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Everything posted by Rattlesnake

  1. Rattlesnake

    Obama's acceptance speech

    He's spelled out his specific ideas throughout this campaign, but tonight he's just laying it all out there again so that the "no substance" argument goes away. Anyone who says that they don't know where he stands is an idiot. If someone disagrees with him, cool.......but enough of the same old crap. How anyone can listen to what this guy has to say and then listen to a dolt like McCain........and like McCain..........well, it just blows my fucking mind. That is all.
  2. Rattlesnake

    Bush will NOT attend GOP convention

    I know.
  3. Rattlesnake

    Biden: "(Palin's) Good Looking"

    Oh, good Lord.......... Obama - a scumbag.
  4. Rattlesnake

    Biden: "(Palin's) Good Looking"

    Nothing's wrong with what he said. He's telling the truth. She's on the ticket because she's every conservative male's wet dream. She's good looking, she's a baby-maker, talks about God a lot (and is one of those hypocritical "Christians", I'm sure, so that's a plus for her), and hunts and fishes.
  5. FDR did what was necessary, particularly after Hoover screwed the pooch. I can understand an argument that says he's not one of the best, but he definitely was not one of the worst.
  6. Rattlesnake

    Why I don't think McCain/Palin will win

    Oh, McCain/Palin have a pretty good chance. They'll appeal to a wide group of people, unfortunately. He's got the POW and military crap to spew and she can talk about guns and God.
  7. Rattlesnake

    Dear God: Please, please, please let there be a hidden

    That would be classic. Of course, nobody seems to care that McCain calls his wife a cunt, or that he's cheated on her, so I'm sure this wouldn't matter, either.
  8. Rattlesnake

    Chad Johnson is an idiot

    Finally, a good post by RP.
  9. Rattlesnake

    Chad Johnson is an idiot

    Considering that I teach AP Psychology and Psychology (college prep), I don't think I would've had Ocho Cinco in class. Something tells me he went with the bare bones curriculum.....
  10. Bush absolutely will go down as one of the bottom five of all-time.
  11. Rattlesnake

    Bush will NOT attend GOP convention

    Bush doesn't care about Louisiana? In other news, Clinton beats Dole.
  12. Rattlesnake

    Obama's acceptance speech

    Says the guy who comes to a fantasy football website looking for rape/force pron videos.......... Obama believes that anyone should be able to see their loved one in the hospital, for example. Does that mean he's "for gay marriage"? He also doesn't believe that it's the government's job to regulate personal choice (and he's right, by the way). Does that mean he's "for 'infanticide'"??? It doesn't get any more stupid than this.
  13. Rattlesnake

    Question for McCain Supporters...

    As I said in the other thread, this is a gutsy pick.....probably a pretty shrewd one. I understand this country's makeup pretty well, unfortunately......which is why I've doubted Obama's ability to win since day 1. McCain-Palin have a pretty wide demographic covered and, let's face it, this chick is every male conservative's wet dream. It's pandering.....but hey, if it works, it works. That's the greatness of American politics. Should be an interesting couple of months.
  14. Rattlesnake

    Palin sounds like a real "winner"

    Palin's an interesting choice. McCain's people (who made this choice, not him) are obviously hoping that picking a good-looking, "religious", NRA-touting conservative will get the job done. It's pandering at its finest, but it could work. Gutsy move. McCain-Palin is an absolute joke, but they've got a nice little demographic combo to pander to the masses.
  15. Rattlesnake

    Question for McCain Supporters...

    Exactly. Instead, they pander to religious groups and NRA freaks who are impressed by things like bearskin rugs.
  16. Rattlesnake

    MSNBC- Breaking News banner yesterday...

    I've been wondering if, after Obama's speech on Thursday night and considering how the Convention went last week, McCain decided that he's going to lose this thing........so he might as well get himself some eye candy for the next 9 weeks. Something tells me that neo-cons eat this broad up, though, and that this remains a tight race until the end. Ignorance is never defeated easily.
  17. Rattlesnake

    Would you bang Sarah Palin?

    I realize that, compared to the likes of Hillary, she's nice-looking for a political figure.........but some of you people are taking all of this a bit too far. She's not THAT hot. And hell, if I were standing next to John McCain, half of you would probably want to bang me.
  18. Rattlesnake

    Obama's acceptance speech

    You just nailed it. Very well-done.
  19. Rattlesnake

    Obama's acceptance speech

    I feel the same about the all of these "evangelical" or "Christian" Republicans. Most of them are going to hell.
  20. Rattlesnake

    Palin sounds like a real "winner"

    This is nothing but pandering........an absolute joke. If McCain wins this election, it will be a dark moment in American history.
  21. Rattlesnake

    Abortion Question...

    Abortion is a terrible thing and has contributed to the lack of responsibility in our society, but it isn't the government's job to regulate it.
  22. Rattlesnake

    Question for McCain Supporters...

    Yep, McCain.
  23. Rattlesnake

    Over/Under on how long it takes for McSame to confuse

    Oh, I'm sure it won't take long before he says something stupid.
  24. Rattlesnake

    McCain - enough already.

    Somebody gets it. Even if people don't like Obama for some reason........ok, fine, I guess.........but how in the world can anyone actually like McCain (as a nominee for POTUS)? It's mind-boggling.
  25. Rattlesnake

    WOW...Hillary supporters are nucking futs

    The fact that people like you don't get Obama makes me feel that much better about supporting him.