks. Just rerun Law & Order all day, and X Files all night. Everything else on TNT is crap.
  6. Lackman

    So Which Posters Will We Never See Again?

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