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Everything posted by p.man

  1. p.man

    Bad Weather Games Today?

    I know this will comeback and haunt me, but I am going to start K.Allen over Gordon. FFToday has him ranked pretty high as the #8 ranked wr anyway... My only worry is that the Chargers will go to a heavy ground attack due to the Dolphins bad run defense and because the Dolphins have a good pass def. UGGGG!!! However, I do like that K.Allen is the 4 Pm game. Gordon plays at 1 Pm. I hope the Chargers o-line will keep Rivers upright and not on his butt.
  2. p.man

    J.Gordon or K.Allen?

    Who do you think will put up better stats? J.Gordon @ Cinci... K.Allen @ Miami... 1 point every 10 yards rec or rush. 6 points for touchdowns. Thanks!
  3. p.man

    Broncos Vs. Chiefs Predictions

    The ankle thing he had a few weeks ago was only a twinge...Last weeks hit on his ankle was legit and he could barely get up. I am no Manning hater and he does have several key players at his disposal on every play..Manning has weapons and I expect him to play well, but just a little bit more limited which will give the Chiefs an even better chance to win on the road. Will they beat Denver? They have a good chance. Oh, You can be sure that KC will tackle him at the ankle any chance they get.
  4. p.man

    Broncos Vs. Chiefs Predictions

    lol....Neither of these teams are my favorite team, but 53-3? The Chiefs are going to use Jamal Charles like they never have before. Charles will be in charge. I stick by my original prediction of 31-27 Chiefs due to Peyton's high ankle sprain and the Chiefs defense along with Charles doing it all Sunday night.. I do not see either team blowing out the other. I will enjoy this game no matter who wins and in two weeks they will do it all over again in KC.
  5. Rivers, Foles, Luck..Just picked up Foles for this week. Him or Rivers? Not sure yet. J.Charles, K.Moreno, A.Brown, Z.Stacy D.Thomas, J.Gordon, K.Allen, T.Williams J.Reed, J.Cameron Giants Def, Streaming def... R.Succup I hope these players can keep on scoring.. Only J.Charles and D.Thomas are left from my original draft.
  6. p.man

    Nick Foles .... bold perdiction

    So what does everyone think about Foles this week at home vs Wash? 1Td? 2Td's 250 yards? 300+ yards? Any rushing yardage? From what I have been reading, we should expect an above avg game from Foles this week due to the Skins bad pass defense. However, it is a division game and usually they tend to be tight to the vest because the teams know each other so well. My guess would be 270 and 1 pass Td....What do you say? I need to decide on Foles or Rivers who is up against a decent Miami passing defense on the road. I think Miami's pass def is overrated due to their teams deciding to run more vs them.
  7. Colts must run the ball to win this game. Not a good opening series at all.
  8. p.man

    signing with the Jets = you're washed up

    Isn't it Favre? This is the spell check thread.
  9. p.man

    signing with the Jets = you're washed up

    lol. Funny. Not sure. I know someone named Lacey though..
  10. p.man

    Broncos Vs. Chiefs Predictions

    One of the morning sports shows had on a Dr asking about Manning's high ankle sprain and the Dr said that his bone is in an unstable state. The Dr said that if Peyton gets hit the wrong way on his already week ankle, he is most likely going to need screws inserted to keep the leg/ankle stable. That would be season ending. He used a word to better describe it, but I forgot what it was.
  11. p.man

    signing with the Jets = you're washed up

    Absolutely!... The Jets need is in the secondary and at wr. We need a receiver bad. I like Curley and Nelson too, but to me they are 2nd or 3rd receiver and slot receiver material. The rb slot hasn't been as bad this year thanks to Ivory, but I would love to see the Jets land a young rb like Lacey or Stacey.
  12. p.man

    signing with the Jets = you're washed up

    Tebow was never given a full shot to be their starter. He was a stupid signing to keep the Patriots from getting him..Stupid just like I said. Favre was with the Jets for 1 season and he put up 3,472 yards with 22 passing Td's. There were 22 int's too, but all in all Favre was not all that bad. Ed Reed has played in this defensive system and I think Reed is a good signing who will give the defense a needed boost in the secondary which is their weakness. Age or not, its a good signing by the Jets. Also,Troy will most likely not be in Pitt next season...Jets? Possibly yes. They didn't have to give up anything to get him either. Hit or miss I give the Jets props for at least trying.
  13. p.man

    Best Defense match ups for weeks 15-16

    Ariz has a running game now and they should be able to move the ball pretty good against the Tenn def. Look at what the Jags just did to them. Beware... I will give you the defense but not until after I pick them up after this weeks games. Super Sleeper Def for the fantasy playoffs.
  14. p.man

    Do I change anything?

    Anyone? Any opinions welcome..Thanks!
  15. p.man

    Do I change anything?

