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Posts posted by Lackman

  1. This is just an extension of the mandate to label store bought items such as frozen chicken, a can of soup or a box of oreo's. And that mandate has been great. Consumers can pick up a box of whatever and look (educate themselves) on what is in and what the nutritional value is of the item they are buying. This is espcecially important to people with diabites, food allergies, heart disease and other issues. However not only those folks but all of us who want to know what we put in our bodies. Having restaurants and any person that prepares a food do the same is just doubling down on a great idea.


    I'm normally not for gov't intervention in most cases, but when its a good thing and has to do with either eduction, citizen/consumer protection, national defense, or infrastruture then I'm ususally for it. Those four things I do think are part of govt's role.


    It is not the role of government to force a business into the type of packaging it's product can be sold in. It's the same deal as when the government does not allow a bar owner the option of smoking and non smoking environment. If the product is not dangerous to the consumer, then it's just meddling.

  2. What?


    If the product is bad, people can die. One of the government's key responsibilities is the protection of the food supply.


    If a supermarket changes the expiration date on food, it is a federal crime. Whether those dates really matter or not is a different matter, but you can't change expiration dates.


    In my younger years, I've worked in many different food related locations. Every single place changes expiration stickers. Every. One. If you tossed something because of expiration, you would be fired for wasting product.


    Oh, the government is protecting the food supply. Banning salt, sugar, trans fat, etc. They're on their way with the cavalry to protect people from themselves.


    How many people actually read a food label? Maybe 2% or 3%, and that's probably because it's health related. It's all so stupid.

  3. Not to go off on a tangent but this gets back to how we all should be thinking (because its how I think). :)


    Our collective gov't should arm its citizens (by way of regulations) with knowledge and then empower the people to decide for themselves in a free market system. You educate the masses and then leave it up to them to make individual decisions for themselves. It goes back to the tride and true conservative mantra of "Give a man a fish he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime." Well a big part, probably the biggest part of that saying is the word "teach". Putting labels on products and food and ciggarettes and such is simply educating them on what they are buying and ingesting.


    Educating the masses as to what is in the food they buy is a good thing. Then give them the free will to buy and ingest what they want. i.e. no need to put a 'sin' tax on the fatty foods or the sodas or the sugar.


    I'm all for transparency and eduction; but know this, once people are educated there is no reason for gov't to decide anything for us. At least not here in America.


    If people are so helpless and stupid to make decisions on what food to buy, we should just slap a sticker on everything with amber alert colors. Slap a big old red sticker on a pineapple, a blue on a can of tuna, a green one on a prepared pizza. Then hang up an index for what each color means. This bad, this not so bad, this almost bad, because arbitrary government decisions should be the be all and end all. Because, let's not forget, the government is better equipped to run your life than you are.

  4. So, are you saying that supermarkets who provide prepared foods should not have to tell you what is in those prepared foods?


    The industry as a whole has lower margins, but they are also in a less volatile market.


    The government is overstepping it's power by forcing the food industry to label it's product a certain way. I'm against nearly all industry regulations in general. Let the market police itself. If the product is bad, word will spread. That's how restaurants either survive or go out of business. So should prepared foods for sale. It's unfortunate both may have to declare ingredients.


    And it's insane how many times labels with expiration dates get replaced so that customers buy way past expired prepared foods unsuspectingly. So what good is the label of ingredients going to do when you buy spoiled, harmful bacteria laden product?


    More than anything, I advocate preparing your own food.

  5. The ones that are going out of business are the old style places with no variety and no prepared foods. The ones affected by this are thriving.


    There is a vast difference between thriving and barely scraping by. Historically, that is what supermarkets do. Barely surviving. All the markets try to keep prices as low as possible, constantly trying to undercut the competition, to attract business. They make money purely on volume rather than profit margin. They will take losses on overall customer purchases just to keep them away from competitors, depending on what sales they are running that week.


    Prepared foods have higher profit margin. But you need to consider the short shelf life and extremely high spoilage rate, which makes it very risky to put out such products.

  6. How about we stop packing these no talent, slob ass, gap toothed, low rent Buckwild rejects into glitzy, horrific half time death marches that take an hour so that we can shorten up the break and get back to the mother focking game.

  7. Fairly early in the season, the 49ers beat the Seahawks on a Thursday night game 13-6. As Seattle players were boarding the team buses to head to the airport, Harbaugh drove right by their bus, honking his horn, and waving in a derisive manner with a large sh!t eating grin. Which of course helped motivate the beatdown the Seahawks gave the 49ers later in the season.


    Harbaugh is a clown. And his team is going to have to fight very hard next year to come out of the NFC West to even make the playoffs.

  8. it is an insult to the cause of human rights for you to insist gay rights is somehow less important than those of blacks or women for that fact.


    Let's not get crazy. No one is saying women should have more rights than the fruits. In fact, women shouldn't have any rights at all.

  9. And we cannot base that balance on the outliers. Standard and Common Use dictates that in the vast majority of instances alot of guns/ammo avaialable today are not really needed for home defense or any other reason.


    OK. So the people who are pro abortion based on the sole issue of unwanted pregnancy from rape, which is a 1 in 100,000 or so scenario, you would consider them lunatics? Would you enforce anti-abortion laws because outliers should not be considered?

  10. Yeah, that's pretty accurate. The league-wide mandate to not mention god has gone over well :wacko:


    Moreso, they are potentially offending Jews, Christians, and Muslims by forcing them to say nice things about the queers.


    If the NFL needs to control all speech, why don't they stop making their players and coaches do interviews in the first place and stop fining them for skipping out on the media.