    Starting---------------------------------------Bench. Foles vs Wash-----------------------------Rivers @ Miami-----Luck @ Tenn J.Charles @ Den A.Brown vs G.Bay------------------------------Z.Stacey Bye week. Moreno vs Chiefs...My Flex Starter.. D.Thomas vs Chiefs J.Gordon @ Cinci-----------------------K.Allen @ Miami ---------------------------------------------T.Williams Bye week J.Reed @ Phili--------------------------J.Cameron @ Cinci Giants Def vs G.Bay------------------Tenn def vs Indi Do I change anything? I was considering taking Moreno out and start K.Allen at flex over Moreno, but maybe not. I picked up Foles due to everyone saying how bad the Dolphins rush defense is. SD run more > vs Passing. Rb's & Wr's = 1 point every 10 yards rush or rec. 6 for Td's. Qb's are 4 points for throw td. Thanks!
  16. p.man

    Whos starting T-rich?

    I think he will be fine. He is still, dare I say, learning the offense. I think at least 90 yards and a td or 2 tonight. On NFL Network in prime time should also help motivate...
  17. That is actually a tough question. I like A.Vinetari, but I do not like playing my starters early in the week. My honest opinion is this....Foles is playing really well and he has great skill players around him. Foles has the easier defense to throw against too. I would bet that the Eagles will be able to move the ball easier against a bad skins pass def than Luck will have in Tenn. However, This is the tough part. The Colts lost last week and for as bad as they played, The Colts were in the red zone a few times before turning the ball over. I think the Colts are going to play better tonight. I would say that either choice should be a great start... If it really troubles you than I would go look at all the rankings and see who is consistently ranked higher. Please see my topic if you can. Thanks! Good Luck!
  18. I like the Giants defense this week too. They had the bye and then beat Oakland at home after giving Oakland an easy chance for a score on the opening KO fumble and the Giants still managed to score well on defense with 4 sacks, 1 fumble recovery and an INT along with a Td. Now they will play a 2nd straight game at home vs G.Bay with a solid rb in the mix now too. After this weeks win, they will have a 3rd straight home game vs Dallas and the Giants defense will be a solid play once again.
  19. p.man

    How do you pick a Kicker?

    Great defense. Solid offense with a Qb who isn't great, but can manage the game with a solid Rb. I give you Chiefs Kr Ryan Succop Week 15 in warm Oakland weather and week 16 at home vs Indi.
  20. p.man

    Ring Of Honor For W.Sapp

    It would have been nice to see him play for the Jets. I remember his draft class and all of the Jets fans chanting his name.... About 1:20 sec in. Jets draft selections. After the Jets took Ken O'Brian this fan is being interviewed and he say's, "The Jets said if Marino was around they would take Marino". Obviosly the Jets know something the people up here don't".
  21. p.man

    Broncos Vs. Chiefs Predictions

    Moreno should be able to combine for at least 80 yards and a possible Td. I see him playing more in this game due to the Chiefs being up by 1 game and it being a big divisional game. All hands on deck and that means your best players hands..With the Chiefs not allowing teams more than 17, I do think that Manning alone is worth at least 10 points by himself. You add Moreno and Pratter and you get at least 24 to 27 points. The Chiefs Qb is not a Qb who commands points by himself, and that is where the Chiefs lack the most. Their defense and J.Charles are worth 17 points and if you give A.Smith 1 passing Td, you end up with 24. Either team wins by a 27-24 margin. Add in a turnover and it could turn out to be a 31-27 game. I will say that the Chiefs will win 31-27 due to the Broncos defense not being as good as the Chiefs and because Manning is not 100%.
  22. p.man

    Cowboys talk

    Jerry Jones said in an interview that they were getting players back. Who? Ware? He is already back but is not playing at 100%. Murray? He is back, but they don't use him. S.Lee is done for at least 3 weeks. Who are they getting back? What they should do is pick up Ed Reed. Why not? They can't cover anybody with who they have now, so why not take a shot with the Veteran Ed Reed? The defense needs a pick me up. They need to at least feel like they can stop somebody. Hey Jerry, pick up E.Reed.
  23. Which 2 would you want for the rest of the way? Rivers..@Mia. @ Kc. vs Cinci.Vs Giants. @ Denver. Vs Oak Foles..Vs Wash...Bye Week.. Vs Ariz..Vs Det..@ Minn, Vs Chi.. Only 1 more road game left. Luck..@Tenn. @ Ariz. Vs Tenn. @ Cinci. Vs Hou. @ Kc
  24. p.man

    Trading Andrew Luck?

    I agree. Luck usually does get his numbers. In a beat down vs the Rams he still edged out Rivers in points. I was thinking of dropping him for Foles, but Foles is off in week 12 and Rivers has to play the Chiefs. Luck is in Ariz week 12. I would trade Luck if I could, but the trade deadline is over.
  25. p.man

    Dwayne Bowe Arrested - Speeding, Possession

    WOW!! Now we know what the topic of this week will be. At least it will take away from the monotonous Dolphins story. Bad news for the Chiefs as they head in to Denver.